2025 Schedule-at-a-Glance


TimeTrack ITrack IITrack IIITrack IVTrack VTrack VI
9:00Welcome and Keynote Laura Guio - Ballroom
9:45Space TechGenerative AIHeavy CivilElectric VehiclesDare to LeadThe Importance of Soft Skills
11:00Robotics and AIBig Data OverloadSustainable InfrastructureMetamaterialsInternshipsDeveloping Your Professional Network
12:00Lunch and Scholarship Awards - Ballroom
1:00Coaching Circles
1:45Group Photo
2:00Clean Energy
Computer Engineering TechnologyEnvironmental EngineeringActive LearningRecent GraduatesEarly College and Career Planning Workshop
3:00Closing Remarks and Raffle - Ballroom

Session details. 

Note: 色中色 events and scholarships are open to all 色中色 students, regardless of sex/gender, race/ethnicity, religion, etc