Superseded and Obsolete Degrees
Inactive/Obsolete Degree-related Policies
This is a numerical index of degree-related policies that are inactive, have been superseded, or are obsolete. Most of the policies are available as PDF links below.
Number | Subject | Date | |
04-12 | Master of Science in Mathematics, Option in Mathematics Education for Secondary School Teachers | PS 04-12 Obsolete | 12/06/2004 |
03-15 | Emergency Services Administration, MS in | PS 03-15 Obsolete (PSF) | 09/30/2003 |
03-06 | Bachelor of Arts in Dance, Option in Dance Science | PS 03-06 Obsolete (PDF) | 05/19/2003 |
02-17 | Engineering Management, Master of Science in | 11/14/2002 | |
01-05 | Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP)Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Multiple Subject Credential - Cross Cultural and Academic Development Emphasis (Superseded by 05-13) | 04/26/2001 | |
98-01 | Physical Therapy, Master of | 01/30/1998 | |
97-14 | Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in, Management Information Systems Option, Track in Application Development, Track in Business Telecommunication (Refer to Current Catalog) | 08/01/1997 | |
97-07 | Dance, Master of, Option in Dance Education | 04/14/1997 | |
96-03 | English, BA in Option in Language and Linguistics and Literacy and Composition (Replaced with Option in Rhetoric and Composition - BA in Linguistics) | 02/28/1996 | |
95-11 | Journalism, BA in, Option in Print Journalism | 06/23/1995 | |
94-03 | Computer Science, Minor in (Superseded by PS 04-02) | 03/01/1994 | |
93-12 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling (VRC), Master of Science in Counseling Option in | 11/15/1993 | |
93-11 | Engineering Technology Computer Technology Option, Bachelor of Science in | 11/15/1993 | |
93-10 | Biotechnolgy, Certificate in | 11/15/1993 | |
93-05 | Japanese, B.A. Degree in | 04/26/1993 | |
93-04 | B.S. in Biology, General Biology, Botany, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Physiology, Zoology, Option in | 03/30/1993 | |
93-03 | Peace Studies, Certificate Program in | 03/30/1993 | |
93-02 | Gerontology, M.S. in | 01/27/1993 | |
93-01 | Biology Option in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Genetics, B.S. in Biology. | 01/27/1993 | |
92-06 | Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science in | 06/22/1992 | |
92-05 | Language Development Specialist Certificate Program | 06/08/1992 | |
92-04 | Revision to Master of Science in Health Science (6-1211). Master of Public Health in Community Health Education (7-1213) | 06/08/1992 | |
91-11 | Radiation Therapy, Bachelor of Science in Health Science Option in | 12/10/1991 | |
91-09 | Dance, Master of Fine Arts in | 10/25/1991 | |
91-07 | International Studies, Bachelor of Arts in | 05/13/1991 | |
91-06 | International Business, The School of Business Administration Option in | 05/13/1991 | |
91-01 | Liberal Studies, Bachelor of Arts in | 01/25/1991 | |
90-02 | Russian, Minor in | 02/12/1990 | |
90-01 | Classical Studies, Minor in | 12/15/1989 | |
89-07 | Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts in (Superseded by 98-03) | 10/30/1989 | |
89-04 | Public Works Administration, Master of Public Administration Option in | 04/25/1989 | |
89-03 | Teaching of Reading and Language Arts, Graduate Certificate in the | 05/24/1989 | |
89-02 | Applied Mathematics, Minor in | 04/25/1989 | |
89-01 | Counseling, Master of Science in | 04/14/1989 | |
88-09 | Journalism, BA in, Option in Photojournalism | 12/09/1988 | |
88-08 | Mathematics Option in Mathematics Education, Bachelor of Arts in | 12/07/1988 | |
88-07 | Health Care Administration, Bachelor of Science in | 06/03/1987 | |
88-06 | Computer Science, Master of Science in | 04/30/1987 | |
88-04 | Art Option in Art Photography, Bachelor of Fine Arts in | 05/09/1988 | |
88-03 | Physics General Option, Master of Science in | 05/09/1988 | |
88-02 | Arts Management, Graduate Certificate in | 04/25/1988 | |
87-07 | Speech Communication, MA in, Option in Communication & Human Information Systems | 10/26/1987 | |
87-02 | Linguistics, Minor in | 02/26/1987 | |
