Policy Statement - 14-04 Academic Centers and Institutes聽(ACI Policy)

Policy Statement
April 14, 2014

Policy on Formation and Review of Academic Centers and Institutes

(This policy statement supersedes PS 92-03, 97-06, and 98-10)

This policy statement was recommended by the Academic Senate on February 6, 2014

and approved by the President on April 1, 2014.


This policy defines the procedures for the formation, reporting, review, and continuation of academic centers and institutes (ACI). 色中色 recognizes the need for the establishment of ancillary units within the University that are characterized by flexible goals that support the strategic academic mission of the institution but that transcend the traditional boundaries defining academic units. These ancillary units serve as a valuable resource for establishing collaborative, integrative and interdisciplinary educational and research programs between separate disciplines and areas of expertise. Their structure allows them to address changing workforce demands, to capitalize on new funding trends, and to provide for the emerging needs of the surrounding community. They are typically established with a specific aim, mission, or function, but, because of their unique organizational structure, may have reporting lines that fall outside or between the purviews of academic units.


2.1 Center. An academic center is ordinarily an ancillary unit within an existing department or college and may be interdisciplinary in scope.  Centers should make a significant contribution to the academic unit(s) of which they are a part. A center furthers scholarly and creative, instructional, and/or service activities in a designated field; however, a center does not offer for-颅-credit instruction. A Center may provide facilities for academic units and may perform public service in furtherance of its mission.

2.2 Institute. An academic institute is a distinct and free-颅-standing ancillary unit which may engage in a wide variety of scholarly and creative, instructional, and/or service activities typically in areas of broad concern; however, an institute does not offer for-颅- credit instruction. Institutes are frequently interdisciplinary and may include personnel from multiple departments, schools, and colleges even beyond campus boundaries. An institute coordinates and promotes faculty and student research and scholarly and creative activities on a continuing basis. The Institute may perform public service, within the limits of its stated objectives.

2.3 Other Defined Terms

2.3.1 Academic Unit: An academic unit is a department, school, or college. In contrast, academic centers or institutes are ancillary units.

2.3.2 ACI: An academic center or institute governed by this policy.

2.3.3 ACI Director: The person who directs the operations of an ACI under the supervision of the Responsible Dean and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director.

2.3.4 ACI Review Committee: The committee that reviews an ACI as part of the Continuation and/or Sunset Review.

2.3.5 Annual Report:  An annual report prepared by the ACI and reviewed by the Responsible Dean.

2.3.6 Annual Review:  The review of an ACI鈥檚 Annual Report.

2.3.7 AVP for RSP:  The Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs.

2.3.8 Continuation Review:  The review of an ACI鈥檚 Request For Continuation.

2.3.9 Establishment Proposal:  The request for establishment of an ACI.

2.3.10 F&A:  Facilities and Administration costs recovered as part of grants and contracts.

2.3.11 Fiscal Year: The ACI鈥檚 fiscal year.

2.3.12 ORSP: The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs.

2.3.13 Request For Continuation:  The request of an ACI to extend its Term.

2.3.14 Request For Reauthorization:  The request of an ACI to extend its Term beyond ten years from the date that it was established (or last reauthorized).

2.3.15 Responsible Dean:  The dean who oversees the establishment and operations of an ACI.

2.3.16 Responsible Department Chair/School Director:  Where applicable, the department chair or school director who, in conjunction with the Responsible Dean, oversees the operations of an ACI.

2.3.17 Sponsor:  The faculty or administration seeking the establishment of an ACI.

2.3.18 Sunset Review:  The review of an ACI鈥檚 Request For Reauthorization.

2.3.19 Term:  The authorized period of existence of an ACI.


3.1 ACIs. ACIs function as organizational entities within one or more academic units to implement scholarly and creative, instructional, and/or service activities that cannot ordinarily be accommodated within existing departmental structures. Any entity that embodies any of the following characteristics must follow the guidelines stated in this policy for its creation, operation, and review:

3.1.1 Entity membership crosses multiple academic units, and its fiscal autonomy and solvency are vital.

3.1.2 The entity鈥檚 organizational structure requires the generation of a reporting line outside of standard University reporting organizational and administrative structure.

3.1.3 The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs return from grants and contracts administered by the entity are distributed among multiple colleges or units.

