
For Summer 2025

Registration is a two step process.

Step 1 - Enroll and Submit Payment

Complete the online enrollment process which will require you to input camper information and payment information.

Please note that all grades are sold out. You may contact to be put on the waitlist.

Step 2 - Fill Out Document Packet

After you enroll and pay, you must complete the registration process by filling out the following document packet. Please note that you must download, print, and sign them; we cannot accept electronic signatures.

YSC Release and Disclosures 2025 (PDF)


Your child's spot is not complete until all paperwork and payment have been received. You will receive an initial confirmation and receipt of payment when you register online. You will receive another email confirmation from YSC upon receipt of completed paperwork.

There is a $100 cancellation fee. No refunds after July 1.

Send the completed document packet to us at (have your child's grade and last name in the subject of the email please).

Alternatively, you can mail the completed document packet to us at:

Young Scientists Camp
É«ÖÐÉ« – Science Education Department
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840

All students, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin, who are interested in Young Scientists Camp, are welcome.