Policy Statement - 17-19 Emeritus Faculty: Rights and Privileges


(This policy supersedes Policy Statement 13-01.) 

This policy statement was approved by the Academic Senate on 10/19/2017

and approved by the President on 12/7/17.


1.0         Emeritus Faculty

In recognition of their contributions to the University, all faculty, including lecturers, upon retirement from California State University, Long Beach with 10 years or more of full-time equivalent service are awarded 鈥淓meritus鈥 status at their highest academic rank at retirement. Breaks in service do not disqualify a lecturer from attaining Emeritus status. The President, acting upon the recommendation of the appropriate department, college, or equivalent unit, may also grant Emeritus status to retired faculty, including lecturers.


2.0         Rights of Emeritus Faculty

An Emeritus faculty member shall:

2.1         Receive an Emeritus Faculty Identification Card entitling them to the usual attendant privileges.

2.2         Receive a letter of congratulations from the President of the University.

2.3         Be listed in the university catalog.

2.4         Be granted a university-provided e-mail account and access to the wireless network on campus.

2.5         Be eligible for standard university discounts for College of the Arts and University Athletics public events.

2.6         Be eligible for full faculty library privileges.

2.7         Be eligible for free faculty parking.


3.0         Privileges That May Be Extended To Emeritus Faculty

 An Emeritus faculty member may:

3.1         Be invited to participate in departmental, college, and university social functions.

3.2         Be eligible to serve as a thesis committee member, in accordance with University and department policy.


4.0         Special Privileges That May Be Extended To Emeritus Faculty

Under certain circumstances Emeritus faculty may:

4.1         Be eligible to participate in sponsored research projects subject to appropriate university approval.

4.2         Use office space, if available, and approved by the department chair and the college dean. Office space provided to Emeritus faculty must be renewed annually by the department chair and the college dean.

4.3         Use laboratory space and equipment, if available, for university-sponsored research activity when approved by two-thirds of the tenured/tenure-track faculty of the relevant department(s), with the approval of department chair(s) and the college dean(s).


5.0         University Compliance

Additionally, Emeritus faculty using university offices, laboratory space, and equipment must be appointed as official campus volunteers by their dean.  All campus rules, regulations, and limitations that apply to faculty also apply to Emeritus faculty using offices, laboratory space, and equipment.


EFFECTIVE: Immediately

PS 17-19