Traditional Post-Bac Multiple Subject Credential Program
Program Overview
The Traditional Post-Bac Multiple Subject Credential Program is a self paced pathway that is for candidates that receive a BA in Liberal Studies at 色中色 (Not ITEP) or have a bachelors degree in any other major from 色中色 or another accredited institution within the U.S. For candidates that have a bachelors degree from outside the U.S. they will need to seek foreign transcript evaluation by an agency that is approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to ensure that their degree is equivalent to a U.S. Bachelors degree. It is highly suggested that candidates that hold a BA in Liberal Studies from 色中色 speak with a credential advisor in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center regarding equivalencies for the pre and co-requisite courses listed below.
The Traditional Post-Bac Multiple Subject Credential Program is comprised of a total of 40 units over 9 courses (2 pre-requisites, 2 co-requisites and 5 pedagogy/methods courses) and a semester of student teaching. The program can be completed in 3 semesters (a year and a half) if you attend full time however, this pathway is self paced and the courses may be attend part time. Candidates are allowed 7 years from program admittance to complete the program. Each course is valid for 7 years from the semester it is taken and the program must be completed prior to courses expiring to avoid having to retake any of them. Below is the list of courses required for the program.
Prerequisites (4 units)
Note: These two courses must be completed or in progress at the time of application to the credential program. Candidates that hold a Liberal Studies BA from 色中色 will receive equivalencies for these courses. EDEL 380 is equivalent to EDEL 100&200 and EDSP 303 is equivalent to EDSP 355A or EDSP 350.
- EDEL 380 - Teaching and Learning in a Democratic Society (3 units) (Requires 45 hours of Fieldwork while enrolled in this course.)
- EDSP 303 - Preparing to Teach Special Populations in the General Education Classroom (1 unit)
You must earn a B or better grade in the pre-requisite courses to be admitted to the MSCP.
Co-Requisites (5 units)
Note: These two courses may be taken prior to being admitted to the MSCP or concurrently with pedagogy courses. They must be completed prior to student teaching. Candidates that hold a Liberal Studies BA from 色中色 may receive equivalencies for these courses. EDEL 413 is equivalent to ED P 301/ H SC 411A and KIN 476. EDEL 431 is equivalent to EDEL 300.
- EDEL 413 - Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices (2 units)
- EDEL 431 - Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools (3 units)
Subject Specific Pedagogy/Methods Courses (15 units)
You must be officially admitted to the Multiple Subject Credential Program in order to take the following pedagogy courses. Candidates will be asked to present their "MSCP Admit Card" on the first day of class.
- EDEL 442 - Teaching and Learning Language Arts, K-8 (3 units)
- EDEL 452 - Teaching and Learning Reading, K-8 (3 units)
- EDEL 462 - Teaching and Learning Mathematics, K-8 (3 units)
- EDEL 472 - Teaching and Learning History-Social Science, K-8 (3 units)
- SCED 475 - Teaching and Learning Science, K-8 (3 units)
Fieldwork for the Multiple Subject Credential Program is divided into three phases:
- Pre-admission/clinical 1 (observation), early fieldwork/clinical 2 (pre-student teaching), and culminating student teaching/clinical 3 fieldwork.
- Candidates in the pre-admission phase complete 4 units of pre-requisite courses, including 55 hours of observation/clinical 1 in a public-school classroom. Candidates are also required to complete 5 units of co-requisite courses, which can be completed either pre-admission to the program or with professional preparation courses. Co-requisite courses require 20 hours of clinical 1 fieldwork.
- Once admitted into the program, candidates must complete 12 out of the 15 required units of professional preparation courses, which require 50 hours of pre-student teaching/clinical 2 fieldwork, in order to be eligible for advancement into the culminating field work experience, which is called student teaching in this program.
- As the 15 units of professional preparation coursework include the study of alternative methods of English language development, the MSCP is in compliance with the 12-unit coursework limit prior to advancement to student teaching/clinical 3.
Student Teaching (16 units)
Students must obtain a Student Teaching Application from the website and apply to student teach at the beginning of the semester prior to take the course listed below (please see the Student Teaching section of the MSCP Handbook for more information).
- EDEL 482 - Student Teaching in Diverse Classrooms (16 units)
Course Sequence
The MSCP is a self-paced program. Candidates may attend either part time or full time. Below is a recommended MSCP course sequence:
Semester 1: EDEL 380, EDSP 303, EDEL 413 and EDEL 431 (9 units)
Semester 2: EDEL 442, EDEL 452 and SCED 475 (6-9 units)
Semester 3: EDEL 462 and EDEL 472 ( and SCED 475 if not taken in semester 2) (6-9 units)
Semester 4: EDEL 482 Student Teaching (16 units)
SCED 475 may be taken in either semester and may also be taken concurently with student teaching. Semesters 2 and 3 may be flipped if necessary for scheduling purposes. Students wanting to attend full time may combine semesters 2 & 3. The MSCP pedagogy courses are also typically offered in the Summer. For assistance with planning your program, contact the Teacher Preparation Advising Center.
If you think you completed a course that meets the credential course requirement, you may file a Request for Course Equivalency. The Multiple Subject Credential Program accepts up to 9 units of course equivalencies from other institutions. Course Equivalency Requests for pre-requisite courses must be submitted and approved prior to submitting your program application. To file a Course Equivalency Request, download the form and fill it out, attach 1) a copy of your unofficial transcript from the institution that you took the course at, 2) a copy of the course catalog description and 3) a copy of the syllabi if available. Submit your Course Equivalency Request to the Teacher Preparation Advising Center in EED-67. Course Equivalency Requests are accepted in person and by mail. Course Equivalency Requests may also be submitted online through the . Be sure to upload the Course Equivalency Request form along with the required documentation.
Candidates must meet the following admission criteria to be eligible for admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program:
- Submission of a complete application packet prior to the appropriate deadline
- G.P.A. of at least 2.75 for the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units, or 2.67 overall
- Completion and passage of oral interview with program faculty
- Verification of Basic Skills Requirement
- Valid Certificate of Clearance or 30-Day Sub Permit
- Current TB test verification
- Demonstration of Subject Matter Competence
- Successful completion of pre-requisite courses (EDEL 380 and EDSP 303) with a B or better
For program application information visit the Post-bac Admissions page.
Please keep in mind that the program application is seperate from admission to the university. Post-Bac students should apply to the university online at by the appropriate deadline in addition to applying for the credential program. Most candidates will apply to the university first to take the pre-requisite courses and then apply to the program while enrolled in the pre-requisite courses. A small number of candidates that may have already completed the pre-requisite courses will need to apply to both the program and the university at the same time. University admission does not constitute program admission.