Emeritus Faculty

In our political science department, an emeritus faculty member is a retired professor or teacher who has dedicated many years to teaching and researching political topics. They’re given the title ’emeritus’ as an honorary recognition of their contributions. Even though they’re retired, they might still have access to resources or continue to contribute in some way. It’s a way to honor their expertise and experience in politics.


Emeritus Faculty

Bob Delorme Photo
Robert Delorme
Ph.D, University of Minnesota
Comparative politics, Latin America
Email: Robert.Delorme@csulb.edu
Chris Dennis Photo
Chris Dennis
Ph.D, University of Georgia
American politics, the impact of partisan party control on economic policy and outcomes
Email: Chris.Dennis@csulb.edu
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Robert Hayes
Ph.D, University of Colorado
American government
Email: robert.hayes@csulb.edu
Larry Martinez Photo

Ph.D, University of California, Santa Barbara
International relations, cyberspace, and outer space governance
Email: Larry.Martinez@csulb.edu
Chuck Noble Photo
Charles Noble
Ph.D, University of California, Berkeley
American politics, social movements, public policy, and political economy
Email: Charles.Noble@csulb.edu
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Gerry Riposa
Ph.D, University of California Riverside
Email: Gerry.Riposa@csulb.edu
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Paul Schmidt
Ph.D, University of Washington
American government, state and local government, public policy
Email: Paul.Schmidt@csulb.edu
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Ronald Schmidt
Ph.D, University of California, Riverside
American government, immigration, language policy
Email: ron.schmidt@csulb.edu
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Jay Stevens
Ph.D, University of Maryland
American politics
Email: jay.stevens@csulb.edu