Policies & Resolutions

This is an alphabetical index of all active non-degree related policies. Copies can be downloaded in PDF or Word formats. 

Policy and Resolution Information
NumberTitlePDFDOCPolicy Statement Date
21-01Academic Integrity, Policy onPDFDOC01/26/2021
09-08Academic Renewal (Supersedes PS 75-07)PDF09/16/2009
22-13Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment and Review of (Supersedes PS 17-08)PDFDOC05/25/2022
14-04Academic Centers and Institutes (ACI Policy)DOC04/14/2014
14-09Academic Minors08/08/2014
11-10Academic Progress Rules12/15/2011
22-14Academic Warning and Disqualification (Supercedes 09-06)PDFDOC05/25/2022
22-05Accessibility and Faculty Responsibility for the Selection of Instructional Materials (Supercedes PS 08-11)PDFDOC03/04/2022
85-05 Rev.Adding Classes, Deadline for07/07/1992
11-01Additional Baccalaureate Degree (Supersedes PS 71-07)01/05/2011
24-11Advisory Council on Strategic Enrollment Management (ACSEM) ChargePS 24-11 [PDF]PS 24-11 [DOC]05/08/2024
21-11American Studies  Designated as an Independent ProgramPDFDOC05/24/2021
74-22Archaeological and Art Objects, Rules for the Acquisition of09/27/1974
17-17Attendance Policy (Supersedes 01-01)10/17/2017
14-11BA Degree Unit Limits12/01/2014
23-11CEPC ChargeCEPC charge (PDF)CEPC charge (doc)03/30/2023
24-17Certificates and Microcredentials, Policy onPS 24-17 [PDF]PS 24-17 [DOC]07/01/2024
23-21Cinematic Arts, Department of PS 23-21 [PDF]PS 23-21 [DOC]10/27/2023
17-07Class Scheduling (Supersedes PS 99-24)DOC07/24/2017
22-08College Title Change: College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPaCE)PDFDOC04/11/2022
24-07Committee on Athletics ChargePS 24-07 [PDF]PS 24-07 [DOC]03-26-2024
96-18Computing Resources, Access to and Use of É«ÖÐÉ«08/06/1996
19-09Conflict of Interest, Financial, and Nepotism, Policy onPDFDOC06/04/2019
14-05Consensual, Amorous and/or Sexual Relationships Between Employees and Students07/15/2014
81-07Continuing Education Unit, Implementation and Awarding of the03/09/1981
73-03Continuing Education, Concurrent Enrollment in03/04/1974
11-07Course Syllabi and Standard Course Outlines10/10/2011
23-12College Credit for Prior Learning and Instruction in Non Collegiate Settings, Policy onCredit for Prior Learning (PDF) Credit for Prior Learning (doc)04/17/2023
22-24College of Professional & Continuing Education (CPaCE) Advisory Committee Mission StatementCPace Advisory Committee Charge (PDF)CPaCE Advisory Committee Charge (doc)10/14/2022
73-20CR/NC Ruling on English 300 and/or 317, Revision of04/27/1973
80-05Credential Program, Minimum Admissions Criteria for (See current catalog)03/25/1980
87-04Credit by Examination and Substitution or Waiver of Course Requirement06/05/1987
11-02Credit earned as a Senior, Graduate or other Post-Baccalaureate01/05/2011
73-14Cross-listed Interdisciplinary Courses, Transferability of Credit for03/04/1974
24-16°ä³§±«³¢µþ&²Ô²ú²õ±è;µþ±ô±ð²Ô»å±ð»å&²Ô²ú²õ±è;–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;µþ±ð²¹³¦³ó&²Ô²ú²õ±è;·¡¶Ù³Ò·¡&²Ô²ú²õ±è;±Ê°ù´Ç²µ°ù²¹³¾²õPS 24-16 [PDF]PS 24-16 [DOC]06/20/24
06-04Declaration of a Major (Supersedes PS 97-09 and 02-08)06/02/2006
11-06Department Chairs, Policies and Procedures for the Appointment and Review of
Policy Interpretation Memo (PDF)
95-19Departmentalization Procedures12/07/1995
78-07Direct Student Applications (Single Subject Credential) to the Commission Teacher Preparation and Licensing01/24/1978
11-05Discontinuance of Academic Programs05/19/2011
07-03[Discrimination] Policy Promoting Access and Opportunity and Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation06/02/2006
24-08Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, Culture, and Climate Committee PS-24-08 [PDF]PS 24-08 [DOC]04/16/2024
95-18Double Majors, Policy on12/06/1995
91-10Drug Free Schools & Communities Act Amendment 1989, Implementation of Federal10/25/1991
80-11Duplication of Courses and/or Programs, Procedures to Avoid Unnecessary09/20/1980
22-27Earth Science, Department of Department of Earth Science (PDF)Department of Earth Science (DOC)11/14/2022
