Honors for Undergraduate Students
California State University, Long Beach
Policy Statement 22-10
April 25, 2022
Honors for Undergraduate Students
(This policy supersedes PS 14-08, 08-13, 81-03, 98-11 and 77-19. It was recommended by the Academic Senate on April 14, 2022 and approved by the President on April 18, 2022.)
1.1 The following grade-point average (GPA) criteria are used to identify undergraduate students eligible for the honors specified:
Summa Cum Laude: GPA equal to or greater than 3.900,
Magna Cum Laude: GPA equal to or greater than 3.750 but less than 3.900 and Cum Laude: GPA equal to or greater than 3.500 but less than 3.750.
1.2 Undergraduate students may be considered eligible for honors at graduation provided that a minimum of 45 units are earned at California State University, Long Beach. For the first baccalaureate degree, the GPA shall be determined from units earned at ɫɫ plus transferred units. For the second baccalaureate degree, the GPA shall be determined only by courses taken after the first degree was awarded that are also required by the second major. Latin Honors will be noted on the diploma and transcript.
1.3 Master’s, credential, post-baccalaureate certificate, and doctoral students are not eligible for Latin honors.
The University Honors Program is a standalone program that exists to meet the needs of high- performing students who seek an enriched undergraduate program. See University Honors Program Policy, PS 22-11 and the Catalog entry for the University Honors Program. Students who successfully complete the academic requirements of the University Honors Program will be awarded a University Honors Program certificate and medallion. They will also receive the designation “General Honors – University Honors Program” on their transcript.
Departments may develop an honors curriculum in the major. The honors curriculum must contain a minimum of nine additional units. Honors in the Major are noted on the transcript.
Undergraduate students exhibiting outstanding scholastic achievement are honored by being included on the President's List or Dean's List. Such recognition will be noted on the transcript each term.
4.1 President’s List
Students will be placed on the President's List to honor them for academic achievement each semester in which they complete 12 or more graded course units with a semester GPA equal to or greater than 3.750. Students earning fewer than 12 graded course units per semester will be placed on the President's List in the spring semester of the academic year in which they accumulate 12 or more graded course units with an academic year GPA equal to or greater than 3.750.
4.2 Dean's List
Students will be placed on the Dean's List to honor them for academic achievement each semester in which they complete 12 or more graded course units with a semester GPA equal to or greater than 3.500 but less than 3.750. Students earning fewer than 12 graded course units per semester will be placed on the Dean's List in the spring semester of the academic year in which they accumulate 12 or more graded course units with an academic year GPA equal to or greater than 3.500 but less than 3.750.
With the approval of the dean of the college, departments may elect to award departmental honors to their graduates based on GPA and/or other criteria determined by the department. The number of honors awarded by a department shall be limited to three students or five percent of graduates, whichever is larger. Departmental honors will not be noted on the transcript.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately