Science Credential Program
The Science Education Department offers advising and courses to aid undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students in earning a California Science Teaching Credential to teach middle school and/or high school science. At É«ÖÐÉ«, the Single Subject Teacher Education Program includes courses in the student's teaching subject area, in Secondary Education (EDSE), and in Single Subject Education (EDSS).
VIDEO: É«ÖÐÉ« Science Teaching Credential
Specific questions regarding the Secondary Science Teaching Credential can be answered at the Single Subject Credential Program website and the Science Credential Program website, or by contacting the Science Credential Advisor.
Course descriptions for relevant courses offered through our Department (EDSS 300C and EDSS 450) can be found in the .
Single Subject Credential Information Meeting
A Single Subject Credential allows one to teach in CA public schools at the middle and/or high school level. Learn more about earning this credential and becoming a middle school/high school teacher by attending an information meeting. The meeting will provide you with an overview of the Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP), admission requirements, coursework, and advisor contact information.
We highly recommend that you attend the Single Subject Credential Information Meetings. There is a meeting generally once a month.
Please contact for more information.For completion of Single Subject Teaching Credential Program in Science. This checklist outlines course requirements for a Single Subject Teaching Credential in Science, but it is NOT intended to be a complete reference. Check with the Science Education and/or the University Single Subject Credential offices for more complete information.
EDSS 300C Introduction to Teaching Science.
Application to the program is made as part of this course. This 3-unit course introduces students to science teaching in the state of California with particular attention to science teaching. It provides a broad overview of the profession, including: the structure, organization, and culture of schools; curriculum, instruction, assessment, and classroom management primarily in secondary school settings; the history and current status of the subject area; becoming a reflective practitioner. In addition, directed field work (35 hours) in a middle and high school is required. EDSS 300C is a prerequisite for admission to the Single Subject Credential Program and seeks to help students make informed decisions regarding their choice to enter the science teaching profession.
Please note that you must earn an A or B in order to be eligible to apply to the Single Subject Credential Program. The course can be repeated only once. Other program application materials are required and are addressed in this course. Please speak with the coordinator or advisor for more information. You MUST have your Certificate of Clearance and valid negative TB test results to begin your 35 hours of fieldwork.
These can be taken prior to, concurrent with, or after EDSS 300C. Must be completed prior to student teaching.
- HSC 411B (3 units) Health Science for Secondary Teachers
- EdSP 355B (3 units) Models of Inclusive Education (Secondary Schools)
- EdP 301 or 302 or 305 (3 units) Child/Adolescent Development/Educational Psychology
(Level I Technology – Science candidates are not required to take this course/exam, since the technology standards are met in EDSS 300C, EDSS 450C and EDSS 473.)
Core Requirements
Students must be admitted to the Single Subject Program in order to take these courses. Must be completed prior to student teaching.
- EDSE 435 (3 units) U.S. Secondary Schools: Intercultural Education (15 hrs fieldwork (fw))
- EDSE 436 (3 units) Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Classroom Management (15 hrs fw)
- EDSE 459 (3 units) Reading and Writing in Secondary Schools (15 hrs fw)
- EDSS 450C (4 units) Curriculum and Methods in Teaching Science (25 hrs fw)
(Please note that you must earn an A or B in EDSS 450C, and have a B or better average in Core Courses in order to complete the program.)
Supervised Field Experience: Student Teaching
- EDSS 472 A, B, C Student Teaching -OR- EDSS 572 A, B, C Intern Student (15 units)
- EDSS 473 Student Teaching Seminar (3 units)
For more information on the Subject Matter Competency Requirement, please see Subject Matter Competency on the Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP) website.
If you will be meeting this requirement via the CSET then consider using some of these CSET PREPARATION resources:
You may do the following now before taking 300C:
- Obtain your Certificate of Clearance or 30-Day Sub-permit
- Obtain an Official TB Test Result
- Complete your Basic Skills Requirement and Obtain Offical Score Report
Applying to É«ÖÐÉ«: Don't forget to apply to É«ÖÐÉ« by Nov. 1 for spring or June 1 for fall, depending on when you plan to start the program. The program application is completely separate and will be submitted within EDSS 300C. Tips for Single Subject Credential Candidates Applying to the University is extremely helpful.
If you miss the deadline to apply to the University you can still take classes through .
Credential students part-time versus full-time: tuition and fees
Program units and something to consider: A student in the credential program may take up to 18 units per semester. Completing the science credential program you will earn a total of 43 post bac units. Some school district pays scales are based on one having a bachelors and 45 units. If you do not have the 45 units you would enter at a lower rate of pay. Consider taking at least one more course at some point during the program to get these additional units. The additional course must be upper division, 300 or higher. Some recommendations are ETEC 444, SCED 404, Geol 300, PHYS 390, L/ST 310 Educational Equity & Justice, L/ST 320, Political Science 391 (if you did not graduate from a CSU) to fulfill the US Constitution requirement.
Science Single Subject Credential Options: É«ÖÐÉ« offers the California Preliminary Single-Subject Credential in Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geoscience, and Foundational-Level General Science.
CSET SCORES: You do not need passing CSET scores for admission to the program. However, you must have passing CSET scores in hand by the time you submit your student teaching application. If you plan to student teach in the fall then March 15 is the deadline to submit student teaching applications. If you plan to student teach in the spring then October 1 is the deadline to submit student teaching applications. I advise all students to take the CSETs ASAP. See above for a link to CSET testing information.
Overview of Scholarships and Financial Aid - College of Ed
The program can be completed in 3 semesters. The following shows a typical full time credential student's schedule. However, you can complete the program at your own pace, you do not have to be full time.
- 1st Semester (fall/spring), 12 units
- EDSS 300C
- HSC 411B
- EdSP 355B
- EdP 301 or 302 or 305
- 2nd Semester (fall/spring), 13 units
- EDSE 435
- EDSE 436
- EDSE 459
- EDSS 450C (4 units)
- 3rd Semester (fall/spring), 18 units
- Student Teaching
- EDSE 472 A (5 units)
- EDSE 472 B (5 units)
- EDSE 472 C (5 units)
- EDSS 473C (3 units)