September 6, 2024 Minutes

CNSM College Council
  1. Approval / Additions to Agenda - Approved.
  2. Approval of Minutes from 5/10/2024 - No minutes. Introductions (also attendance):
    1. New members:
      1. Raisa Hern谩ndez Pacheco, Biological Sciences
      2. K. Ben Hagedorn, Earth Science
      3. Jeff Pair, Mathematics & Statistics
      4. Deepali Bhandari, Chemistry & Biochemistry
    2. Continuing members (year 2 of 2-year term):
      1. Ashley Carter, Biological Sciences
      2. Lihan Wang, Mathematics & Statistics
      3. Alex Klotz, Physics & Astronomy
      4. Amy Ricketts, Science Education
    3. Continuing members, non-elected:
      1. Curtis Bennett, CNSM Richard D. Green Dean (voting member)
      2. Margaret Karteron, CNSM Operations Officer (ex-officio)
  3. Guests:
    1. Faculty Equity Advocate, Lisa Martin (Science Ed)
    2. Interim Associate Dean for Research, Kelly Young
    3. CNSM Communications Coordinator, Lindsay Aymar
    4. Tech Support, Muhammad Damanhuri
    5. Council Officers:
      1. Chair, Ashley Carter
      2. Secretary, Alex Klotz
  4. College RTP Policy Revision
    1. A. Carter describes timeline for voting. Needs to be voted on by December 2.
    2. People hired before 2025 are not subject to new policies.
    3. Current Status:
    4. Timeline 鈥 (1) Council Revision; (2) Public Hearing and amendments; (3) Vote
      1. Discussion about dividing into different teams, no objections. Suggested to be done quickly so we can go through it as a group.
        1. Instruction. A. Carter and K. B. Hagedorn
        2. RSCA. A. Klotz and R. Hern谩ndez Pacheco
        3. Service. A. Ricketts and D. Bhandari
        4. Timeline/Early Tenure/Procedural: L. Wang and J. Pair
      2. Recommended to insert quoted references into the new college document from the university policy rather than state, 鈥渟ee university document,鈥 and add our interpretation.
      3. Next two weeks: Subcommittees meet and go over proposed changes during the next two weeks.
      4. L. Martin, speaking as a former college RTP committee member (and as Faculty Equity Advocate): in the past, the college RTP committee had discussions confusion on whether or not to count department criteria at college level.
        1. If stricter, department criteria counts first at all levels of review. Issues come up when the requirements are of different strictness. Departments can be stricter than the college but not other way around.
        2. It is not the college committee's job to police whether the department committee did their job properly.
  5. RSCA 鈥 Will be Announced Mid-September
    1. Committee needed. Review period starts in November.
      1. Must be tenured, approval based on CC vote.
    2. Application for 2025-2026 Awards
      1. Unknowns: Budgeted allocation for RSCA Reassigned Time and FSG. Total number of awards available will likely be less than previous years.
      2. CNSM history of MGSS application success: Everyone who applies gets funded.
  6. Dean鈥檚 Report:
    1. From academic senate, President Conoley reported an $11m structural deficit.
    2. Persistence rates went up 1% (with 40,000 students, this corresponds roughly to 300 FTES).
    3. All-time high for 2024 Fall Enrollment of 40,999 students. Increased population adds to parking issues, Because northern (and other) CSUs are having lower enrollments, the Chancellor鈥檚 Office needed the high demand CSUs to enroll more students to fulfill the Governor鈥檚 Compact.
    4. The University Ombuds retired. For now, that position will not be refilled. When the budget gets better, we hope to fill the position again.
    5. GE policy is undergoing revision. In some majors, this will yield a potential savings of up to 6 units of GE for the students. Some in the senate would like a policy requiring every native student to take a first year seminar course (and departments/colleges would need to design such a course). Some departments at the university require GE service courses to survive.
  7. Dean鈥檚 5-Year Review Year 鈥 College Council Role 鈥 See PS 22-13, Section 7.3
    1. At this point, the Dean recused himself from the meeting.
    2. Deans are reviewed every 5 years. Review committee consists of CC chair (if tenured) and four CNSM tenured faculty (not necessarily CC) plus:
      1. 1 appointed 色中色 administrator
      2. 1 CNSM staff member (CNSM staff election)
      3. 1 Academic Affairs staff member elected by Staff Council
      4. 1 CNSM lecturer (CC election)
      5. a student appointed by the CNSM Student Council.
    3. D. Bhandari volunteers.
    4. Each department will nominate one tenured faculty member.
    5. Committee needs to convene by second or third week of October.
  8. Next Meeting - Friday 9/27/24 @ 2:00pm
  9. Meeting Adjourned 4:07

Please note that these minutes reflects discussion on the date of the CNSM College Council meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.