Bilingual Authorization (BILA) Pathway

The BILA pathway in the 色中色 Multiple Subject and Single Subject Credential Programs allow students to obtain the additional Bilingual Authorization (BILA) to teach in Dual Language classrooms.  This pathway is for candidates that wish to teach in classrooms where the language of emphasis is appropriate for instruction and in situations where teachers use the target language for explanation, preview-review, and interaction with families.

The BILA pathway is available for candidates in any of the Post-Bac Pathways as well as the ITEP Undergraduate Pathways.

At 色中色 we offer Bilingual Authorizations in the following language areas:

  • Korean
  • Mandarin
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese

In addition to the requirements for the Multiple Subject Credential, students must complete the following to receive the Spanish Bilingual Authorization:

  • Meet with Meet Professor Olga Rubio, BILA Coordinator-Spanish Authorizations for a Spanish Proficiency Exam.
  • Pass the CSET Spanish Subtest III prior to applying to student teaching.
  • Take 2 Course Requirements prior to student teaching:
    • EDEL 453S - Methodology of Bilingual Education or Pass the CSET Spanish Subtest IV
    • CHLS 340 - Latinos in Education or Pass the CSET Spanish Subtest V

Candidates that are currently in the Multiple Subject Credential Program that have met all of the above requirements at the time of student teaching application, will complete 8 weeks of Student Teaching in a bilingual setting.

Candidates that already hold a valid Multiple Subject Credential that have met all of the above requirements, can visit the Credential Center for assistance in applying for the Bilingual Authorization with the CTC. Prior to eligibility for the Bilingual Authorization, educators must hold a valid Multiple, Single, or Education Specialist Credential (or the equivalent), and an English Learner Authorization (examples: 2042 authorization, a CLAD or equivalent English Learner Authorization) or be eligible for the English Learner Authorization at the time of recommendation for Bilingual Authorization.

NOTE: UTEACH candidates must complete BILA requirements before they start their method courses.

Spanish BILA Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Olga G. Rubio

Office: College of Education ED2-194


In addition to the requirements for the Credential Program, students must complete the following prior to applying for student teaching to receive the Asian Language Bilingual Authorization:

  • Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP), Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP), Education Specialist Credential Program (ESCP) or currently hold a valid CA credential. Prior to eligibility for the Bilingual Authorization, educators must hold a valid Multiple, Single, or Education Specialist Credential (or the equivalent), and an English Learner Authorization (examples: 2042 authorization, a CLAD or equivalent English Learner Authorization) or be eligible for the English Learner Authorization at the time of recommendation for Bilingual Authorization.
  • Pass the CSET World Language Subtest III-Language and Communication 
  • Take the appropriate Culture course for your target language or Pass the CSET World Language Subtest V (Course must be in progress or Exam must be passed at the time of student teaching application.)

    LanguageCSU CampusCulture CourseContact Info
    KoreanCSU FullertonSu24 - EDSC 541KFernando Rodriguez-Valls 
    Chinese-MandarinSu24 - San Jose State UnivSu24 - EDTE 208MSu24 - Eduardo Munoz-Munoz
    F24 - Cal State LAF24 - EDCI 5560F24 - Veronica Gonzalez
    Ai-Ling (Cindy) Li 
    VietnameseCSU FullertonSu24 - EDSC 541VFernando Rodriguez-Valls 


  • Take the appropriate Language Methods courses for your target language or Pass the CSET World Language Subtest IV (Course must be in progress or Exam must be passed at the time of student teaching application.)
LanguageCSU Campus

Language Methodology

Contact Info
KoreanCSU FullertonSu24 - EDSC 446KFernando Rodriguez-Valls 
Chinese-MandarinSu24 - San Jose State UnivSu24 - EDTE 262MSu24 - Eduardo Munoz-Munoz
F24 - Cal State LAF24 - EDCI 5560F24 - Veronica Gonzalez
Ai-Ling (Cindy) Li 
VietnameseCSU FullertonSu24 - EDSC 446VFernando Rodriguez-Valls 
  • UTEACH Candidates interested in a BILA-must take required courses or pass CSET BILA Subtests IV and V and pass the CSET World Language Subtest III prior to taking MSCP Methods and Student Teaching.
  • Multiple Subject Student Teaching Requirement (only for students currently admitted to MSCP that have completed all of the above requirements):
    • 8 of 16 Units of Student Teaching in a Bilingual Setting

*Course can be taken prior to admission to the credential program.  The courses listed above are not offered every semester.  

Frequently Asked Questions