Policy Statement - 80-05 Credential Program, Minimum Admissions Criteria for聽(See current catalog)

Number:    80-05
March 25, 1980

File: Credential Programs



The following policy statement, recommended by the Academic Senate at its meeting of March 13, 1980 and approved by the President on March 25, 1980, is as follows:

A minimum requirement of 2.75 overall G.P.A. upon admission to all Credential programs.  The 2.75 G.P.A. is also a minimum required for admission to final directed field experiences.

An exception of 12 percent will be allowed for those credential programs that have admission requirements of 3.00 G.P.A. overall: an exception of six percent will be allowed for those credential programs that have an overall G.P.A. for admission at the 2.75 level.  The percentage of exceptions will be based upon the number of students admitted to each credential program during the previous academic year.  Exceptions will be determined by criteria which should include the following:

  1. Those graduate students who have interrupted their schooling for a period of one academic year and since returning have completed at least 15 units with a G.P.A. eligible for admission.
  2. Those students, undergraduate or graduate, who have completed their last 30 units of upper division or graduate work with an overall G.P.A. eligible for admission.
  3. Other:
    1. Verified successful teaching experience 
    2. Verified successful aid experience 
    3. Verified other work with youth 
    4. U.R.E or G.R.E. 
    5. Faculty rating of personal interview with candidate 
    6. Four letters of recommendation (at least two from faculty) 
    7. G.P.A. in major field (with a minimum of 15 units in the major area) 
    8. Any one of the following socio-cultural considerations:
      1. Economically disadvantaged home background (underemployed, unemployed, welfare). 
      2. Non-English or limited-English speaking gas a public school students. 
      3. Attended racially isolated public schools. (Inglewood, Compton) 
      4. Born and raised in a non-English speaking country. 
      5. Has compensating bilingual skills for use in the public schools. 4. In the case of the designated subjects credential, normally students have not established a university-level G.P.A.; therefore, the Dean of the School is authorized to grant additional exceptions for this program. 

Effective: Fall 1980