AI Resources for Students

As AI technology rapidly transforms practically every industry, being familiar with its applications and issues can benefit your studies while also giving you a competitive edge in the job market.  

LinkedIn Learning AI Resources

Get acquainted with the benefits, challenges, and applications of AI by exploring the collections listed below (login to access the provided links). 

Interested in taking courses related to Artificial Intelligence? 
色中色 offers various courses on learning about and applying AI. Search the for terms such as "AI", "Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Learning" and "Neural Networks". Please note, most of these courses have a prerequisite and/or are only for specific majors. Review this information carefully before attempting to enroll in a course.
One course offered in Spring 2025, however, is open to students of all majors, levels, and experience with AI. ED P 490 (Class #11226) focuses on AI literacy and skills. Seats are still available. Sign up now!
Ed P 490 (Class #11226) Course Description:
This 1-credit class explores advantages, disadvantages, and best practices for using artificial intelligence (AI) in student learning. Guides students to develop fluency in practical skills and applications of AI and to develop awareness of current and possible future ethical challenges related to AI.

Visit the in LinkedIn to get started with the basics. Topics include:

  • What is Generative AI
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Generative AI: The Evolution of Thoughtful Online Search
  • Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot
  • Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs
  • Ethics in the Age of Generative AI
  • AI Show:  Being Responsible with Generative AI

Collections by Field of Study

    Business and legal concerns, image and video creation, marketing, UX design
  • Also look out for continuously being added and updated in Adobe Creative Cloud applications.


  • Prompt engineering, copyright, critical thinking, diversity and equity, accessibility

  • Data science and analysis, machine learning, Python


  • Privacy issues, diagnosis, case management

  • Ethics and responsable use, productivity, communications