3.2 Other Centers (Exhibit A).  It is not the intention of this policy to cover all 鈥渃enters.鈥 This policy does not apply to 鈥渃enters鈥 that do not fall under the criteria outlined in Section 3.1 above (i.e., daycare centers, advising and learning centers, computer centers, performing arts centers, etc.). Other entities that wish to use the word 鈥渃enter鈥 in their name must request permission for such use from the appropriate dean and the Provost and provide the information set forth in Exhibit A, as well as any other information required by the Provost. The final determination of whether an entity falls within this policy rests with the Provost. No entity (as opposed to an event such as a conference) may be designated as an 鈥淚nstitute鈥 unless it meets the criteria described in Section 3.1 above and operates under this policy.


4.1 Sponsor.  ACIs shall be established in cooperation between faculty and the administration of the University. An ACI initiated by an external funding agency or donor must be established and governed by this policy. The Sponsor shall complete the documentation specified in Section 4.0.

4.2 Responsible Dean.  The college dean most directly responsible for the operational activities of an ACI shall oversee the establishment of the ACI. In addition, this college dean shall also oversee the operations of the ACI in conjunction with the ACI Director and, when applicable (if set forth in the Establishment Protocol), the Responsible Department Chair/School Director.

4.3 Establishment Proposal.

4.3.1 Since establishment of an ACI reflects one of many prevailing decisions on the use of University resources (including external funding), the Sponsor is encouraged to consult with department chairs, school directors, and dean(s) at an early stage of development. The written proposal requesting establishment of an ACI shall include the information set forth in Exhibit B, as well as any other information required by the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP).  ACIs in existence at the inception of this policy are not required to go through the establishment procedure; however, they are subject to the other provisions of this policy.

4.3.2 Although a Responsible Dean cannot abrogate his or her ultimate responsibility for oversight of an ACI by delegating it to a Responsible Chair/School Director, the Responsible Dean may name a Responsible Department Chair or School Director as part of the formal reporting line to assist in the operational activities of the ACI. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the establishment of a Responsible Department Chair/School Director; the position is optional, depending on the operational needs of a particular center or institute as determined by the Responsible Dean.

4.4 Initial Approval.  The Establishment Proposal shall be submitted by the Sponsor to the Responsible Dean, who will review it and submit the proposal to the Provost, along with his/her recommendations. The Provost, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and the Council of Deans, will make recommendations to the President. The President shall issue a letter establishing the ACI or declining authorization.

4.4.1 The President鈥檚 letter establishing an ACI shall specify the dates covered by the first Fiscal Year.  Such a letter may specify modifications or conditions required for approving the original Establishment Proposal.

4.4.2 An ACI shall report its activities and maintain its books using a June 30 Fiscal Year. An ACI鈥檚 first Fiscal Year normally shall begin on the date of its establishment and end on the following June 30; however, when this will result in a Fiscal Year that is fewer than twelve months, then, at the option of the President, the first Fiscal Year may exceed twelve months. An ACI will be authorized for an initial period (Term) not to exceed five Fiscal Years. In the case of ACIs in existence at the inception of this policy that have remaining Terms that exceed five years from the date of the adoption of this policy, the Provost shall specify a new remaining Term that ends within that five year period.

4.4.3 The ORSP shall maintain a current directory of ACIs (including contact information for the Directors, website addresses, if available, and the purpose of each ACI).


5.1 Activities.

5.1.1 An ACI may be established to provide a supportive infrastructure for research activities complementary to the mission and goals of academic units and the University as a whole. In this case, the ACI is to promote research; facilitate research collaborations; disseminate research findings and results by organizing conferences, meetings and other activities; strengthen graduate and undergraduate education by providing students with non-颅-credit research and training opportunities; provide research and training opportunities to colleagues with accessibility to ACI facilities; and seek extramural support.

5.1.2 An ACI may carry out non-颅-credit instructional activities and services such as University and community service related to the ACI鈥檚 expertise and mission.

