ASL Linguistics and Deaf Cultures Minor

Students will focus on acquisition of American Sign Language (ASL) and American Deaf culture in order to gain fluidity in the language and cultural competence in community interactions. Knowledge of ASL linguistics will prepare students for their study of other signed languages, and cultures around the globe.

The ASL and Deaf Cultures Minor at 色中色 consists of 6 required courses (4 lower division and 2 upper division). It is a 21 unit minor.


Take the following course:

  • ASLD 124 American Deaf Cultures (3 units)

Take 3 of the following courses:

  • ASLD 101 American Sign Language 1 (4 units) 
  • ASLD 102 American Sign Language 2 (4 units) 
  • ASLD 201 American Sign Language 3 (4 units) 
  • ASLD 202 American Sign Language 4 (4 units)


Take the following course:

  • ASLD 424 Deaf Cultures (3 units)

Take 1 of the following courses:

  • ASLD 305 American Sign Language 5 (4 units) 
  • ASLD 306 American Sign Language Linguistics (3 units) 
  • ASLD 324: Critical Deaf and Disability Studies (3 units)
  • LING 423: Semantics (3 units)
  • ASLD 456: Sign Language Sociolinguistics (3 units) 
  • LING 470 Language and Gender (3 units)
  • LING 472 Language and Social Justice (3 units)
  • ASLD 490/499: Special Topics (1-6 units)