Superseded and Obsolete Academic Policies

This is an index of policies that have been superseded, are obsolete, or are inactive. Most of the policies are available as PDF links below. 

Suerseded, Obsolete and Inactive Policies
NumberTitlePDFPolicy Date
20-11Advisory Council on Strategic Enrollment Management, Policy Statement on PDF12/14/2020
20-02Policy on Faculty AwardsPDF05/28/2020
19-08GE PolicyPDF05/20/2019
17-18Policy on Employment of Graduate Students as SA, ISA, GA and TA's (Superseded by 21-03)PDF12/17/2017
17-08Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment, and Review of Academic AdministratorsPDF12-17-2017
16-17Policy on CertificatesPDF07/01/2024
16-16University Honors ProgramPDF10/20/2016
14-08Honors for Undergraduate StudentsPDF08/08/2014
13-01Emeritus Policy02/07/2013
12-00 General Education, Policy on PDF02/21/2012
12-02Student Evaluation of Teaching04/26/2012
12-03Final Course Grades, Grading Procedures and Final AssessmentsPDF05/09/2012
12-04Requirements For Masters Degrees5/10/2012
12-06Faculty Awards, Policy onPDF05/14/2012
11-04Faculty Awards, Policy on04/19/2011
11-08Research, Scholarly, and Creative ActivityPDF11/02/2011
10-05Grade Appeal (Superseded by 11-09)PDF06/2/2010
10-11Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity (Superseded by 11-08)PDF05/27/2010
10-12Policy on Program ReviewPDF11/22/2010
09-07Final Course Grades, Grading Procedures and Final Assessments (Superseded by 12-03)PDF07/27/2009
09-06Probation and Disqualification (Superceded by 22-14)PDF07/27/2009
08-17Honors for GraduatesPDF06/30/2008
08-14Policy on Faculty Awards08-14 Obsolete (PDF)04/28/2008
08-12University Honors ProgramPDF04/09/2008
08-11Accessibility and Faculty Responsibility for the Selection of Instructional MaterialsPDF04/08/2008
08-02Cheating and Plagiarism Policy (Superceded by 21-01)PDF01/13/2008
08-00General Education Policy

[Ammended 06/13/2008 (Supersedes by the following policy statements: 71-21, 71-23, 72-03, 72-15, 73-05, 73-09, 75-02, 76-04, 77-29, 78-23, 79-16, 79-20, 79-28, 80-06, 80-06 supplements #1 (1983), #2 (1987), and #3 (1987), 81-11, 81-11 supplement #1 (1982), 81-11 amended (1985), 81-11 amended (1988), 83-04, 83-04 supplements #1 (1985) and #2 (1987), 87-01, 91-00, 91-00 (Rev.) (1994), 96-00, and 98-00]
05-10Policy on Nepotism PDF07/08/2005
05-08Policy on Graduate StudiesPDF07/07/2005
05-07Final Course GradesPDF07/08/2005
05-02Emeritus Faculty and Presidents; Rights and Privileges ofPDF06/06/2005
04-08Student Load MaximumPDF07/28/2004
04-07Advisory Council on Enrollment ManagementPS 04-07 Obsolete (PDF)07/28/2004
04-06Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR)PDF07/28/2004
03-11Academic Technology and Mode of InstructionPDF06-19-03
03-09[Discrimination] Policy Promoting Access and Opportunity and Prohibiting, Harassment, and Retaliation   (Supersedes 98-09)PDF6/19/2003
03-08Faculty Awards, Policy on (Supersedes Academic Procedures AS 719-98/FPPC and AS 716-98/FPPC, current Councils and Committees' Charges and University Practices)PDF06/13/2003
02-18Enrollment Management, Advisory Committee on (Superseded by 04-07)PDF11/4/2002
02-12Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)PDF6/11/2002
02-10Policy on Office HoursPDF06/11/2002
02-09Enrollment Management, Advisory Committee on   (Superseded by 02-18 & 04-07)PDF6/11/2002
02-07Probation and Disqualification, Policy onPDF07/30/2002
02-04Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment and Review of (Supersedes PS 94-02 and PS 90-03)PDF03/18/02
02-02Withdrawal PolicyPDF07/30/2002
01-13Nepotism, Policy on (Superseded by 05-10)PDF6/27/2001
01-01Attendance PolicyPDF1/30/2001
00-11Lecturers, Range Elevation for  (Superseded by 02-03)PDF3/17/2000
00-09Policies and Procedures for the Appointment and Review of Department Chairs (This Policy Statement supersedes 79 -18 and 89-08.)PDF2/29/2000
00-08University Honors Program (Superseded by 08-12)PDF2/28/2000
