Policy Statement - 92-11 Personal Property on Campus, Care & Protection of


It is recognized that University employees routinely keep books, notes, teaching aids, office machinery and other personal property in campus offices, laboratories and other work spaces assigned to them. Often these items are essential to the individuals' professional effectiveness. 色中色 is committed to safeguarding property items housed in its facilities including the personal property of employees. Transferring or removal of property without the owner's consent is prohibited except under extenuating circumstances. 

It is further understood that notification to employees of pending remodeling/construction and major routine maintenance projects affecting offices is necessary so that individuals may remove items or make other arrangements for the care of their personal property. The following procedure is established to ensure that adequate notification is provided: 

In those cases when access to individual offices and work areas is required as a result of a Plant Operations service order requested by a department and not a contract remodeling or construction project, the individual who authorized the service order will be responsible for providing preliminary notice that the work has been requested to those employees who might be affected. It will be the responsibility of the individual who authorized the work to provide this notification to those individuals whose offices or work areas will be affected. 

Plant Operations will notify the individual who requested the project a minimum of one week prior to the work being scheduled as to what needs to be completed by the department in order to be prepared for work. This notification can be verbal or written. In most cases, it will be the department's responsibility to pack up all personal belongings, books, papers, and small equipment that could be damaged and remove items from bookshelves, desk tops, etc. Plant Operations is responsible for draping furniture with dust cloths or taking other protective measures as necessary. 

This notification procedure does not apply to the routine calls Plant Operations receives such as lights out, too hot/cold, outlet not working, etc. 

When contracts are established for remodeling and construction projects which might require the removal of items from offices, Plant Operations will normally notify the department chair or administrative head that the contract has been awarded. Depending on the scope of the construction project, the department chair, administrative head or designated representative will be invited to attend a pre-construction meeting. The pre-construction meeting will include information concerning estimated starting and ending dates for the project. Access to facilities and coordination of the work will also be discussed. It will be decided upon at the pre-construction meeting what the department's responsibility is for preparing the site for work. It will be the attendee's responsibility to provide preliminary and secondary notification information to those individuals whose offices or work areas will be affected. 

Please note that this notification procedure only applies to those construction projects that directly affect an individual area. For those construction projects that affect the majority of the campus community, notification will be on an individual basis with the department chair, administrative head, or designee. 

Upon notification of the death of a University employee, the Director of Public Safety, in coordination with the appropriate dean or administrative head, will make arrangements to secure the office or work area of the deceased in order to safeguard personal property and to conduct an inventory of any State property in the deceased's possession. The dean/administrative head may assign a staff member to assist in this process. It is the department's responsibility to notify next of kin or other appropriate parties as to the need to remove items from campus. There is no space available for long-term storage of personal items of the deceased. 

Effective: Immediately