5.1.3 An ACI may not offer for-颅-credit courses or degree programs.

5.2 Administration.

5.2.1 An ACI will operate or function under the responsibility of a director (ACI Director), who reports to the Responsible Dean and, if specified in the Establishment Protocol, to a Responsible Department Chair/School Director. See Sections 5.3.1 & 6.0 below. Where the ACI鈥檚 activities transcend two or more departments, schools, or colleges, the relevant department chairs, school directors, and deans, in consultation with the Provost, shall agree on who will act as the Responsible Dean and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director for administrative purposes in coordinating oversight of the ACI with the other dean(s), and, if applicable, other department chair(s) and school directors(s). These reporting lines shall be clearly delineated in the Establishment Protocol.

5.2.2 Each ACI shall establish an advisory board. The advisory board shall advise the ACI Director, the Responsible Dean, and, when applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director regarding the operations of the ACI. The ACI Director shall convene this board at least once a year to review the annual report of the ACI described in Section 6.1 below. The minutes of the advisory board meetings shall be attached to that report.

5.2.3 An ACI is required to have by-颅-laws that outline the manner by which the ACI is governed.

5.3 Financial Accounting and Oversight.

5.3.1 ACI funds must be deposited in appropriate University accounts. To facilitate fiscal management and accounting, ACIs requiring their own fiscal accounts will be issued University accounts consistent with the source of their funding.

5.3.2 ACI Directors are responsible for accessing the University/Research Foundation/49er Foundation accounting system to generate monthly and annual reports on utilization of ACI funds. These reports shall provide required financial documentation for the review reports described in Section 6.0 below.

5.3.3 The Responsible Dean has oversight of the ACI鈥檚 financial activities, which includes compensating the University for any debt incurred through ACI expenditures.

5.3.4 Funds from grants, contracts, and donations shall be monitored by the appropriate University entity (i.e., ORSP, the 色中色 Research Foundation, the 色中色 49er Foundation, etc.).

5.4 F&A Distributions.

5.4.1 A general agreement between sponsoring departments, schools, and colleges regarding the allocation of F&A cost return to the ACI shall be specified at the time that the Establishment Proposal is submitted. That agreement may be renegotiated as needed. The Establishment Proposal must also present guidelines for determining whether a grant/contract is to be run through the accounts of the ACI or the investigator鈥檚 department.

5.4.2 Any specific agreements on F&A cost return for individual Principal Investigators (and Co-颅-Principal Investigators, as appropriate) administering external grants/contracts through the ACI shall be negotiated with the Responsible Dean, ACI Director, and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director prior to the time the proposals are submitted to ORSP for internal clearance. These agreements shall be in writing and included in the documentation for clearance.

5.5 University Policies.  ACIs are required to comply with all applicable University policies in carrying out their functions. ACIs shall also comply with the policies of the granting agency/source.


ACIs are subject to three types of reviews: (i) each ACI is subject to an Annual Review of its operations (Annual Review); (ii) an ACI is reviewed when it seeks to extend its Term (Continuation Review); and (iii) an ACI wishing to extend its Term beyond ten years from the date of its establishment must undergo a review to determine whether the ACI should be reauthorized (Sunset Review). As part of the Continuation and Sunset Reviews, the ACI is reviewed by a committee (ACI Review Committee) established by the Associate Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs (AVP for RSP). The ORSP shall calendar Continuation and Sunset Reviews and, in the September prior to the year in which an ACI is up for a review, notify the ACI and its Responsible Dean of that review.

6.1 Annual Review (Exhibit C).  By October 1 of each year, each ACI Director shall submit a report summarizing the activities and financial condition of the ACI during the past Fiscal Year (Annual Report). The Annual Report must include the information set forth in Exhibit C, as well as any other information required by the ORSP. A copy of the Annual Report shall be sent to Responsible Dean and the AVP for RSP at the ORSP. The ORSP is responsible for the central archiving of ACI Annual Reports, and reporting non-颅-compliance with Section 6.1 to the Provost. Non-颅-compliance with Section 6.1 may result in the termination of the ACI by the President.

6.2 ACI Review Committee.

6.2.1 Each ACI subject to a Continuation or Sunset Review in a given Fiscal Year shall be reviewed by its own ACI Review Committee. The AVP for RSP (or designee) will coordinate the effort to form the required committees and to schedule the convening committee meetings.

