Advising & Curriculum

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Academic Advising - Class or Schedule Help

The CHHS Academic Advising Center offers advising for general education courses (e.g. transfer credits) as well as major-specific advising for course sequencing. They answer questions about anything schedule-related (e.g. enrollment, course availability, pre- requisites). We encourage students to check in with CHHS advisors early and often to ensure timely graduation and make sure they are able to excel in the program.

Faculty Mentors - Career or Grad School Help

For questions about career options, graduate school, and selecting the right major, email your faculty mentor. Students are advised by their last name:

First Letter of Your Last Name Faculty Mentor
A-F Dr. Gail Frank
M-R Dr. Michelle Barrack
S-Z Dr. Virginia Gray

Current Students 鈥 Before You Declare

If you are considering this major or changing to this degree track, you are recommended to meet with an advisor at the CHHS Academic Advising Center who will assist you in determining your schedule of classes. We have GPA standards (minimum 3.0) and science GPA standards (2.8) for entrance into the degree.

We strongly encourage interested students to read the DPD Student Manual to understand the expectations for the program.

Assessment of Prior Coursework/Learning

Assessment of prior learning for clinical nutrition students is conducted on a case-by-case basis by the DPD director and DPD faculty who oversee the course(s) in question. We do not provide academic credit for experiential learning (e.g. years of experience in a restaurant kitchen or hospital)

Newly Admitted Transfer Students 

If you are an admitted student transferring in with DPD-related courses from another institution that you think may count towards your degree (e.g. upper division nutrition course), you will need to send copies of the syllabi for the semesters that you took the course(s) to the DPD Director. DO NOT WAIT for the semester to start, as course reviews can take 1-2 weeks if you have multiple classes. The syllabi should show the topics, schedule, readings, dates and will be on file at the departments where you took the courses if you no longer have them. If your syllabi are not in English, they will need to be translated. 

Some departments may not require as much documentation, but we are regulated by ACEND and follow established standards to ensure your courses meet the same specific competencies that 色中色 courses meet. It is recommended that you send these syllabi over after you attend Student Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR) and meet with an advisor. 

How We Evaluate Prior Learning 

We will review the course learning outcomes, content (e.g. readings, lectures), assessments, and level of depth and compare it to the relevant course offered at 色中色. If a course does not meet a Core Knowledge Requirement that we address in a DPD course then we will likely not be able to award credit for it even if the content is very similar. Since our program is accredited we must follow clear, objective standards to ensure all students who graduate from our DPD receive the same level of preparation.

If you are a prospective transfer student interested in seeing which classes might transfer to our Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), visit the Prospective Students - First Degree page. 

Successful Completion of the DPD

Students must receive a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better in all DPD courses (see Major Worksheets above) and passing grades on Core Knowledge assessments to meet the program requirements, which result in a Verification Statement (see below for more details). However, students are encouraged to achieve A鈥檚 and B鈥檚 in coursework, since a high GPA is critical to being a competitive applicant for dietetic internships and graduate school. If you are struggling in any classes, we encourage you to visit the Student Resources page for information about tutoring and other services.

What is a Verification Statement?

A verification statement is an official, signed document issued by the DPD director which confirms successful program completion and readiness to complete a dietetic internship. Verification statements are occasionally requested by employers as proof of program completion. Students must receive a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better in all DPD courses and passing grades on Core Knowledge assessments to meet the program requirements, which result in a verification statement.

How Do I Request Verification Statements? 

In order to have your verification statement issued, you will be required to complete exit paperwork for the program upon or prior to graduation. This paperwork includes a fee ($40) for final transcript evaluation and the issuing of your statements. Typically paperwork is distributed during NUTR 498A - Senior Seminar in Nutrition & Dietetics, so no formal request is needed. All graduating students will be issued a verification statements. The DPD will keep one copy on file indefinitely, as a record of your program completion. We will also have access to your academic records/transcripts electronically in the event that you ever need a statement re-issued.

When Will My Verification Statement Be Ready?

Assuming you requested graduation on time and completed all records and requirements - see  in the catalog - we should be able to process your verification statement within 4-6 weeks of graduation. Even if you have walked for the ceremony, we cannot process the paperwork until your degree is officially cleared, which doesn't typically happen until 3 weeks after final exams at the earliest.

If you are alumni and would like to request a verification statement, please visit Alumni- Request A Verification Statement.