CNSM College Council Minutes

Minutes for Academic Year 2024-2025

Please note that these minutes reflects discussion on the date of the CNSM College Council meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.

Current Roster

Each of the separate departments elect at least one council member from among its tenured and probationary faculty members who have served at least four years at 色中色 and who are not currently serving as department chair. Departments with at least 27 tenured and probationary faculty members elect two council members. Terms are 2 years.

Faculty Council Roster
Biological SciencesAshley Carterchair, voting member2025
Biological SciencesRaisa Hern谩ndez Pachecovoting member2026
Chemistry and BiochemistryDeepali Bhandarivoting member2026
Earth ScienceK. Ben Hagedornvoting member2025
Mathematics and StatisticsLihan Wangvoting member2025
Mathematics and StatisticsJeff Pairvoting member2026
Physics and AstronomyAlex Klotzvoting member2025
Science EducationAmy Rickettsvoting member2025
CNSM Dean's OfficeCurtis BennettCNSM Richard D. Green Dean,
voting member (non-elected)
CNSM Dean's OfficeMargaret KarteronCNSM Operations Officer, Dean's Designee,
non-voting member (non-elected)