86-13 | Biochemistry, Bachelor of Science in | 11/07/1986 | |
86-11 | Master of Art in Public Administration, Option in Urban Affairs | 07/18/1986 | |
86-09 | Law Office Administration, Graduate Certificate Program in | 05/07/1986 | |
86-06 | Leisure Counseling, Graduate Certificate Program in | 04/10/1986 | |
86-02 | Music Degree, Master of | 02/26/1986 | |
86-01 | Theatre Arts General Option, Bachelor Arts in | 10/10/1985 | |
85-18 | Master's Degree Course Levels | 12/03/1985 | |
85-14 | Single Subject Teacher Internship Credential | 05/24/1985 | |
85-13 | Military Science Program -- Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) | 05/31/1985 | |
85-11 | Travel and Tourism, Certificate in Adminstration | 05/06/1985 | |
85-02 | Social Work, Master of | 01/11/1985 | |
84-05 | Transportation Policy and Planning, Graduate Certificate Program in | 10/12/1984 | |
84-04 | Food Service Systems Administration, Certificate Program in | 06/01/1984 | |
84-03 | Public Sector Financial Management, Graduate Certificate in | 06/01/1984 | |
84-02 | Public Sector Financial Management, Graduate Certificate in (Superseded by 84-03) | 05/23/1984 | |
84-01 | Public Sector Employer-Employee Relations and Personnel Management, Graduate Certificate in | 02/09/1984 | |
83-12 | Science in Health Science, Option in Health Care for the Bachelor of | 10/27/1983 | |
83-11 | Computer Science, Bachelor of Science Degree in | 08/22/1983 | |
83-10 | Theatre Arts, Master of Fine Arts in | 07/29/1983 | |
83-09 | Community Health Education, Master of Public Health Degree Option in | 08/10/1983 | |
83-03 | Technical and Professional Writing, Certificate Program in | 03/31/1983 | |
83-02 | Interpersonal and Organizational Communication - Department of Speech Communications, Bachelor of Arts Degree Option in | 03/14/1983 | |
83-01 | Nutritional Science, Master of Science Degree in | 01/07/1983 | |
82-13 | Applied Mathematics, Master of Arts Option in | 10/08/1982 | |
82-08 | Multi-Subject Credential: Emphasis in Bilingual Instruction in Indo-Chinese Languages (Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian) and English (Superseded by 95-10) | 01/29/1982 | |
82-07 | Single-Subject Credential: Emphasis in Bilingual Instruction in the Indochinese Languages (Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Lootian) and English | 06/10/1981 | |
82-06 | Resource Specialist Certificate of Competence | 04/14/1982 | |
82-05 | Spanish Options, Bachelor of Arts in | 04/30/1982 | |
82-04 | Italian, Minor in | 12/18/1981 | |
82-03 | Computer Applications in the Liberal Arts, Certificate in | 04/09/1982 | |
82-02 | Urban Executive Management, Graduate Certificate Program in | 02/10/1982 | |
82-01 | Public Sector Analytical and Administrative Skills, Graduate Certificate Program in | 02/24/1982 | |
81-12 | Vocational Education, Bachelor of Science in | 08/16/1979 | |
81-10 | Public Policy, Interdisciplinary Minor in | 01/10/1981 | |
81-9 | Special Major: M.A./M.S, Revision and Reorganization of | 03/05/1981 | |
81-6 | Outdoor Recreation Resources, Certificate Program in Administration | 02/24/1981 | |
81-05 | Certificate in Japanese | 02/24/1981 | |
81-04 | Outdoor Studies, Certificate Program in | 02/09/1981 | |
81-02 | Cartography, Certificate Program in (Superseded by PS 97-03) | 02/04/1981 | |
80-05 | Credential Program, Minimum Admissions Criteria for (Refer to Current Catalog) | 03/25/1980 | |
80-04 | Special Major, M.S. Degree in (Superseded by 81-09) | 01/17/1980 | |
79-29 | Transportation Management, Certificate in | 11/19/1979 | |
79-26 | Asian Studies for The Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in | 10/05/1979 | |
79-25 | Business Economics, Minor in | 09/05/1979 | |
79-24 | Music, Minor in | 09/05/1979 | |
79-23 | Psychology, Minor in | 08/29/1979 | |
79-22 | Health Care Administration, Certificate Prgram in | 08/29/1979 | |
79-10 | Criminal Justice, Minor in | 03/30/1979 | |
79-4 | Applied Mathematics, Option in | 01/15/1779 | |
79-3 | Zoology, BA Option in (Refer to Current Catalog - Biological Sciences) | 01/15/1979 | |