99-24Class SchedulingPDF11/24/1999
99-22Service Step Increase Policy  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)PDF10/15/1999
99-21Faculty Merit Increase Policy  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)PDF10/1/1999
99-19Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)PDF8/16/1999
99-17Repetition of CoursePDF090/9/1999
99-15Avoidance of Conflict in the Assignment of Course MaterialsPDF09/09/1999
99-14Writing Proficiency of Master's and Doctoral Candidates (Superseded by 04-06)08/09/1999
98-11Undergraduate Honors, Policy onPDF10/26/1998
98-09Discrimination, Including Sexual Harassment, Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedures (Superseded by 03-09)10/15/1998
98-07Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)PDF07/15/1998
98-09Assessment PolicyPDF07/15/1998
98-00General Education Policy (Superseded by 00-00)PDF07/15/1998
97-09Major, Policy on Declaration of (Superseded by 02-08)08/01/1997
97-08Class Scheduling   (Superseded by 99-24)060/9/1997
97-06Units Organized to Promote Research, Service, and Instruction, Policy on (Superseded by 98-10)PDF02/28/1997
97-05Strategic Planning, Proposed Policy on (Superseded by 01-08)PDF02/25/1997
96-22Performance Salary Increases, (Superseded by 99-21, & then the Collective Bargaining Agreement)PDF10/2/1996
96-21Graduate Students as Student Assistants, Graduate Assistants, and Teaching Associates, Employment of (Supersedes 95-03)PDF11/01/1996
96-13Academic Minors   (Superseded by 00-04)06/14/1996
96-12Retention, Tenure and Promotion (superseded by 09-10)07/12/1996
96-11Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)PDF07/12/1996
96-09Voluntary Reassignment of Tenured / Tenure-Track Faculty MembersPS 96-09 Obsolete (PDF)09/30/1996
96-00General Education Policy (Superseded by 00-00)PDF9/30/1996
95-21Student Grievance ProcedurePDF12/15/1995
95-17Performance Salary Increases (Superseded by 96-22, 99-21, then the Collective Bargaining Agreement)PDF11/17/1995
95-09Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)6/5/1995
95-08Intellectual Property Inventions and DiscoveriesPDF06/05/1995
95-06Policies and Procedures for Resolving Graduate Student GrievancesPDF06/05/1995
95-05Sabbatical and Difference-In-Pay Leave Policies, Procedures, and Criteria (Superseded by 97-10)PDF04/23/1995
95-03Graduate Students as Teaching Associates, Employment of (Superseded by 96-21)PDF04/23/1995
95-01Discontinuance of Academic Programs04/21/1995
94-12Writing Proficiency of Master's and Doctoral Candidates (Superseded by 04-06)PDF12/21/1994
94-07Grade Appeal Procedure (Superseded by 99-16)05/24/1994
94-05Sabbatical and Difference-In-Pay Leave Policies, Procedures, and Criteria (Superseded by 95-05 & 97-10)PDF06/09/1994
94-01GPA Requirements, UndergraduatePDF03/01/1994
94-00Protection of Human Subjects: Policies  (Superseded by 00-03)PDF05/16/1994
93-09Sabbatical and Difference-in-Pay Leave Policies, Procedures, and Criteria05/23/1993
93-08Tenured or Probationary Faculty Member, Permanent Reassignment of a05/18/1993
93-06Oral Interviews to Verify Baccalaureate-Level Command of Spoken English for Candidates for Teaching Credentials, Policy on Conducting04/26/1993
92-11Personal Property on Campus, Care and Protection of12/18/1992
92-10Graduate Transfer Units by ExtensionPS 92-10 Obsolete (PDF)10/21/1992
92-09Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit, Senior Enrollment inPS 92-09 Obsolete (PDF)10/21/1992
92-08Graduate Credit Earned As a SeniorPS 92-08 Obsolete (PDF)10/21/1992
92-07Doctoral-Level Courses, Serving on Doctoral Committees, Or Supervising Doctoral Dissertations, Faculty Teaching10/21/1992
92-03Units Organized to Promote Research, Service, and Instruction, Policy on (Superseded by 97-06 & 98-10)06/8/1992
92-02Joint Appointments for Faculty - Personnel Policy and Procedures (Superseded by 94-11)06/8/1992