14-12Education Abroad and Exchange Programs01/15/2015
21-12Educational LeavePDFDOC06/02/2021
17-19Emeritus Faculty: Rights and Privileges12/17/2017
21-03Employment of Graduate Students as Student Assistants, Instructional Student Assistants, Graduate Assistants and Teaching Associates, Policy onPDFDOC01/26/2021
94-04Endowments at É«ÖÐÉ«, Policy for Certain Named05/16/1994
04-07Enrollment Management, Advisory Council onDOC07/28/2004
70-07Ethnic Studies Groups, Exceptions to Curricular Procedures for02/27/1970
71-17Experimental Courses03/26/1971
22-23Export Control PolicyExport Control Policy (PDF)Export Control Policy (DOC)10/25/2022
70-18Extension Programs - Policies for É«ÖÐÉ«PDFDOC05/15/1970
10-10External Evaluation of Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities (Supersedes 86-07)05/19/2010
22-25FACT chargeFACT charge (PDF)FACT charge (DOC)10/26/2022
21-05Faculty Awards, Policy onPDFDOC04/07/2021
85-12Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) & in Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Based Program (PRTB), Proposed Guidelines & Policies for Participants in05/22/1985
14-15Faculty Office Hours04/13/2015
00-07Faculty Professional Responsibility, Policy On02/28/2000
92-07Faculty Teaching Doctoral-Level Courses, Serving on Doctoral Committees or Supervising Doctoral Dissertations11/21/1992
22-02Final Course Grades, Grading Procedures, and Final AssessmentsPDFDOC01/03/2022
19-09Financial Conflict of Interest and Nepotism, Policy onPDFDOC06/04/2019
78-05Foreign Students Visas (International Programs Committee)01/24/1978
73-18Foreign Study ProgramsPDF04/06/1973
94-13Freshmen Enrollment in Upper Division Classes12/21/1994
25-07GE Area-Specific Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs) replaces PS 21-02PS 25-07 [PDF]PS 25-07 [DOCX]02/20/2025
21-02General Education Area-Specific Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs)PDFDOC01/26/2021
22-07General Education Evaluation Committee (GEEC) ChargePDFDOC04/05/2022
22-22General Education Governing Committee (GEGC) ChargePS 22-22 (PDF)PS 22-22 (DOC)10/22/2022
24-20General Education, Policy on  [EFFECTIVE Fall 2025]PS 24-20 [PDF]PS 24-20 [DOC]10/22/2024
25-06Global Studies, Department of PS 25-06 [PDF]PS 25-06 [DOCX]02/20/2025
21-09General Education, Policy on  [becomes obsolete fall 2025]PDFDOC05/13/2021
13-02GPA Requirements, Undergraduate02/15/2013
11-09Grade Appeals Procedure11/02/2011
71-05Grade Points (Determination of)01/15/1971
92-09Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit, Senior Enrollment in10/21/1992
75-12Graduate Degree and Admission, Implementation of Trustee-Approved (Revised)PDFDOC04/04/1975
72-02Graduate Level Courses without Advanced Degree09/24/1971
18-03Graduate Studies 700, Policy onPDFDOC03/13/2018
12-12Graduation Writing Assesment Requirement (GWAR)PDF12/20/2012
08-16Guidelines For The Creation And Operation Of Cross-Border Existing Degree Or International Credit Certificate Programs06/13/2008
23-26Health Care Management, Department ofPS 23-26 [PDF]PS 23-26 [DOC]12/13/2023
97-04Honorary Degrees, Policies and Procedures for the Award of01/13/1997
14-03Honors For Graduate Students03/27/2014
22-10Honors for Undergraduate Students (Supersedes PS 14-08)PDFDOC04/25/2022
77-13Independent Studies Abroad, Policies & Procedures Regarding03/24/1977
08-08Independent Studies Courses (Supersedes APL 76-26 and PS 83-05 and 94-06.)03/03/2008
94-06Independent Studies Courses, Policy on Content of06/09/1994
22-20Institutional and Program Assessment Council (IPAC) ChargeIPAC charge (PDF)IPAC charge (DOC)/03/2022
22-19Institutional Assessment and Program Review, PS 22-19(PDF)PS 22-19 (DOC)10/03/2022
07-05Intellectual Property: Inventions and discoveries, Policy on03/19/2007
72-09Interdisciplinary Programs12/10/1971
98-08International Baccalaureate, Policy on07/15/1998
74-12International Programs Committee, Recommendations of the07/01/1974
21-04International Studies, Departmentalization of PDFDOC03/16/2021
