Applying to Dietetic Internships
Dietetic Internship Availability
- Acceptance into a dietetic internship (DI) has historically been competitive, but thankfully there has been an increase in internship slots over the years. Please see the summary from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for more information about the latest match rates.
- In Spring 2021, 93% of graduating seniors in our DPD who applied for dietetic internships or ISPP received a slot.
- Our students receive a significant amount of support during their time in the DPD to identify resources to help them successfully match to a dietetic internship. We devote time during several courses to address professional development, application considerations, interviews, and obtaining jobs during NUTR 234, NUTR 498A, and NUTR 498B.
Exploring Dietetic Internships
- ACEND-Approved Dietetic Internships Directory: (Provides websites of all programs in a searchable database – search by location, “Graduate Degree”, and “Distance Education”
- Most internships are interested in your DPD Professional and DPD Science GPAs. To calculate yours, find your DPD Course List below to figure out which classes count for your DPD Professional vs. DPD Science GPAs.
- Students in our program take NUTR 498A, "Senior Seminar in Nutrition & Dietetics I " prior to graduation, which covers everything related to selecting the right dietetic internship and the application process. If you have not taken this course and have questions, feel free to contact the DPD Director for additional resources.
DPD Course Lists Required for DICAS
Remember to download your DPD Course List form, see "DICAS - DPD Course List" below, which you are required to upload to DICAS.
Email Alerts
To enroll in the list-serv for seniors/alumni who are applying to DICAS or grad school, send an email to with no subject line and the body text reading: SUBSCRIBE FCS-NUTRITIONSENIORS
You will get emails about new internships, open houses, round 2 matching options, office hours with the DPD director, and more.
Check out "DICAS Alumni Information" below for more resources
Why does DICAS ask for a DPD Course List?
DPD Course Lists are a .pdf that you directly upload to DICAS that shows dietetic internship directors which classes our DPD uses to count toward your DPD Professional GPA and DPD Science GPA. Although you must send transcripts from all institutions to DICAS, these are the only courses that you need to manually enter into DICAS under "Sessions & Coursework".
Which year do I use?
You must locate the plan that corresponds with the year you declared Nutrition/Dietetics as your major, also known as your "plan year," which you can find in Single Sign On --> Myɫɫ --> My Academics.
DPD Course Lists
Note: Slight variations in courses (e.g. older course number, transfer course) are fine. If you have classes that were taken elsewhere there is no need to edit this document. Directors know that substitutions happen on occasion and that the DPD Director will verify your progress in DICAS.
Don't see your year here? Contact the DPD Director.
The DPD Director will NOT accept any new transcripts, paperwork, or declaration/verification requests after 12 pm (noon) on Friday, February 10, 2023. This means you must initiate your application under "DPD Contact Information" before this deadline. Under “DPD Contact Information” enter Rachel Blaine (the director) and her email address ( - don't forget the period in the email address! The document you would select is “Verification Statement” since you’ve graduated and received one.
Are You Ready to Apply?
- Before applying to dietetic internships using the Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (), be sure that you completed all DPD requirements, including “C” or better in coursework
- If you did not receive your verification statement when you graduated, please contact the DPD director ASAP. You will likely need to pay a fee to have it issued and to ensure the DPD director can verify your DICAS application. If you had to retake courses to replace a grade below a "C" then you will need to submit an official copy of these transcripts to the DPD Director to get a verification statement and approval in the DICAS system to submit your application by the deadline listed above.
DPD Course Lists Required for DICAS
Remember to download your DPD Course List form, found above, which you are required to upload to DICAS.
In addition to applying to dietetic internships through , you must also register on the separate computer matching . For all deadlines and directions please refer to their website. This is where you will designate and rank your internship sites and pay fees. We cover the process of ranking and matching in detail during NUTR 498A and NUTR 498B - Senior Seminars in Nutrition & Dietetics I & II.
IMPORTANT: We strongly encourage you to agree to release your name and your matching status (mark “YES”). This allows the DPD Director and dietetic internship directors to see if you are/are not matched. This helps us speed up the information sent to you during "Round 2" after matching has occurred and some slots remain unfilled. Without releasing your name we can't know to forward important information on to you or record your match status for our records.
Note to students: DICAS now requires difference reference requests for EACH program, not just one. You must choose all your programs in advance, or risk not having references in time.
It is highly recommended that you give your references (especially faculty) at least 6 weeks to complete any letters of recommendation.
We encourage students to complete a
and share their resume with their references to make it as easy as possible for them.
A change to DICAS is that references must now complete multiple reference forms, one for each program. Dr. Blaine developed a video that can be shared with anyone who will be serving as a reference: