Title IX: Pregnant and Parenting Students
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — including pregnancy, parenting and all related conditions — in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. All students who might be, are, or have been pregnant have a right to the same access to school programs and educational opportunities that other students have.
If you would like to request accommodations as a pregnant or parenting student, contact the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) as soon as possible. The university can require a pregnant student to provide a doctor’s certification of fitness to continue in an education program or activity only if the same requirement is imposed on all other students with physical or emotional conditions requiring a doctor’s care. Please submit medical or other medical information directly to BMAC– not to your professor.
An employee may report alleged violations of California Labor Code 1030-33 to the Office of Equity & Compliance or the Labor Commissioner’s field enforcement unit. A student may report alleged Title IX violations to the Office of Equity & Compliance or the Office of Civil Rights. A third party guest of the University may report alleged lactation concerns to the Office of Equity & Compliance or the Department of Fair Employment & Housing.
The Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) processes requests from Students and Faculty/Staff on behalf of Students for pregnancy accommodations. The review process utilizes the interactive process, outlined below:
- The Student is responsible for obtaining the appropriate medical documentation, like the functional limitations and relevant information regarding the duration and severity of the restriction, from their medical provider.
- Students must complete a MyBMAC application and attend a Welcome Meeting with a BMAC Specialist to discuss specific functional limitations resulting from the pregnancy as they relate to the academic requirements. BMAC will work with the Student to assess potential barriers to academic performance to determine if they can be mitigated with a reasonable and appropriate pregnancy accommodation(s).
- BMAC will consult with the Student's Professor(s) and/or Chair(s) to identify any adjustments to the educational program that are reasonable and responsive to the Student's temporary pregnancy status. Please note- the approved accommodation cannot change or greatly alter the academic requirements for the course or program. For example, OEC might provide a larger desk, allow frequent trips to the bathroom, or permit temporary access to elevators.
- BMAC will confirm the approved pregnancy accommodation with the Student and each of their Professors, providing written verification of the approved pregnancy accommodation and duration.
- Requested accommodations must be renewed each semester via MyBMAC.
- Notes:
- BMAC will only be able to excuse absences with a doctor’s note indicating the dates of leave.
- If a student goes on leave for two weeks or more, BMAC will be working with students and faculty to determine appropriate pregnancy accommodations, detailing the work the student is responsible to complete upon their return.
- BMAC’s ability to coordinate approved accommodations is dependent upon student cooperation and timely response.
- Approved accommodations cannot significantly alter the academic requirements for the program or course.
- Please note the student is responsible for following up with their professors in completing required coursework. Otherwise, make up work is at the discretion of the professor and their late/make up work policy.
- Notes:
The Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) is managing student pregnancy accommodations as part of the University’s Title IX requirements. A student in your course may require pregnancy accommodations for the current semester. Pregnancy accommodations are required by the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, which requires:
- Students are not penalized for absences based on pregnancy or medical complications related to a pregnancy. This includes participation points for those missed days.
- Please work with our office so we can find an accommodation that fits the student’s functional limitations while maintaining the academic requirements of your course.
- To prevent pregnancy accommodation discrimination claims, please allow our office to coordinate the pregnancy accommodation. Please do not question the student about their medical condition or pregnancy accommodation nor self-accommodate the office without working with our office first. Absences beyond two weeks will be reviewed and addressed by our office in collaboration with you and/or your Chair.
Please contact our office with any questions or concerns at 562-985-5401 during business hours or via email at bmac@csulb.edu.
Effective 2020, in accordance with as well as California Labor Code and California Education Code , employees, students, and third parties have a right to request a lactation accommodation, including a private space reasonably close location to their working and learning environment. É«ÖÐÉ« has designated permanent lactation spaces across campus, which provide a private space for the É«ÖÐÉ« community. While these spaces may vary in the specific amenities, all spaces include access to a chair, table, a sink, and electrical outlets. If no permanent lactation space exists in a reasonably close location, individuals may request a temporary lactation space for the duration of their lactation needs.
The University will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations based on available space and resources and will provide a response to such requests, including written notice if a requested accommodation cannot be provided. Advance notification from the student, employee, or third party is strongly encouraged and we ask campus offices to assist in ensuring advance notice so a lactation space can be provided.
Where refrigerators are not available in or reasonable near lactation spaces, individuals may request alternative cooling options as part of a lactation accommodation. All lactation accommodation requests, questions, or concerns should be submitted or referred to the Bob Murphy Access Center for review by contacting bmac@csulb.edu or 562-985-5401 during the 8AM-5PM business hours.
- É«ÖÐÉ« Pregnancy and Parenting Frequently Asked Questions
- Counseling and Psychological Services (Confidential - Students Only) Brotman Hall, Room 226 | 562.985.4001 (24hr)
- Women's Gender Equity Center (WGEC) Student Success Center, Suite 240 | 562.985.8576 
- Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) Student Success Center, Suite 110| 562.985.5401   
- Pregnant and Parenting Students 562.985.8576 •â¶Ä¯wgec@csulb.edu 
- Pregnant and Parenting Student Association 949.490.9192    •â¶Ä¯ppsa.csulb@gmail.com
- Lactation & Baby Changing Stations
- 562.985.5333 • IPCDC Building
- Up To $2,500