6.2.2 The following persons shall serve on an ACI Review Committee: Two faculty members selected by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. One academic dean or other University administrator selected by the AVP for RSP. One ACI Director selected by the AVP for RSP. An ACI Director is not eligible to serve in the academic year that his/her ACI is being reviewed. The AVP for RSP will serve as a non-颅-voting ex-颅-officio member of each ACI Review Committee. The ACI Director may select one person to serve on the ACI Review Committee. This member may be from outside of the University.

6.2.3 As provided in Section 6.3.3, the ACI Review Committee shall review the ACI鈥檚 submission and report the results of its review along with its recommendations to the Responsible Dean and, if applicable, to the Responsible Department Chair/School Director. 

6.3 Continuation Review (Exhibit D).

6.3.1 Any ACI seeking to extend its Term shall submit a request for such an extension (Request for Continuation) by October 1 of the last Fiscal Year of its Term. The Request for Continuation must include the information set forth in Exhibit D, as well as any other information required by the ORSP. In the absence of any action to extend its Term, the ACI it will expire at the end of its Term.

6.3.2 The Request for Continuation shall be submitted through the AVP for RSP to the ACI Review Committee.

6.3.3 The ACI Review Committee shall complete its review of the Request for Continuation by the end of the following February and report the Committee鈥檚 recommendations for continuation or discontinuation to the Responsible Dean with a copy to the ACI Director and, if applicable, to the Responsible Department Chair/School Director. The recommendations should discuss both the positive and negative aspects of the ACI activities. A discussion of the quality of the ACI鈥檚 stewardship should also be included. The ACI Review Committee may interview the ACI Director, advisory board members, associated faculty and staff, the Responsible Dean, and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director. It may also tour the ACI's physical facilities.

6.3.4 In preparing its final report and recommendations, the ACI Review Committee shall consider the following criteria (relative to the Establishment Proposal): The financial stability of the ACI. The progress on ACI goals and multiple objectives. The contribution of the ACI to the University鈥檚 mission. The loss to the University should the ACI discontinue its operations.

6.3.5 Upon review of the Request for Continuation (and the recommendations of the ACI Review Committee), the Responsible Dean shall recommend continuation or discontinuation of the ACI to the Provost, and forward these documents to the Provost. The ACI Director and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/ School Director, shall receive a copy of the Responsible Dean鈥檚 recommendations.

6.3.6 The Provost shall forward the documentation along with his/her recommendations to the President

6.3.7 The President will provide written authorization for continuation or for discontinuation. The President may attach conditions on his/her decision. All review materials shall be centrally archived in the ORSP.

6.3.8 If an ACI is granted continuation, the Term of the ACI will be extended for a period of up to five years before another Continuation or Sunset Review is required.

6.3.9 If, at any time, a Responsible Dean is concerned about an ACI鈥檚 operations, the Responsible Dean, in consultation with the Provost, may notify the ACI鈥檚 Director that the ACI must prepare a Request for Continuation prior to the date specified in Section 6.3.1. For notifications delivered to an ACI by June 30 of a Fiscal Year, the Request For Continuation shall be filed by the following October 1.  Otherwise, the Request For Continuation shall be filed by October 1 of the next Fiscal Year. Such a Request for Continuation shall follow the provisions of Section 6.3.  A copy of the Responsible Dean鈥檚 notification shall be sent to the ORSP.

6.4 Sunset Review (Exhibit E).

6.4.1 The life span of an ACI cannot extend beyond 10 years from the date that it was established (or the date that the ACI was last reauthorized under Section 6.4) without the ACI submitting a formal reauthorization proposal for: (i) continued ACI status, (ii) projection of support funds, and (iii) justification for space in the context of the University's needs and resources at the time (Request for Reauthorization).

6.4.2 As part of the Request for Reauthorization, the ACI must establish a rationale for continuation in terms of scholarly or scientific merit, instructional contribution, service contribution, solvency and campus priorities. The Request for Reauthorization shall include the information set forth in Exhibit E, as well as any other information required by the ORSP.

6.4.3 The Sunset Review process is the same as the Continuation Review process specified in Section 6.3 above.


7.1 Appointment. The initial ACI Director shall be named in the Establishment Proposal. Successor ACI Directors shall be appointed by the Provost, in consultation with the Responsible Dean, ACI faculty and staff, including, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director. ACI directors are appointed as MPP administrators, faculty, staff, or Foundation employees. Search, selection, and appointment procedures appropriate to the designated position must be followed. Directors appointed without faculty designations shall be ineligible to retreat rights in any academic unit.

