Enforcement Authority

California State University Police Officers have complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and areas adjacent to campus. University Police are sworn law enforcement officers under California Penal Code Section 830.2, and in compliance with state statutes meet the peace officer standards and training requirements mandatory for all California law enforcement officers. In addition, California State University Police Officers undergo training specially designed to meet the needs of a contemporary university community. All officers receive training in tolerance and diversity to better serve their community.
University Police have a written agreement with the Long Beach Police Department which defines and details operational authority pursuant to the Kristin Smart Campus Safety Act of 1998, Education Code SB 1729. This agreement designates which law enforcement agency has operational responsibility for the investigation of violent crimes (Part 1 crimes) and defines the specific geographical boundaries of each agency's operational responsibility. The bill further requires that these agreements be made available to the public and that copies of these agreements be transmitted to the Legislative Analyst.
University Police and the Long Beach Police Department have a mutual aid agreement in place. Each department augments the other within their jurisdiction during mutual investigations, arrest, and prosecutions. University Police personnel attend monthly meetings with local law enforcement agencies and other city agencies to exchange ideas and share vital information. Problems which may be of concern to the University community are addressed.