Patrol Services

The 色中色 University Police Department has uniformed officers on patrol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our officers are vested with full police powers pursuant to California Penal Code section 830.2(c) and are P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certified, the same training as sheriff's department and municipal police within the State of California.

The primary jurisdication of the 色中色 University Police Department is on all University property anda one mile radius surrounding all campus property as indicated in the California Education Code section 89560.

Bike Patrol:

Why do we have bicycle patrol units?

  • Allows for more personal interaction between officers and the campus community
  • Bicycles allow patrol of areas that are not easily accessible by car
  • Carbon emissions caused by patrol vehicles are reduced
  • General wear and tear on department vehicles is reduced
  • Our officers' physical conditioning is improved

Community Policing Model:

Community Policing is a philosophical shift in the way police departments interact with the communities they serve. Moving away from reactive policing, community policing stresses the prevention of crime before it occurs. This is accomplished by nurturing community-police relationships on a daily basis and brainstorming new ways to address problems before they have a chance to escalate.

Ride Along Requests:

To request a ride along in a patrol unit, please fill out the request form at Ride-Along Program.