79-2 | Psychology for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Revisions in the Major in | 01/15/1979 | |
79-1 | Quantitative Methods, Minor in | 01/15/1979 | |
78-41 | Volunteer Services, Certificate Program in Administration of | 12/20/1978 | |
78-39 | Solid Waste Management, Certificate Program in | 11/28/1978 | |
78-38 | Philosophy Statement, Operations and Procedures of the Graduate Program | 07/05/1978 | |
78-37 | Minors for The Undergraduate Bulletin, Change in The Statement About | 06/07/1978 | |
78-35 | Coaching Certificate Program | 06/07/1978 | |
78-34 | Facilities Operations, Certificate in | 06/07/1978 | |
78-33 | Safety Operations, Certificate In | 06/07/1978 | |
78-32 | Governing Certificate, Policy Clarification Requirements | 06/07/1978 | |
78-28 | Business Computer Methods, Option in | 06/05/1978 | |
78-27 | Human Development for The Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in | 06/051978 | |
78-24 | Gerontology, Certificate Program in | 04/17/1978 | |
78-20 | Energy Conversion and Power Systems Engineering, Certificate Program in | 03/27/1978 | |
78-18 | Religious Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in | 03/27/1978 | |
78-16 | Health Science Majors, Credential Program for | 01/27/1978 | |
78-15 | Asian Studies, Changes M.A. Requirements in | 01/26/1978 | |
78-12 | Automotive Supervision and Service, Certificate Program in | 01/26/1978 | |
78-11 | Graphic Arts Supervision, Certificate Program in | 01/26/1978 | |
78-10 | English, New Minors in: Teaching Emphasis, Special Option, Literature, Language and Composition, and Creative Writing | 01/26/1978 | |
78-09 | Professional Accounting Option Requirements | 01/26/1978 | |
78-05 | Health Science Majors (B.S.), Under Single Subject Area of Physical Education Credential Program for | 10/14/1977 | |
78-04 | Computer Science & Mathematics, Option in | 01/23/1978 | |
78-03 | Political Science, Minor in Public Administration in | 01/23/1978 | |
78-02 | Journalism, New Options for B.A. Degree in | 01/23/1978 | |
77-25 | Psychomotor Therapy, Certificate in | 06/29/1977 | |
77-24 | Mathematics-Statistics Option, Bachelor of Arts Degree in | 06/29/1977 | |
77-22 | Therapeutic Recreation, Certificate Program in | 05/09/1977 | |
77-21 | International Business, Graduate Certificate in | 05/03/1977 | |
77-20 | Liberal Studies Program, Completed | 05/03/1977 | |
77-16 | Industrial Technology, External Degree Program Leading to B.S. in | 04/13/1977 | |
77-15 | Nurse Practitioner, Cerfiticate As A | 04/05/1977 | |
77-12 | Instructional Media, Certificate Program in | 03/24/1977 | |
77-10 | Musical Therapy, Certificate Program in | 03/07/1977 | |
77-7 | Dance for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Proposal for Major in | 01/28/1977 | |
77-6 | Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program (Post-Baccalaureate Level), Proposal for | 01/31/1977 | |
77-05 | Teaching English As A Second Language, Proposal for Certificate Program in | 01/14/1977 | |
77-04 | Criminal Justice, Proposed Administrative Option for the B.S. in | 03/02/1977 | |
77-03 | Criminal Justice, Proposed General Option for the B.S. in | 01/03/1977 | |
76-07 | Physiology, Proposal for Minor in | 06/15/1976 | |
76-06 | Biology, Proposal for Minor in | 06/15/1976 | |
76-05 | Manpower Management, Proposal for Minor in (Changed to Human Resources Management) | 06/15/1976 | |
75-24 | American Studies, Minor in | 12/30/1975 | |
75-23 | Women's Studies, Minor in | 12/30/1975 | |
75-22 | Administrative Systems, Minor in | 12/30/1975 | |
75-19 | Nursing, M.S. Degree in | 10/10/1975 | |
75-18 | Religious Studies, Proposal for Minor in | 10/10/1975 | |
75-11 | Speech Test Requirement | 05/20/1975 | |
75-09 | Audiology, Option in | 10/10/1975 | |
75-06 | Art, Specialization in General Crafts for BFA in | 03/1975 | |
75-3 | Public Health, Master of | 01/1975 | |
74-20 | Biomedical Engineering, Option in | 09/19/1974 | |
74-19 | Speech Communication, Bachelor of Arts with Option in Teaching | 09/19/1974 | |
74-18 | Black Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in | 09/19/1974 | |
