Tips for Students
Please use the navigation below to find some resources for students.
Be sure you have an email account subscribed to these helpful lists, as they are the primary way the DPD will disseminate information about jobs, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, academic enrichment, and more!
To enroll in the list-serv for current É«ÖÐÉ« Nutrition students, send an email to with no subject line and the body text reading: SUBSCRIBE FCS-NUTRITIONANNOUNCEMENTS
To enroll in the list-serv for seniors/alumni who are applying to DICAS or grad school, send an email to with no subject line and the body text reading: SUBSCRIBE FCS-NUTRITIONSENIORS
For a complete listing of all É«ÖÐÉ« campus resources, visit the on-campus resources page. Here are some resources that may be especially helpful for DPD students:
The Career Development Center (CDC) supports students through the process of educational, career, and personal discovery in preparing them for success in the global workforce.
The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office
The Center for Scholarship Information (CSI) is the official clearinghouse for scholarship information at É«ÖÐÉ«. The Center collects, organizes, and distributes information on scholarships as well as administer specific scholarships for the Division of Student Services and various colleges on campus. Students can search their database with over 600 on- and off-campus scholarships.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers services that include short-term counseling for individuals, group counseling, career development counseling, referral services, psychoeducational workshops, and crisis intervention.
The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) offers a variety of support services including tutoring, learning skills, supplemental instruction, and ESL/language and writing program.
The University Writing Center is É«ÖÐɫ’s writing center. Its central mission is to provide ongoing writing instruction to any currently enrolled É«ÖÐÉ« student via one-on-one tutorials. Some of the broad range of tasks a tutor might help a student with include selecting a topic, generating ideas, developing/revising working drafts, dealing with issues of style, and acquiring proofreading and editing skills.
Program staff are committed to helping students with disabilities build a better future. To meet this goal, the Disabled Student Services program provides support services for in classroom activities, career development resources, use of and training on adaptive computer equipment and access devices, disability-related counseling, and academic advisement.
The mission of Student Health Services is to support academic excellence by promoting physical and mental well-being, through affordable quality health services and education. They provide sensitive, confidential healthcare services to a diverse campus community.
Administers local, state, and national test programs for college admissions, college readiness in math and English, and upper-division college-level writing skills.
We recommend you check out the following student clubs/groups at É«ÖÐÉ«:
Volunteer in the Community
Students are encouraged to gain leadership and volunteer experiences in a variety of settings to learn more about the field and sectors where they might enjoy being employed. Here are some helpful websites to find volunteer placement opportunities related to nutrition and health:
Program Costs
Students should consult the Undergrad Costs – Current Students page to determine all required tuition and mandatory institutional fees. Infrequently, food preparation/food science courses have additional fees to cover the cost of supplies. Currently, only one DPD course, Foodservice Operations for Nutrition and Dietetics Professionals (HFHM 345), requires a $30 fee. Students completing DPD program requirements pay a one-time $40 institutional exit fee upon final transcript evaluation required to issue verification statements. These fees are used to maintain our accreditation status via program improvement, including curriculum development and faculty training.
Financial Aid & Scholarships
There are numerous types of financial assistance available on campus. Please contact the É«ÖÐÉ« Office of Financial Aid at (562) 985-8403 or visit the financial aid website to explore the various types of aid available (e.g., grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study). É«ÖÐÉ« has a history of providing a significant amount of aid to students and, as of 2016, was estimated to provide need-based financial aid to . We also have which collects, organizes, and distributes information on hundreds of external and internal scholarships. After you are enrolled as a student in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, you may also contact the Department Office for other sources of funding. These may be in the form of traineeships, assistantships, or scholarships from local, state, and national organizations.
The offers scholarships to encourage eligible students to enter the field of dietetics. According to the AND, scholarships usually go to student AND members enrolled in the junior or senior year during a DPD program and the majority of the scholarships awarded are for $1,000. Scholarships are also available for students in dietetic internships and graduate studies. For more information, see the section of their website to find applications and see a list of past recipients.