92-01Summer/Winter Session Guidelines (Superseded by 96-19)01/3/1992
91-10Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Implementation of10/25/1991
91-08Repetition of Course (Superseded by 99-17)06/3/1991
91-05Name Change of Schools to Colleges, Policy on05/13/1991
91-04Academic Units, Name Change Policy for (Superseded by 97-01)05/13/1991
91-03American Dietetic Association (ADA) Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program (AP4)12/18/1990
91-02Research and Creative Activity, Misconduct in2/22/1991
91-00 Rev.General Education Policy (Superseded by 00-00)5/24/1994
90-03Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment, and Review of   (Superseded by 02-04)11/15/1990
90-00Mission Statement for California State University, Long Beach6/1/1990
89-08Department Chairs, Policies and Procedures for the Appointment and Review of (Superseded by 00-09)12/4/1989
89-06Professional Adminsitrative Services Credential08/29/1989
89-05A Smoke-Free Campus Environment, Policy for06/1/1989
88-05Inventions and Patents, Policy on (Superseded by 95-08)08/15/1988
88-01Departmentalization Procedures  (Superseded by 95-19)02/26/1988
87-06Pupil Personnel Services Internship Program05/19/1987
87-04Unit Credit by Examination10/20/1986
87-03Department Name, Change of (Superseded by 97-01)4/30/1987
87-01General Education Courses, Review of (Superseded by 00-00)2/13/1987
86-12 Rev.Unit Credit by Examination, Waiver of Course Requirement, Substitution of Course (Superseded by 87-04)10/10/1986
86-10Permanent Reassignment of a Tenure-Track Faculty Member to Another Department (Superseded by 96-09)5/14/1986
86-08Grade Point Average Requirements, UnderGraduate (Superseded by 94-01)4/25/1986
86-07External Review, Procedures for4/8/1986
86-05 Rev.Grade Appeal Procedure (Superseded by 99-16)10/10/1988
86-04Professional Resume, Policy and Guidelines for The2/27/1986
86-03Safety Instruction Verification and Agreement, Policy and Procedures for2/27/1986
85-19Cheating and Plagiarism (Superseded by PS 08-02)12/13/1985
85-18Master's Degree Course LevelsPDF12/03/1985
85-17 Rev.Personnel Policy and Procedures for Faculty with Joint Appointment (Superseded by 94-11)12/2/1985
85-16 Rev.Grades and Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)8/24/1992
85-15Ten Year Rule: Upper-Division Courses in the Baccalaureate Major10/3/1985
85-12Participants in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) and the Pre-retirement Reduction in Time Base Program (PRTB), Proposed Guidelines and Policies for5/22/1985
85-10 Rev.Employment Beyond Age 70, Certification of Academic Employees to Continue (This policy is obsolete)3/28/1985
85-09 Rev.Meritorious Performance & Professional Promise Award  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)5/29/1990
85-08Certificate Programs4/7/1985
85-07Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Review of (Superseded by 90-03 & 02-04)3/22/1985
85-06Academic Administrators, Policies and Procedures for the Selection and Appointment of (Superseded by 85-07, 90-03, & 02-04)3/22/1985
85-05Deadline for Adding Classes6/29/1992
85-04Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, Revised University Policy for (Superseded by 96-12)1/27/1985
85-03 Rev.Discontinuance of Academic Programs (Superseded by 95-01)10/8/1990
85-01 Rev.Withdrawal Policy (Superseded by 02-02 Revised)6/29/1992
84-06Educational LeavePDF12/07/1984
83-08Reduced Workload Program, Implementation of (This policy is no longer in effect)11/4/1983
83-07Credit/No Credit for Graduate Studies (Superseded by 05-07)7/18/1983
83-06Graduate Theses and Projects, Definition and Regulations for (Superseded by 95-07)6/8/1983
83-05Independent Studies Courses, Policy on Content of (Superseded by 94-06)5/12/1983
83-04General Education Course Content Criteria (Superseded by 00-00)4/14/1983
82-12Class Scheduling, Regulations for  (Superseded by PS 97-08 & 99-24)9/13/1982
82-11Thesis Title Page6/8/1982
