Policy on Educational Leave
California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement
PS: 21-12
June 2, 2021
Policy on Educational Leave
(This policy statement supersedes PS 84-06 and 73-2.)
This policy was recommended by the Academic Senate on May 13, 2021 and approved by the President on May 24, 2021.
Any registered student, undergraduate or post-baccalaureate, that has earned at least 1 unit as a É«ÖÐÉ« matriculated student in their current program may request an Educational Leave. The student requesting an Educational Leave shall complete an Educational Leave Form, in advance (up to the last day of the semester prior to leave semester), including an explanation of their reasons for seeking the leave and a statement of when they intend to resume academic work. In some cases, requests submitted after the deadline will be accepted through the last day of the requested semester. Requests from undergraduates (or proxy, e.g. the Dean of Students) will be routed directly to Enrollment Services. Requests from post-baccalaureate students (or proxy, e.g. the Dean of Students) will be routed to the student’s program or graduate advisor prior to going to Enrollment Services.
Students may apply for an educational leave of one or two semesters. Prior to the expiration of a current leave, a student may request in writing a one semester extension, without applying for an additional leave. The total number of semesters of educational leaves shall not extend beyond four full semesters per degree or credential program.
Post-baccalaureate students who plan to enroll for credit at another institution of higher education during the leave period must obtain prior approval for the transfer of course credit to the student's program from the department graduate advisor, department/school chair/director.
The period of an educational leave is counted in the calculation of elapsed time under the regulations governing the maximum period for completion of degree requirements (seven years for graduate students).
For the period of an educational leave the student's rights under the Election of Regulation rule are preserved, maintaining the right of the student to elect regulations as if they had maintained continuous attendance.
Students must maintain continuous enrollment at the university by either enrolling in at least one course, or by having an approved educational leave on file, for each fall and spring semester. Students who fail to enroll in two or more consecutive semesters place
themselves in jeopardy under the continuous enrollment provisions of the election of regulations rules. This includes the automatic loss of "advanced to candidacy (candidate)" status. Moreover, students who break residency and lose candidate status do not have a presumptive right to "reinstatement" of their candidacy. These students may be required to go through the process of "readvancement." Students returning from an absence for which an educational leave was not approved must reapply to the University.
An educational leave presupposes no expenditure of University resources or faculty and staff time in behalf of the student during the period of the leave. In addition, many student services are not available to a student on educational leave.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately.