Amy Wax: Poll Everywhere

Dr. Amy Wax is a professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She uses Poll Everywhere with classes of 12 to 275 students. She has found their engagement increases when she uses Poll Everywhere. As a result, she also gets information about what they're thinking. Importantly, polls are easy to add to a PowerPoint presentation.

"Poll Everywhere allows you to create poll questions in the format of quite literally a PowerPoint slide that you insert into your regular lecture."

Key Questions:

  1. Why do you teach with Poll Everywhere?
  2. How do you get started using it?


  1. Amy likes Poll Everywhere for engaging students and tracking their responses. She embeds polls directly into her lecture slides.
  2. See the resources section below.


Key Questions:

  1. How does it improve the classroom experience?
  2. What have been students' reactions?
  3. How has your teaching benefited?


  1. Poll Everywhere leads to near-complete, simultaneous, low-stakes student participation. Thus, it solves the problem of only a few students raising their hands to a question.
  2. Amy's students have said Poll Everywhere makes class more fun. It keeps them more alert and attentive.
  3. From the faculty side of things, Amy can see her students' responses. Thus, polls can serve as learning checks for what students understand from homework readings and segments of lecture.

  • A very useful and comprehensive Poll Everywhere Instructor Guide
  • To see what types of polls are available:
  • Learn about implementation on the 色中色 Poll Everywhere page