82-10Departmental Graduate Student Honors10/2/1981
82-9University Scholars Program  (Superseded by 00-08)6/1/1982
81-11General Education - Breadth Requirements (Superseded by 00-00)6/4/1981
81-8Thesis Signature Page2/24/1981
81-7Continuing Education Unit, Implementation and Awarding of the2/24/1981
81-03President's and the Dean's List, Criteria for the (Superseded by 98-11)2/9/1981
81-01 Rev.Academic Employees to Continue Employment Beyond Mandatory Retirement Age, Certification of  (Superseded by 85-10)10/24/1983
80-13 Rev.Flexible Faculty Workload (This policy is obsolete)10/24/1983
80-12 Rev.Departmentalization Procedures  (Superseded by 5-19)10/24/1983
80-11Duplication of Courses and/or Programs, Procedures to Avoid Unnecessary9/20/1980
80-10Graduate Writing Proficiency Test (Superseded by 04-06)10/29/1980
80-9 Rev.Repetition of Courses (Superseded by 99-17)12/7/1984
80-8Grading Procedures Information (Superseded by 05-07)7/28/1980
80-7Consulting by Members of California State University, Long Beach Faculty, Academically-Related Personnel and Academic Administration, Policy on  (Superseded by PS 98-07)7/1/1980
80-6 Sup 3Interdisciplinary Courses: Upper Division Status Prerequisite (Superseded by 00-00)PDF4/30/1983
80-06 Sup 2Interdisciplinary Courses: English 100 Prerequisite (Superseded by 00-00)PDF4/30/1983
80-06Interdisciplinary Courses: Criteria Statement  (Superseded by 00-00)6/8/1983
80-03 Rev.Request for Change in Employment Status  (This policy is obsolete)11/15/1983
80-02 Rev.Incomplete, Revision of Assignment of Grade of (Superseded by 05-07)11/29/1979
80-01Student Evaluation, Policies Regarding1/2/1980
79-28General Education Course List Appeal Procedure  (Superseded by 00-00)PDF12/21/1979
79-27Summer Sessions Scheduling11/21/1979
79-21 Rev.Academic Administrators, Appointment and Review of (Superseded by 90-03 & 02-04)11/29/1979
79-20General Education Courses, Criteria for (Superseded by 00-00)8/14/1979
79-19 Rev.Reappointment and Advancement Policy  (Superseded by PS 85-04 & 96-12)7/20/1979
79-18 Rev.Department Chairpersons, Appointment of Bargaining Unit  (Superseded by 00-09)11/4/1983
79-17 Rev.Grade Appeal Procedure  (Superseded by 99-16)7/2/1979
79-16General Education Requirement, Upper-Division Interdisciplinary Coursework as   (Superseded by 00-00)6/25/1979
79-15American Universities As a Condition for Graduation (University 100), Instruction in the Mission, History, and Structure of6/29/1979
79-14Graduate Credit Earned as Second Semester Senior, and Senior Enrollment in Graduate Courses for UnderGraduate Credit  (Superseded by 92-08 & 92-09)6/26/1979
79-13Layoff, Campus Procedures for Staff and Administrative Employees  (Superseded by pertinent articles in Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 MOUs)6/25/1979
79-12Repetition of Courses  (Superseded by 80-09)5/8/1979
79-11Writing Proficiency   (Superseded by 04-06)3/30/1979
79-09Layoff, Campus Procedures for Academic Employees (Supplement to FSA 78-78, "Procedures for Layoff")  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)3/23/1979
79-08Multi-Section and Sequential Courses, Choice of Textbooks and Faculty Responsibility on3/23/1979
79-07Withdrawal Policy  (Superseded by 85-01)3/22/1979
79-06TOEFL Score Requirements for Adminssion4/3/1979
79-05Severe Language Handicapped/Aphasic Pupils, Special Class Authorization for1/25/1979
78-40Personal Privacy, Resolution on11/30/1978
78-38Statement on Philosophy Operations and Procedures of the Graduate ProgramPDF05/14/1978
78-37Minors for the Undergraduate Bulletin, Change in the Statement About  (Superseded by PS 00-04)6/7/1978
78-36Student Grade Record Procedures, Change in (superseded by PS 85-16)6/7/1978
78-32Governing Certificate Requirements, Policy Clarification (Superseded by 85-08)6/7/1978
78-31Medical Examination Policy for Academic Employees  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)6/6/1978
