Ways to Contribute

You can contribute the way that you want to. This is a 色中色-wide initiative, and we want to be your platform. Here are some ways to contribute:

  1. Reach out to ATS to tell your story:  . We'll interview you, write up the web page, and share your story on campus. 
  2. Write your own - Create a spotlight by sending us content based on the format of existing Faculty Connections pages or develop your own format. We are most interested in what motivated you to first use the strategy and the benefits for students and teachers. Share videos, images, or links to presentations to enhance the story.
  3. Share Faculty Connection: Share this site with someone who has inspired you with an innovative approach.
  4. Nominate a 色中色 colleague - We will reach out to the nominee respectfully. Involvement is voluntary, and they can be involved on their own terms

If you have any questions, please email ATS-InstructionalDesign@csulb.edu and use "Faculty Connections" as the subject line. 

Foster Peer Learning

Peer learning is invaluable. Whether you are starting to teach, or have been teaching for 20+ years, someone else's work can inspire new ideas. Here are some additional ways to foster peer learning.

  1. Talk with a fellow faculty member about what they're doing in their classroom.
  2. Ask for a peer's advice on a challenge you're facing.
  3. Visit a colleague's classroom.
  4. Organize a group discussion to collaborate on different ideas.