Educational Doctorate in Educational Leadership
Program Overview
The Educational Leadership Doctorate program is designed for working professionals seeking training to become highly qualified educational leaders for P-12 school districts or community colleges. Representatives from P-12 school districts and community colleges work collaboratively with 色中色 faculty and administrators to design, implement, and evaluate this program.
Emphasis is placed on the expanding and changing role of education for social change to meet the needs of society. Graduate students in a learning cohort community will experience an interdisciplinary approach to the study of educational leadership, teaching and learning, organizational development, management and research.
Program Options
PK-12 specialization graduates are prepared for position as superintendents, principals, lead teachers, and other school site administrators
Higher Education specialization graduates will be prepared for critical positions at both 2-year and 4-year institutions as college presidents, student support service administrators, and other administrative leaders.
"The EdD department and program staff are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, and friendly...They truly humanize the doctoral journey for student."
"The program helped me view issues more holistically and come up with more meaningful solutions...I can do that with a more thoughtful equity lens."
As a result of the Ed.D. Program 100% of surveyed students strongly agreed/agreed:
- "I am more inclined to view myself as a change agent."
- "I value research as a tool for effective leadership."
- "I have gained a better understanding of educational leadership."
- The program has been responsive to [students] educational needs.
- they are applying knowledge and skills from the courses in their current leadership position
- their expectations of student support have been met
"I felt that I learned a lot from the program and I have been able to grow both professionally and personally because of the program."
"My experience in the program was incalculable. I am a better person because of it. I am a stronger educator because of what I've learned from my program."
Our Graduates
Graduates of the program will be qualified for a variety of teaching and leadership positions in education and education-related settings, such as superintendent, central office administrator, school principal in P-12, or chancellor, president or administrator in community colleges or 4-year universities.