78-30Teaching Assignment Policy  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)6/6/1978
78-29Human Resources Management, Change in Title6/5/1978
78-26Personal Privacy, Policy on (Superseded by 78-40)5/26/1978
78-25 Rev.Grading Procedures (Superseded by 05-07)4/24/1978
78-23General Education, Policy on   (Superseded by 00-00)4/10/1978
78-22 Rev.Repetition of Courses, Policy on  (Superseded by 99-17)3/27/1978
78-21Repeatable Courses, Policy on   (Superseded by 99-17)3/27/1978
78-19Student Teachers, Strike Policy for3/27/1978
78-17 Rev.Academic Administrators and Department Chairs, Appointment of (Superseded by 00-09)10/12/1978
78-14Return of Examinations to Students  (Superseded by 05-07)1/26/1978
78-13Change in Residence Requirements  (Please refer to the current catalog)1/26/1978
78-08Speech Proficiency Assessment (Credential Candidates)1/24/1978
78-07Teacher Preparation and Licensing, Direct Student Applications (Single Subject Credential) to The1/24/1978
78-06National Teacher Examinations1/24/1978
78-06NTE Examinations10/14/1977
78-05Cheating and Plagiarism1/14/1977
78-04Direct Student Applications (Single Subject Credential)10/14/1977
78-3Speech Assessment10/14/1977
78-02Incomplete Grade7/6/1977
78-01Clinical-Rehabilitative Services Credentials, Catalog Statement1/23/1978
78-1Foreign Student Visas6/13/1977
77-29General Education Category IV, Change (Superseded by 00-00)11/30/1977
77-28 Rev.Personnel Policies (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)11/29/1977
77-27 Rev.Incomplete, Grade, Changes in the Policy and Procedure fo Assignment of "I"  (Superseded by 05-07)7/13/1977
77-26 Rev.Personnel Policies (Superseded by 77-28)7/7/1977
77-23New Grade Definitions6/10/1977
77-19Graduation with Honors  (Superseded by 98-11)4/25/1977
77-18Classroom Facilities, Priorities for Scheduling of4/28/1977
77-17Sabbatical Leave Policies, Procedures, and Criteria4/28/1977
77-14Cheating and Plagiarism, Policy on (Superseded by PS 85-19)3/24/1977
77-13Independent Studies Abroad, Policies and Procedures Regarding3/24/1977
77-11Probationary Faculty Reappointments  (This policy is no longer in effect)3/10/1977
77-11New Grade Definitions (Superseded by 05-07)5/25/1977
77-10Graduation with Honors4/25/1977
77-09Graduate Student Grievances, Policies and Procedures for3/2/1977
77-9Scheduling of Classroom Facilities, Policy for Priorities4/14/1977
77-8Extended Sick Leave, Return to Duty After An2/8/1977
77-8Sabbatical Leave, Policies, Procedures, and Criteria for (Superseded by 97-10)4/25/1977
77-7Indepedent Studies Abroad, Policies and Procedures Regarding3/17/1977
77-6Delegation of Authority Re: First and Second Year Reappointments3/4/1977
77-4Graduate Student Grievances, Policies and Procedures for (Superseded by 95-06)2/7/1977
77-3Return to Duty After Extended Sick Leave (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)2/4/1977
77-2CLEP Exams1/6/1977
77-2College Level Examination Program Exam (CLEP) (This has been superseded by Executive Order 365 and the 1993 addendum)12/19/1976
77-1"Local Timesharing System", The Recommended Policy on the (This policy is obsolete)1/25/1977
77-1Written Reports, Elimination of the Term "Project" When Referring to11/17/1976
76-9[Student Theses] Elimination of the Term "Project" When Referring to Written Reports (Superseded by 95-07)11/23/1976
76-8General Education Categories I - IV, Exclusion of Courses from5/3/1976
76-8Graduate Student Grievances, Policies and Procedures for  (Superseded by 77-09)8/16/1976
76-7Teaching Service Areas, Policies Concerning4/12/1976
76-6Computer Assisted Registration4/7/1976
76-5Program Cards, Instructor's Signature on Change of3/18/1976
76-4General Education Categories I-IV, Proposal for Exclusion of Courses From5/28/1976
76-4Graduate Bulletin Statement Re: GS700 (Amended)12/11/1975
76-3Teaching Service Areas, Policies Concerning4/26/1976
76-3Graduate Bulletin Statement Re: GS7006/13/1975
