Policy Statement - 94-11 Joint Appointments for Faculty Personnel Policy & Procedures
This policy supersedes Policy Statement 85-17 and 92-02.
A. A joint appointment confers faculty status in more than one academic unit, which may ultimately lead to the granting of tenure in more than one academic unit, hereafter referred to as a department. The departments involved in a joint appointment may be in more than one school or college.
B. "Administratively responsible department" refers to the primary or "home" department of a faculty unit employee holding a joint appointment. A temporary shift in the distribution of work load between departments is not grounds for reassigning the faculty unit employee to another administratively responsible department.
C. The terms Full-time Faculty Unit Employee, Probationary Faculty Unit Employee, and Tenured Faculty Unit Employee, as used in the Memorandum of Understanding and Faculty Handbook, apply equally to joint appointments and to appointments to a single academic department, with the added considerations outlined in I.D. below.
D. A full-time faculty unit employee on a joint appointment is not to be considered a part-time faculty unit employee in each department involved because of the assignment of a partial workload in each relevant department, but rather shall be considered a full-time faculty unit employee by all academic departments.
A. Academic units which wish to recruit faculty for joint appointment between two or more units shall do so using the same procedures for requesting authorization to recruit on the tenure- track as units requesting such authorization for regular faculty appointments.
B. The search process shall also conform to existing University policies and procedures governing faculty recruitment with these additional requirements in the case of joint appointments.
1. The Search Committee shall be composed of an equal number of faculty representatives from each of the units within which the joint appointment will be made.
2. Recommendations of candidate(s) for joint appointment from the Search Committee shall be accompanied by a recommendation regarding the academic unit which will serve as the administratively responsible department for the joint appointee and the proportion of the appointee's position to be assigned to each academic unit.
3. The pertinent dean or deans shall make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding the administratively responsible department after appropriate consultation with the affected academic units.
A. Any member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty at this university who wishes to alter his or her appointment to become a joint appointee with another academic unit or units shall request such appointment in the following way:
1. A memorandum requesting the joint appointment shall be sent to the dean(s) of the affected school or college(s). This memorandum shall contain a description of the individual's academic qualifications for such an appointment, a statement detailing the role of the prospective joint appointee in the educational and professional program(s) to which they will be assigned, and a recommendation regarding the proportion of their position to be assigned to each academic unit and the unit which will serve as their administratively responsible department.
2. The dean(s) shall forward this memorandum to the pertinent academic units, including the unit in which the prospective joint appointee currently holds appointment, for the consideration of their respective tenured faculties and chairs.
3. Within thirty working days of receipt of the above memorandum, each academic unit being consulted shall forward a recommendation on the request for joint appointment to the dean(s). Any recommendation forwarded from a department must have the approval of a majority of the votes cast by the tenured faculty in a secret ballot. This recommendation, if positive, shall include a recommendation regarding the academic unit which will serve as the administratively responsible department for the joint appointee and the proportion of the appointee's position to be assigned to each academic unit.
4. After receiving the recommendations, and following consultation with the pertinent academic units, the dean(s) shall forward their recommendation(s) and those of the faculty within thirty working days to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final decision.
A. In addition to the material included in letters of faculty appointment under existing University and California State University system policies, the following shall be inserted into the letters of faculty appointment given to joint appointees:
1. The proportion of the appointee's position assigned to each academic unit shall be specified.
2. The administratively responsible department shall be specified.
3. The appointee shall be provided with the Retention, Tenure, and Promotion policies of each academic unit and school or college within which he or she holds appointment.
4. The appointee shall be informed that the proportion of his or her teaching assignment carried on in his or her respective academic units may vary from semester to semester within the limits of his or her appointment.
5. The appointee shall be informed of the right to participate fully as a member of the faculty in each of the academic units in which the appointment is held. However, the joint appointee may vote in only one unit in school-wide, college-wide, or university-wide elections.
A. Faculty receiving joint appointments shall receive all of the professional benefits accorded to other members of the faculty. In addition, the following considerations apply:
1. The chair of the administratively responsible department shall be responsible for coordinating and administering the scheduled workload for the joint appointee as well as arranging for his or her office accommodations and clerical support. The sources for such accommodation and support shall be determined in consultation with the other pertinent academic unit(s) and the dean(s).
2. The participation of jointly appointed faculty in the faculty governance processes within their respective academic units and schools or colleges is encouraged. However, joint appointees should discuss the nature and extent of their participation with the chairs of their respective academic units and the appropriate dean(s). A balance should be sought which will not impose more demands for service on joint appointees than falls upon regularly appointed faculty of equivalent rank and tenure status.
A. There shall be established one department-level peer review for the purpose of evaluating a jointly appointed faculty member for periodic evaluations and performance reviews for retention, tenure, and promotion.
1. The committee shall consist of members selected from among the peer review committees of the departments within which the candidate holds a joint appointment.
2. As closely as possible, each department shall be represented on the committee in equal proportion to the proportion of the appointee's position assigned to each academic unit.
B. If a joint appointment involves two or more Colleges, for retention, tenure , and promotion evaluation purposes, a joint College-level peer review committee shall be established.
1. The committee shall consist of members selected from among the peer review committees of the Colleges within which the candidate holds a joint appointment.
2. As closely as possible, each College shall be represented on the committee in equal proportion to the proportion of the appointee's position assigned to each College.
C. For any term in which a jointly appointed faculty member is to be evaluated, the joint committees shall be convened as early as possible to coordinate dates, and establish criteria consistent with University policies and the terms of the candidate's appointment, and to communicate these to the faculty member in a timely manner. The criteria for evaluating a jointly-appointed faculty member shall be consistent with those used for comparable evaluations of faculty members appointed to a single department.
D. The Department and College-level committee recommendations shall be forwarded to the Dean of the administratively responsible College, who shall write a recommendation after consultation with the Dean of the other College involved.
A. Any member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty at this university who was appointed to a joint appointment in two or more academic units without prior membership in any of them may subsequently request a full-time appointment in one of those units. Such an appointment shall be requested in the following way:
1. A memorandum requesting the appointment shall be sent to the dean of the affected school or college. This memorandum shall contain a description of the individuals academic qualifications for such an appointment along with a statement detailing the role of the prospective appointee in the educational and professional program to which they will be assigned.
2. The dean shall forward this memorandum to the pertinent academic unit, including the units in which the prospective appointee currently holds a joint appointment, for the consideration of their respective tenured faculties.
3. Within thirty working days of receipt of the above memorandum, the academic units being consulted shall forward a recommendation on the request to the dean(s). Any recommendation forwarded from the department must have the approval of a majority of the votes cast by the tenured faculty in a secret ballot.
4. After receiving their recommendations, and following consultation with the pertinent academic units, the dean(s) shall forward their recommendation(s) and those of the faculty within thirty working days to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final decision.
B. A faculty member who held a full-time tenured or probationary appointment in a single department prior to being given a joint appointment between that department and another department may request and be granted a full-time appointment in his or her original department by the above procedure but may be appointed fully to the other department only by the procedure for permanent reassignment of faculty.
Effective: Immediately