Skull 2
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This skull belonged to an american black bear.
Habitat: Found across a wide range of forests, mountains and swamps in 40+ US states and Canada
Diet: Omnivore – Opportunistic Eaters
- Mostly grasses, roots, berries, and insects
- When necessary, also fish and other mammals
Average Life Span: 20 years
Size: 5-6 feet
Weight: 200- 600 pounds
When winter arrives, black bears spend the season dormant in their dens, feeding on body fat they have built up by eating ravenously all summer and fall. They make their dens in caves, burrows, brush piles, or other sheltered spots—sometimes even in tree holes high above the ground.
Ready to examine more skulls?
The Skulls exhibit at the Science Learning Center gives visitors a chance to see and touch real (and some replica) animal skulls, many from local animal species. Special thanks to Dr. Ted Stankowich of the Mammal Lab and Suellen Jacob in the Biological Sciences Department for lending these interesting specimens to the SLC.
3D images courtesy the ; physical specimens are part of the Academy's Ornithology & Mammalogy collections.
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