Supplemental EIR 2020

A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared by É«ÖÐÉ« to analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the Housing Expansion Phase 1 – Housing Administration and Commons Building Project (proposed project). The existing Hillside Office/Commons building within the Hillside College residence hall complex was proposed for demolition and replacement in the Campus Master Plan and Campus Master Plan Update EIR (State Clearinghouse #2007061092), certified by the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees in May 2008 (2008 EIR). É«ÖÐÉ« now proposes to implement this project with minor modifications compared to its original description in the 2008 Campus Master Plan.  This Draft Supplemental EIR has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) statutes (California Public Resources Code Section 2100 et. seq., as amended) and its implementing guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq., 2018).

Pursuant to Section 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines, the Supplemental EIR need only contain the information necessary to analyze the project modifications, changed circumstances, or new information that triggered the need for additional environmental review. Therefore, the Supplemental EIR evaluates environmental resource areas in which the proposed project was determined to have the potential for new or substantially more severe significant direct, indirect, and/or cumulative environmental effects compared with the project analyzed in the 2008 Campus Master Plan Update EIR.

Online Presentation: An online presentation video has been prepared to provide an overview of the proposed project, the identified environmental impacts, and required mitigation measures. In addition, the presentation video provides an overview of the CEQA process pertaining to the proposed project, and the project schedule.  The video can be viewed here:    


Public Review:

The Draft Supplemental EIR was circulated for a 45-day public review period, commencing on May 6th and concluding on June 19th. During the public review period, É«ÖÐÉ« requested input from responsible agencies, trustee agencies, stakeholders, and other interested parties regarding the content of the environmental analysis and information included in the Draft Supplemental EIR . 

Final Supplemental EIR:

Following the close of the Draft Supplemental EIR public review period, É«ÖÐÉ« has prepared the Final Supplemental EIR, which can be accessed via the links on the right side of this page. The California State University Board of Trustees (BOT) will use the Final Supplemental EIR inclusive of comments received during the public review period when considering the project for approval. Certification of the EIR and consideration of the proposed project is scheduled to occur at the Board of Trustees Meeting, held on Tuesday, July 21st and Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The meeting agenda will be posted on the Board of Trustees website and will there will be a live broadcast to the public on the days of the meeting. The meeting agenda and link to the live broadcast can be found here:

Please direct all comments to:

Martin Grant, Program Manager, Capital Construction

California State University, Long Beach

Office of Design + Construction Services

1331 Palo Verde Avenue MS#5805

Long Beach, California 90815


Phone: (562) 985-7382