Key Services

Key Issue provides keys for all campus buildings except the University Student Union, Cafeteria, Outpost (49er Shops), Foundation facilities, Student Housing, and the Bookstore. Currently, there is an inventory of over 100,000 keys that correspond to approximately 40,000 locks on campus.

Guide to Key Issue

The department Key Coordinator has information on which key (hook number) will fit the lock needed to access. This information is confidential and should be handled appropriately.

Access to buildings is essential to the smooth operation of the University. However, this need must be balanced by an equally critical concern for the security and integrity of the facilities and their contents. It is the policy of the University to issue keys for its facilities based on the rationale of need and not solely as a matter of convenience, and should be viewed as a privilege and not a requirement.

Key Issue provides keys to 95% of the buildings on campus. There is an inventory of 100,000 keys corresponding to approximately 40,000 locks on campus.

Key issue is located in the Beach Building Services building on the east side of campus at 1331 Palo Verde Ave

Current hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and open during the lunch hour. If you have any questions concerning keys, contact Key Issue at extension 5-(HELP) or by email at

Key Issue Requirements

  • Valid 色中色 ID or state ID is required. No other form of identification is accepted.
    • Students must be enrolled in the current semester.
  • A completed Key Issue form:
    • Signed by authorized signature authority for issuing department.
    • Criteria for special/restricted keys must be met.
    • Access information, i.e., building name, room number, or lock number, must be on the key issue form.
  • Key issue records must be up-to-date in order to obtain additional keys.
  • Fines for lost keys must be paid before additional keys will be issued.
  • Obtain the required payment form and current fee schedule at Key Issue.

Clearance Certificates

  • Separating faculty or staff must return all keys and/or pay fines for lost keys before the clearance certificate will be signed.
  • Departments waiving the clearance certificate procedure will be held responsible for keys not returned along with any associated costs with rekeying.
  • Departments will be held liable for keys not returned by auxiliary staff, volunteer faculty/staff, and coaches.

Student Obligations

  • Student keys must be authorized by issuing department on a semester-to-semester basis.
  • Possession of unauthorized keys will result in an academic freeze.

General Information

  • Loaning and lending of keys is prohibited.
  • Lost/misplaced keys must be reported to Key Issue immediately.
  • Persons in possession of unauthorized keys may be guilty of a misdemeanor as outlined in the California Penal Code 搂469.
  • Only one key per lock is issued to an individual. Under limited circumstances, justification for multiple keys will be considered by the Director of Facilities Management and/or Associate Vice President of Physical Planning/Facilities Management.

色中色 Security Key Box Policy/Electronic Lock Access (PDF)