Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)

Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT) are documents that explain how a product (software, hardware, electronic content and/or support documentation) meets accessibility standards outlined by so that buyers can compare similar products and make informed purchasing decisions. To learn more, visit

色中色 Procurement Requirements for New Technology

Before obtaining any new technology (even if free of charge) such as computers, hardware, software, software maintenance, telecommunications, or other digital products or services, it must pass a required review of accessibility compliance standards. Contact the 色中色 Procurement Services for information on the review process and the

The VPATs below pertain to the software supported by Academic Technology Services:

SoftwarePolicy StatementVPATContact Info
Adobe Acrobat Pro 
Adobe Creative Cloud 
Anthology Ally
(866) 360-2155
Autodesk Software
CamtasiaCamtasia VPAT (PDF)

(517) 381-2300

(800) 517-3001

iClickeriClicker VPAT (PDF)
KalturaKaltura VPAT (PDF)

+1 800 871 5224

Mathematica --Contact Mathematica

(508) 647-7000

Microsoft Imagine Standard

Microsoft Office Products

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows 10 education

Microsoft Visual Studio


(800) 936-5900

Video Phone 1 (503) 427-1234

Minitab ExpressMinitab Express Accessibility Policy (DOC)Minitab Express 1.5.1 VPAT (DOC)
MediaSite --
Poll Everywhere

Qualtrics Qualtrics VPAT (PDF)

1 (800) 340-9194

1 (385) 203-4999

Respondus --


Lock Down Browser and Monitor


(800) 727-0025

1 (919) 677- 8000

SnagitSnagit VPAT (PDF)

1- (517) 381- 2300


SPSS Software
Symantec Endpoint ProtectionSymantec Accessibility Policy (PDF) --

+1 650-527-8000

TurnitinContact Turnitin
ZoomZoom VPAT (PDF)

Contact Zoom