Science Teaching Methods

Greetings SCED 475 students

Here in the Science Education Department, we want you to experience a science methods course where technologies are used to support traditional learning and community resources outside the classroom are accessed for learning purposes.

In addition to the class meetings and assignments required by your instructor and the 色中色 credential program, your class has an additional out-of-class component designed to give you the opportunity to explore a variety of resources that can support your efforts as a future teacher.

Note that these assignments are considered to be part of the activity or lab period associated with the class, much as science laboratory sessions are associated with science lecture classes. This 'hybrid' assignment gives students more flexibility in scheduling classes, and allows SCED 475 to hold three hours of class time each week instead of four.

Types of Activities

Over the course of the semester, science teaching methods students will be asked to sign up for and participate in activities from two broad categories: community resources and technology resources.

For community resources activities, Category I: Science Education Outside of the Classroom features a list of different events and teacher workshops sponsored by a variety of community institutions, including museums, aquariums, colleges, and other similar sites in the area.

For technology resources activities, Category II: Technology Resources and Experiences features self-directed activities where you are asked to explore a website or software program and submit some product as evidence of your work.

Learn about the expectations and assignments for SCED 475 - Elementary Science Methods.