76-2Computer Assisted Registration4/23/1976
76-2Individual Student Authorship6/10/1975
76-1Program Cards, Instructor's Signature on Change of3/30/1976
76-1Thesis Committee Approval Page6/10/1975
75-25Graduate Council Policy Statement AS (GC) 76-3: GS700  (Superseded by 05-08)12/30/1975
75-21Reappointment and Advancement Document, Amendment to 色中色 (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)11/3/1975
75-20Consultation Committees, Guidelines for  (Superseded by 02-04)10/24/1975
75-17Graduate Bulletin Statement Re: GS7008/4/1975
75-16Thesis Committee Approval Page8/4/1975
75-15Individual Student Authorship8/4/1975
75-14Speech Test Requirements6/1/1975
75-13Comprehensive Examination and Thesis Policy5/1/1975
75-12Trustee-Approved Graduate Degree and Admissions Requirements, Implementation of (Revised)5/1/1975
75-11Credit/No Credit for Graduate Studies  (Superseded by 05-07)5/23/1975
75-10Maximum Student Load3/1/1975
75-10Comprehensive Examination/Thesis Policy4/17/1975
75-9Trustee-Approved Graduate Degree and Admissions Requirements, Implementation of4/15/1975
75-8Repetition of Courses, Catalog Copy for4/1/1975
75-8CR/NC for Graduate Students4/9/1975
75-7Academic Renewal (superseded by PS 09-08)3/1/1975
75-7Student Load3/5/1975
75-6Maximum Student Load3/5/1975
75-5Delegation of Authority - Establish, Increase, Decrease, or Abolish Miscellaneous Fees Not Exceeding Ten Dollars ($10)1/31/1975
75-5Academic Renewal3/5/1975
75-4Nonresidental Tuition - Designation of Residence Determination Dates, Fall 1975 and Thereafter  (Superseded by Executive Order 706)1/31/1975
75-4Repetition of Courses2/26/1975
75-3Adding Classes, Deadline for12/9/1974
75-2General Education Requirements Category VI, Change in10/15/1974
75-1General Education Requirements, Addition of Sentence to Category VI1/1/1975
75-1Courses to be Offered CR/NC Only or ABCDF Only, University Guidelines for5/28/1974
74-22Rules for the Acquisition of Archaelogical and Art Objects9/27/1974
74-21Grade Appeals System  (Superseded by 99-16)9/25/1974
74-12International Programs Committee, Recommendations of the7/1/1974
74-09Cheating and Plagiarism, Policy on (Superseded by 85-19)5/31/1974
74-08Masters Degree, Registration for   (Superseded by 05-08)4/17/1974
74-7Study Tours, Policies and Procedures for3/4/1974
74-1Smoking  (Superseded by 89-05)3/4/1974
73-27Withdrawal Policy  (Superseded by 02-02)5/15/1973
73-26Outside Speakers in Classrooms, Guidelines for5/15/1973
73-24Second Master's DegreePDF5/18/1973
73-23Degree, Option for a Degree, Certificate Program, Credential, or Minor in the Academic Master PlanPDF5/18/1973
73-20English 300 and/or 317, Revision of CR/NC Ruling on4/19/1973
73-19Thesis/Project Committee and Grading Practices, Structure of   (Superseded by 95-07)4/19/1973
73-17Extension and Transfer Credit  (Superseded by 92-10)3/9/1973
73-16Rules for Acquisition of Archaeological and Art Objects (Superseded by 74-22)2/23/1973
73-15CR/CN Grading Only and ABCDF Grading Only, Interim Policy (Academic Year 1973-74) -- Offering of Courses with   (This policy in no longer in effect)3/4/1974
73-15Policy on Non-Traditional Grading1/15/1973
73-14General Education11/15/1972
73-14Cross-Listed Interdisciplinary Courses, Transferability of Credit for3/4/1974
73-13Graduate Student Grievances and Grade Appeals, Policies and Procedures for Implementation of10/24/1972
73-12Graduate Credit in Senior Year10/24/1972
73-11Determinatino of Grading/ Grading, Non-traditional, Interpretation of 4.b in Policy  (Superseded by 05-07)3/4/1974
73-10Graduate Center, Establishment of a   (The Graduate Center no longer exists)3/4/1974
73-8Add Classes, Extension of Period During which Students May (Superseded by 85-05)3/4/1974
73-8Grade Appeals System10/24/1972
73-7Graduate Faculties, Procedures for Establishment of10/24/1972
73-6Repeatable Courses, Unit Limits for (Superseded by 99-17)3/4/1974