24-21Internships, Policy on, (non-clinical/non-licensure)PS 24-21 [PDF]PS 24-21 [DOC]10/24/2024
94-11Joint Appointments for Faculty Personnel Policy & Procedures12/21/1994
22-06LGBTQIA+ Campus Climate Committee (LGBTQIA+ CCC) Revised chargePDFDOC03/04/2022
14-01Master's Degrees, Requirements forPDFDOC03/27/2014
75-05Miscellaneous Fees Not Exceeding Ten Dollars ($10), Delegation of Authority - Establish, Increase, Decrease, or Abolish01/31/1975
16-01Misconduct in Research & Creative Activity02/18/2016
90-00Mission Statement for CSU, Long Beach06/01/1990
12-05Multisection and Sequential Courses, Coordination of05/10/2012
97-01Name Change for Academic Units (Supersedes PS 87-03 and PS 91-04)01/06/1997
91-05Name Change of Schools to Colleges, Policy on05/13/1991
96-04Native American Burial Remains, Associated and Unassociated Funerary Objects, Sacred Objects, and Other Cultural Patrimony02/28/1996
95-02NCAA Faculty Representative, Selection and Term of Office of04/25/1995
19-09Nepotism and Financial Conflict of Interest, Policy onPDFDOC06/04/2019
72-11Offering Courses Prior to Listing in the General College Bulletin, Policy on12/10/1971

Online and Hybrid Instruction, Policy on

71-06Option and/or Major on Diploma01/15/1971
78-40Personal Privacy, Resolution on11/30/1978
92-11Personal Property on Campus, Care & Protection of12/18/1992
07-09Principles of Shared Community06/02/2006
00-03Protection of Human Subjects01/28/2000
19-06Range Elevation for Lecturer Faculty, Policy on PDFDOC05/16/2019
18-02Reassigned Time for Exceptional Levels of ServicePDFDOC03/13/2018
09-05Repetition of Courses (Supersedes PS-91-08 and 99-17)06/12/2009
23-24Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (Supersedes 09-10)PS 23-24 [PDF]PS 23-24 [DOC]12/05/2023
11-01Requirements For Additional Baccalaureate Degrees01/18/2011
19-03Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity, Policy onPDFDOC03/07/2019
97-10Sabbatical and Difference-In-Pay Leave08/01/1997
86-03Safety Instruction Verification & Agreement, Policy & Procedures for
77-18Scheduling of Classroom Facilities, Priorities for04/28/1977
19-07Selection & Term of Office for É«ÖÐÉ« ACIP Program, Policy on PDFDOC03/21/2019
19-13Service Learning, Policy onPDFDOC11/05/19
00-06Shared Community, Endorsement of É«ÖÐÉ« Principles of02/28/2000
73-26Speakers in Classrooms, Guidelines for Outside05/18/1973
78-08Speech Proficiency Assessment (Credential Candidates)01/24/1978
01-08Strategic Planning, Policy on05/21/2001
78-19Strike Policy for Student Teachers03/27/1978
71-01Student Department Association, Establishment of01/15/1971
17-05Student Evaluation of Teaching / 
PS-17-05 Interpretation Memo 12-13-19 (PDF)
07-01Student Grievance Procedures (Superseded PS 95-21)01/26/2007
14-02Student Load, Maximum and Full03/27/2014
96-19Summer and Winter Session Guidelines08/06/1996
73-04Summer Session, Calendar of Instruction03/04/1974
79-27Summer Sessions Scheduling11/21/1979
02-11Summer Term With Year Round Operation, Policy on Scheduling and Staffing06/11/2002
72-05Supervisory Courses, Unit Limits for Baccalaureate Degree on09/24/1971
11-07Syllabi and Standard Course Outline, Course (Superseded PS 04-05)10/10/2011
10-06Timely Graduation for Undergraduates06/14/2010
95-07Theses and Projects,Definition and Regulations for Graduate06/05/1995
75-15[Thesis] Individual Student Authorship08/04/1975
81-08Thesis Signature Page03/09/1981
79-06TOEFL Score Requirements for Admission03/22/1979
10-08Undergraduate Academic AdvisingPDFDOC03/24/2010
16-04Unmanned Aircraft Systems06/14/2016
79-15 Rev.(University 100) Instruction in Mission, History, and Structure of American Universities as a Condition for Graduation10/17/1989
22-11University Honors Program (Supersedes PS 16-16)PDFDOC04/25/2022
85-15Upper-Division Courses in the Baccalaureate Major, Ten-Year Rule:10/03/1985
22-28Voluntary Reassignment of Tenured / Tenure-Track Faculty Members (Supersedes PS 96-09)Voluntary Reassignment of TT Faculty Members (PDF)Voluntary Reassignment of TT Faculty Members (DOC)12/01/2022
22-01Withdrawals, Policy onPDFDOC01/03/2022