7.2 Review. After reviewing an ACI鈥檚 Annual Report and as part of the Responsible Dean鈥檚 overview of the operations of an ACI, the dean shall annually review the ACI Director. Where the ACI is affiliated with an academic unit, the Responsible Dean may delegate this responsibility to the Responsible Department Chair/School or Program Director, if one is set forth in the Establishment Protocol.

7.2.1 In reviewing the ACI Director, the Responsible Dean or designee should assess the overall administrative performance of the ACI Director, not only in meeting the stated goals and objectives of the ACI, but also in supporting the overall mission of the University. Special consideration should be given to: (i) fiscal management of the ACI, (ii) the effectiveness of the ACI in making progress on its goals and objectives, (iii) the stewardship and effectiveness of the ACI Director, (iv) the relationship of the ACI and its director with the University and other academic units, (v) the future prospects for continuing success on the forgoing criteria, and (vi) the recommendations of ACI Review Committees received as part of Continuation and Sunset Reviews of the ACI.

7.2.2 If the Responsible Dean believes that there should be a change in the directorship, then the dean shall communicate that recommendation (with his/her justifications) to the Provost, the ACI Academic Advisory Board(s), and the ACI Director. After meeting separately with the ACI Director, the Responsible Dean, and, if applicable, the Responsible Department Chair/School Director, the Provost shall determine whether there should be such a change.


If an ACI wishes to make minor changes in its aim, mission, or scope, then it must first submit a Request for Continuation using the procedures outlined in Section 6.3 above detailing the desired change (including any change in name) along with the reasons for that change. If, as part of the review process, it is determined that the requested change is so substantive that it changes the fundamental nature or original purpose of the ACI, the requested change will be denied, and a new, successor ACI should be established following the procedures outlined in Section 4.0 above.  A transition plan must be included as part of the Establishment Proposal of any such successor ACI.


The exhibits that follow are documents that are part of the policy but that may be modified by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate in consultation with the Provost or designee.



An entity that does not meet the requirements of Section 3.1 of this policy, but wishes to use the word 鈥渃enter鈥 in its name, must provide the following items and substantiating documentation:

The proposed name of the entity.

The purpose of and activities that will be conducted by the entity.

The administrative structure of the entity, including the person who will direct the activities of the entity and the person to whom the entity reports.

The process and frequency for reviewing the operations of the entity and its compliance with University policies and regulations.

The reason why the word 鈥渃enter鈥 needs to be included in the name of the entity rather than a similar word (e.g., group, bureau, station, consortia, etc.).



The written proposal requesting the establishment of an ACI shall include the following items and substantiating documentation:

1. Purpose, mission and goals.

2. By-颅-laws.

3. Statements of the added value and capabilities to be brought by the new ACI and why they cannot be achieved within existing campus academic units.

4. Impact on existing academic programs and units.

5. Nature and scope of activities to be performed, including a target timetable for meeting its goals.

6. Personnel resources (provide the source, status, and qualifications for the following):

a. ACI Director

b. ACI co-颅-directors, members, other affiliated department(s)/college(s)/ division(s)/unit(s)

c. Advisory board (e.g., external and/or internal)

7. Proposed ACI reporting line, i.e. whether the director will report to a department chair or a dean for ACI-颅-related questions and support.

8. Space requirements and fiscal resources (please justify resource needs and anticipated sources of funding with plans and time lines to achieve a level of self-颅- support acceptable to the dean(s) of the jurisdictional college(s) or administrative unit director).

a. Location of the ACI

b. Source

c. Time line

d. Annual budget (with three-颅-year projection)

9. Other resources (please provide current and projected future needs).

a. Faculty resources

b. Equipment requirements

c. Supplies and Consumables

d. Services and Service contracts



The annual report of an ACI shall include the following items and substantiating documentation:

Brief summary of major activities during the past year.

Names, titles, and organizational affiliations of persons serving on the ACI's advisory board.

Minutes of the meetings of the ACI鈥檚 advisory board. A statement on how the recommendations or concerns of the advisory board are being implemented or met (or were implemented or met) should be included.

Names of faculty members actively engaged in the ACI's research and scholarly and creative activities or its supervision.

