Faculty Handbook: Support Services
Access to Programs
In the event that a classroom is found to be inaccessible, room changes will be arranged.
Adaptive/Assistive Devices and Equipment
Specialized devices and equipment that assists with the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Examples are manual and motorized wheelchairs and scooters, telecommunication devices, desktop and portable video magnifiers, talking calculators, screen reader and screen magnification software, speech recognition and text-to-speech software, and notetaking options.
Agency Liaison
BMAC has close working relationships with community support services for the disabled, including the Department of Rehabilitation, independent living programs, Social Security, and county transportation.
AIM Center
A technology and accessibility resource lab that provides support and services for students with disabilities, faculty, staff, and the campus community as well as alternative formats and assistive technology accommodations for BMAC students. The Center is an open-access computer lab located in AS-116.
Alternative Formats
Alternative formats are documents and educational materials provided to students with print-based disabilities in lieu of the original format. It is the conversion of textbooks and course materials into an alternative format for students with disabilities who cannot effectively read print materials. Alternative formats include Electronic Text (E-text), Large Print, Text-to-Speech files, Audio (MP3) files, Portable Document Format (PDF), Accessible Portable Document Format (PDF), Literary Braille, Tactile Graphics and Large Print Graphics.
Alternative Test Accommodations
Exam accommodations may be provided to qualifying students with disabilities. Exam accommodations may include but are not limited to extended time, distraction reduced environment, private room, etc.
Architectural Barrier Removal
There is an ongoing process on the 色中色 campus of evaluating architectural barriers and recommending changes to the Physical Planning and Facilities Management Office. The goal of a completely accessible campus is very close to being achieved.
For students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, we provide sign language interpreters, captioners and notetakers.
Mobility Assistance
Mobility orientation of the campus is available to show the most accessible routes around campus.
Note-taker Services
The Bob Murphy Access Center offers a variety of peer and assistive notetaking technology tools and accommodations to qualifying students.
Accessible parking accommodations may be available for qualifying students with disabilities. Students must register through MyBMAC and submit the .
Reader services are provided for those who have visual impairments and specific learning disabilities.