September 16, 2022 Minutes

CNSM College Council

CNSM Conference Room, HSCI-156

  1. Approval / Additions to Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes from 9/2/2022
  3. Dean's announcement:
    • In Summer 2023, campus ends its BeachBoard license and Canvas will be the Learning Management System for campus. Courses are automatically being migrated, but other BeachBoard sites are not being migrated. Please inform departmental colleagues.
    • Hiring individuals without permanent work status in the US is changing slightly. For green card application, the department/college will be covering the labor certification fee. Other green card fees must be paid by the applicant (per federal law).
    • We have a significant decrease in transfer student enrollment that is expected to continue. We need strategies to stabilize upper division enrollment, such as creating a welcoming and belonging atmosphere. We need to improve student retention in the college without sacrificing learning.
  4. 色中色 Internal Research Competitions 鈥揜eview Committee Requirements & Timelines
    • College Administered RSCA Reassigned Time Awards & FSG
      Deadline of submission is Nov 14th midnight. We need a committee by Nov 1st for the review process.
    • President & Provost Initiative: Faculty Research Awards in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
      We need to form committee by week of Oct 17 for EDI award review.
    • Mini-Grants & Summer Stipends
      Can have same committee to review both. Need review committee by Nov 1.
    • PDGP Announcements
      Make announcement on Mon, Sep 19th, deadline on Oct 10th.
  5. Appointed CNSM Committees -Nominations Needed:
    • Election Committee: Council will serve as the election committee to validate the reported results from Qualtrics and approve the results memo prior to distribution.
    • Grade Appeal Committee: 3 members, T/TT or Lecturer
      Need names from department.
  6. Amended Biological Sciences RTP Policy was approved by CC.
  7. Next Meeting 鈥揊riday 9/30/22 @ 3:00 p.m., HSCI-156
  8. Meeting Adjourned@ 4:15pm.

Meeting Minutes were APPROVED on Friday, September 30, 2022