73-6Assignments, Teaching5/30/1972
73-5Weekend College, Guidelines for6/12/1972
73-4Summer Session, Calendar of Instruction3/4/1974
73-3Continuing Education, Concurrent Enrollment in3/4/1974
73-2Extension and Military Credit  (Superseded by 84-06)3/4/1974
73-2Educational Leave PolicyPDFN/A
73-1General Education, Policy for the Categorization of Courses under   (Superseded by 00-00)3/4/1974
73-1University Studies, Acceleration of5/18/1972
72-18Graduation with Honors  (Superseded by 98-11)5/12/1972
72-17Department Chairman Positions, Use of   (This policy is no longer in effect)4/12/1972
72-16Special Programs, Curriculum Procedures for   (This policy is no longer in effect)4/20/1972
72-15[General Education] Limitations on Units in One Department or Area (Superseded by 00-00)3/27/1972
72-14College Level Examination Program  (Superseded by Executive Order 365)3/22/1972
72-11Policy on Offering Courses Prior to Listing in The General College Bulletin12/1/1971
72-8Graduate Students, Restrictions on Admission of (This policy is no longer in effect)11/18/1971
72-7Graduate Student Appeals  (Superseded by 95-06)6/21/1971
72-6Student's Permanent Record, i.e. Transcripts, Disciplinary Record on   (This policy is no longer in effect)6/21/1971
71-24Student Evaluation of FacultyPDF05/21/1971
71-23General Education Requirements (Revision)  (Superseded by 00-00)5/13/1971
71-22Student Load  (Superseded by 04-08)4/6/1971
71-21General Education Requirements (Revision)  (Superseded by 00-00)4/6/1971
71-20Summer Sessions, Scheduling for (Superseded by 79-27)3/8/1971
71-19Handbook for Part-time facultyPDF03/26/1971
71-18Office Hours for Part-Time Faculty  (Superseded by 02-10)3/8/1971
71-16Student Assistants, Budget Performance Unit Review of Performance and Capabilities of   (This policy is no longer in effect)3/8/1971
71-15Student Assistant Pay Rate Levels for Cost of Living Increase, Automatic Adjustment of   (This policy is no longer in effect)3/8/1971
71-11Grades (Re: Incompletes)  (Superseded by 05-07)2/19/1971
71-10Assignments and Schedules, Faculty  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)2/19/1971
71-9Campus Facilities, Procedures for Scheduling of   (This policy is obsolete)2/10/1971
71-8Bearing Arms, Campus Policy (This policy is no longer in effect)1/6/1971
70-25Graduate Student Withdrawl for Military ServicePDF9/25/1970
70-22Budgetary Support for New Organizational Entity  (This policy is obsolete)6/22/1970
70-21Budget Allocation Policy--Instructional  (This policy is obsolete)6/22/1970
70-20Appointment Procedures, Part-Time Faculty  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)6/22/1970
70-19Procurement and Control of Television Equipment PDF06/05/1970
70-17Sabbatical Leaves  (Superseded by 97-10)6/8/1970
70-16Salary Increase Following Leave without Pay  (Please refer to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement)5/5/1970
70-15Solicitation by FacultyPDF05/15/1970
70-14[Finals] Dead Week and the 2-Day Study Period (This policy is no longer in effect)5/1/1970
70-12Plan for Organization of ADP and Information Systems, 色中色  (This policy is obsolete)4/10/1970
70-11English Requirements for Entering Foreign Graduate Students (Superseded by12-04)PDF04/24/1970
70-10Hiring and Payment of Student Assistants  (This policy is obsolete)3/17/1970
70-9Emeritus Faculty and Presidents, Rights and Privileges of   (Superseded by 05-02)2/24/1970
70-8Office Hours, Faculty  (Superseded by PS 02-10)2/24/1970
70-5Released Time for Faculty Research and Creative Activity   (This policy is no longer in effect)2/24/1970
70-4Student Assistant Pay Rate Levels  (This policy is no longer in effect)2/24/1970
70-3Consultative Committees, Procedural Guidelines for (In. in Section 5.331,5.000 document)  (Superseded by 02-04)1/26/1970
70-1Department Chair, AD HOC Commi. to Select (Included in Sec. 5.451, Doc. 5.000) (This is superseded by 00-09)1/26/1970

Attendance Policy