Names of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows directly contributing to the ACI who are on the ACI鈥檚 payroll, participate through assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships, or are otherwise involved in the ACI鈥檚 work

Extent of student and faculty participation from other CSU campuses or universities.

Extent of participation by industry and non-颅-governmental organizations.

List of scholarly achievements. This list should include: (i) publications developed by the ACI, including books, journal articles, and reports and reprints issued under its own covers, showing author and title; (ii) patents; (iii) performances; (iv) presentations; (v) workshops; and (vi) other scholarly achievements consistent with the ACI鈥檚 mission.

Statement outlining how the research activities of the ACI are consistent with generally accepted tenets of scholarship and standards of academic research (e.g., subject to peer review), and are in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations and with University policies.

Sources and amounts (on an annual basis) of income including grants, contracts, gifts, University support, service agreements, and income from sale of publications and other services.

Expenditures from all sources of support funds, distinguishing use of funds for administrative support, direct research, and other specified uses.

Description and amount of space currently occupied.

Acquisition of equipment or other tangible assets of a permanent or semi-颅-permanent nature with a value in excess of $5,000.

Any other information deemed relevant to documentation of an ACI's achievements.



The request to extend the term of an ACI shall include the following items and substantiating documentation:

A summary of activities of the ACI demonstrating that the ACI is making progress towards or is meeting its mission goals and mandate as stated in its Establishment Proposal.

Any changes requested in the name, aim, mission, or scope of the ACI.

The reasons why the ACI should be continued and any changes permitted.

The number of years that the term of the ACI should be extended (not to exceed 5 years).

Any other information deemed relevant to documentation of an ACI's achievements.

The ACI鈥檚 Annual Reports since the last request to extend the term of the ACI.



The written proposal requesting the reauthorization of an ACI shall include the following items and substantiating documentation:

1.  ACI鈥檚 purpose, mission and goals.

2.  Statements of the added value and capabilities to be brought by the ACI and why they cannot be achieved within existing campus academic units.

3.  ACI鈥檚 impact on existing academic programs and units.

4.  Nature and scope of ACI鈥檚 activities to be performed.

5.  Personnel resources (provide the source, status, and qualifications for the following):

a. ACI Director

b. ACI co-颅-directors, members, other affiliated department(s)/college(s)/ division(s)/unit(s)

c. Advisory board (e.g., external and/or internal)

6.  ACI reporting line, i.e. to what position will the director report for ACI-颅-related questions and support.

7.  Space requirements and fiscal resources (please justify resource needs and anticipated sources of funding with plans and time lines to achieve a level of self-颅- support acceptable to the dean(s) of the jurisdictional college(s) or administrative unit director).

a. Location of the ACI

b. Source

c. Time line

d. Annual budget (with three-颅-year projection)

8.  Other resources (please provide current and projected future needs)

a. Equipment requirements

b. Supplies and Consumables

c. Services and Service contracts

9.  A summary of activities of the ACI demonstrating that the ACI is making progress towards or is meeting its mission goals and mandate as stated in its Establishment Proposal.

10. Any changes requested in the name, aim, mission, or scope of the ACI.

11. The reasons why the ACI should be reauthorized. These reasons should discuss the ACI鈥檚 scholarly or scientific merit, level of self-颅-support, and campus priorities

12. The number of years that the term of the ACI should be extended (not to exceed 5 years).

13. Any other information deemed relevant to documentation of an ACI's achievements.

14. The ACI鈥檚 Annual Reports since the last request to reauthorize the ACI.


(To Be Completed By Applicant)


Type of proposal:

Establishment Proposal for a ___ Center ___ Institute

Annual Review & Report

Request for Continuation

Request for Reauthorization

Name of ACI (or Proposed ACI):

Location of ACI (or Proposed ACI):

Submitted by:

Contact Person:



(For Official Use)

Recommended by:
Review Committee: __Yes__No; Committee Chair鈥檚 Signature/Date:

ACI and Budget decisions

Does the proposed ACI require additional support?

Can existing College budget meet the needs?































College Dean:__Yes__No; Dean鈥檚 Signature/Date:

Provost: __Yes__No; Provost Signature/Date:
Approved by:

President:__Yes __No; President Signature/Date: