Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures have been developed to provide general health and safety information to the campus community.
Cal/OSHA Inspections, Citations, and Penalties
California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) was created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 to enforce effective standards, assist and encourage employers to maintain safe and healthful working conditions, and to provide for enforcement, research, information, education and training in the field of occupational safety and health.
The University is subject to inspection and standards enforcement by Cal/OSHA staff. Citations and notification of penalties may be issued for violations of safety and health standard identified during an inspection. The department or administrative area that is responsible for the violation(s) which resulted in the citation is responsible for the payment of related penalties.
Cal/OSHA assigns an abatement or correction date for each cited violation. Abatement is usually required within 30 calendar days. The department or administrative area responsible for the violation is responsible for abating the condition which led to the citation. Advice, guidance and assistance, when necessary, is provided by Environmental Health and Safety staff.
First Aid Materials and Response
It is the University's policy that first aid materials (kits) for the immediate treatment of minor injuries to faculty and staff are available at appropriate locations.
First Aid Materials may include bandages, gauze pads or rolls, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, safety shears or other materials that are non-therapeutic in nature. In addition, latex or nitrile gloves and plastic bags should be included in any first aid kit. First aid materials shall not include any medication that can be ingested, such as aspiring. The quantities of first aid materials should be based on the number of persons for whom the materials are intended and the location of these materials should be made know to these persons.
First aid materials shall be maintained in a sanitary and useable condition, inspected frequently and replenished as necessary. There is no prescribed first aid materials container. The sole purpose of the container is to keep materials clean and readily accessible.
In most cases, the injured person will not need any assistance in using any the materials contained in a first aid kit. However, if assistance is needed which involves blood, the person providing assistance should don the gloves contained in the first aid kit before coming into contact with the inured person's blood. This will provide protection against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection or other blood borne infection.
Blood stained materials such as paper towels should be placed in the plastic bag from the first aid kit along with the used gloves. The bag should then be sealed and Environmental Health and Safety contacted for disposal.
Safety Instruction Verification
To protect the health and safety of 色中色 students and to minimize the potential for accidents, students enrolled in laboratory activities and fieldwork shall be instructed regarding safety rules, regulations, and practices associated with the use of laboratory materials, equipment, and other items identified as potentially hazardous by the instructor.
The following procedures shall be followed.
- Each department in consultation with the College Dean, shall determine which courses or course sections are covered by this procedure. The list of specified courses will be maintained in the Dean's office and appropriate departmental offices.
- Students enrolled in these courses shall be provided with appropriate safety instruction and shall certify that they have received such instruction. Click here for a sample safety instruction verification form.
- Faculty shall verify that all students enrolled in the course receive safety instruction.
- The signed certification forms shall be maintained in the appropriate departmental office for three academic years.
- Refusal to sign the certification form may lead to withdrawal of the student from the class. Disagreements involving the request for compliance shall be referred to the appropriate department chair for resolution.