74-17 | Black Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in (Superseded by PS 74-18) | 07/08/1974 | |
74-16 | [Business Administration] Name Change of Option Title (Option in Quantitative Methods - BS Business Administration) | 07/08/1974 | |
74-15 | Business Administration Department Name Change and Change in Degree Terminology (Option in Adminsitrative Systems - BS Business Administration) | 07/08/1974 | |
74-14 | Criminology Department Name Change and Change in Degree Terminlogy | 07/08/1974 | |
74-13 | American Studies for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in | 07/03/1974 | |
74-11 | Vocational Education, 色中色 Participation in Statewide External Degree Program: Master of Arts in | 1974 | |
74-06 | Comparative Literature for the B.A. Degree, Options for the major in | 03/04/1974 | |
74-05 | Russian, Consortium Bachelor of Arts Degree in | 03/04/1974 | |
74-04 | Fine Arts Degree, Bachelor of | 03/04/1974 | |
74-03 | Comparative Literature, Minor in | 03/04/1974 | |
74-02 | English, Special Option in | 03/04/1974 | |
73-25 | Certificate Programs and Graduate Study (Superseded by 85-08) | 05/15/1973 | |
73-24 | Second Master's Degree | 05/15/1973 | |
73-23 | Degree, Option for Degree. Certicate Program, Credential, or Minor in The Academic Master Plan | 05/15/1973 | |
73-22 | Receipt of Proposals for New Degrees, New Options within Degrees, New Certificate Programs, New Credentials, and New Minors by The Financial Affairs Council, Deadline for (This policy is no longer in effect) | 05/15/1973 | |
73-21 | Degree Terminology, Change in | 04/19/1974 | |
73-18 | Foreign Study Programs | 04/03/1973 | |
73-12 | Greek, Minor in | 03/04/1974 | |
73-9 | Interdisciplinary Courses for General Education, Guidelines for | 10/24/1972 | |
73-9 | Career Guidance Specialist, Certificate Program for | 03/04/1974 | |
73-7 | Master of Public Administration, Change in Degree Title | 03/04/1974 | |
72-13 | Degree Terminology, Procedure for Change in (Superseded by 97-01) | 03/09/1972 | |
72-12 | Credit by Examination (Superseded by 05-07) | 03/10/1972 | |
72-10 | S-Factor Courses (Superseded by 94-06) | 12/01/1971 | |
72-09 | Interdisciplinary Programs | 12/01/1971 | |
72-05 | Baccalaureate Degree on Supervisory Courses, Unit Limits for | 06/11/1971 | |
72-04 | Philosophy on Joint Doctoral Degree, Statement of | 06/01/1971 | |
72-03 | General Education Requirements (Addition to Category II) (Superseded by 00-00) | 06/01/1971 | |
72-02 | Graduate Level Courses Without Advanced Degree | 06/01/1971 | |
72-01 | Graduate Level Courses Not Accepted for Department's Degree Program (This policy is no longer in effect) | 06/01/1971 | |
71-17 | Experimental Courses | 03/08/1971 | |
71-14 | Withdrawals (Superseded by 02-2) | 02/14/1971 | |
71-13 | Receipt of Proposals for New Degrees, New Options Within Degrees, And New Certificate Programs by The Financial Affairs Council, Deadlines for | 02/19/1971 | |
71-12 | Degree or Option for a Degree in the Academic Master Plan (Superseded by 73-23) | 02/19/1971 | |
71-07 | Additional Baccalaureate Degree | 01/06/1971 | |
71-05 | Grade Points | 01/06/1971 | |
71-04 | Double Major (Superseded by 95-18) | 01/06/1971 | |
71-03 | Department Name Change, Procedures for (Superseded by 97-01) | 01/06/1971 | |
71-02 | Center for Urban Studies | 12/19/1970 | |
71-01 | Student Departmental Associations, Establishment of | 12/19/1970 | |
70-26 | Centers for Research and Special Programs, Guidelines for Organization and Operations of (Superseded by 98-10) | 11/06/1970 | |
70-24 | Graduate Program - Philosophy, Operation & Procedures for (Superseded by 78-38) | 06/19/1970 | |
70-23 | Certificate Programs (This policy is obsolete) | 06/19/1970 | |
70-18 | Extension Programs - Policies for 色中色 | 06/08/1970 | |
70-11 | English Requirements for Entering Foreign Graduate Students | 03/17/1970 | |
70-7 | Ethic Studies Groups, Exceptions to Curricular Procedures for | 02/24/1970 | |
70-06 | Experimental Courses for 5-year Credential Candidates, Use of (This policy is no longer in effect) | 02/24/1970 | |
70-02 | Experimental Courses (This policy is no longer in effect) | 01/27/1970 |