Guidelines for Advisors

GWAR Pathways in the Academic Requirements Report (ARR)

Exciting changes in the GWAR program are being implemented to help students develop their academic writing skills. Beginning in Fall 2016, the GWAR pathways include completion of a General Education Writing Intensive (WI) capstone course to satisfy the GWAR. This new step in the GWAR appears in students' Academic Requirements Report along with the other steps in the GWAR pathways. You will find detailed information about the requirements for students who enrolled or reenrolled either before or after Fall 2016 on the Student information page.

Also beginning in Fall 2016, the GWAR Placement Exam (GPE) replaces the Writing Proficiency Exam (WPE). All students, regardless of their enrollment dates, who have not taken the placement test prior to fall 2016, will be required to take the GPE. WPE scores attained by students who took the test prior to fall 2016 will continue to be used for placement purposes, and students who completed the WPE are not required to complete the GPE. Students are permitted to take the GPE only once. Students' can view their GPE scores by logging in to the My色中色 homepage, and then opening the Test Score Summary link. For information about the writing placement test go to the or contact

The Academic Requirements Report (ARR) now includes the GWAR pathways. When students take the GPE, their GWAR pathway is displayed in the ARR found on the drop-down menu on students' My色中色 homepage. This means that advisors can now quickly determine the remaining steps in students' GWAR pathway and help them progress through the pathway more promptly.

It is imperative for timely degree completion that students make steady progress toward fulfilling the GWAR. Therefore, undergraduate students with scores lower than 11 on the GPE are required to begin the appropriate GWAR pathway within two semesters of taking the test. These students must enroll in an appropriate pathway course each semester until they are deemed ready to take the General Education writing intensive capstone course or they have satisfied the GWAR. These students must satisfy the GWAR before they can apply for graduation. Registration may be prevented for students not complying with timely completion of the GWAR requirement by placing a GWAR Requirement hold on their registration. Undergraduate students will be permitted to appeal to complete requirements concurrently if required for timely graduation. Appeals will be reviewed by the Associate Vice President, Undergraduate Studies.

Graduate students with scores lower than 11 on the GPE are required to begin the appropriate GWAR pathway the semester following the GPE test date. These students must enroll in an appropriate GWAR pathway course each semester until they satisfy the GWAR. Graduate students must satisfy the GWAR before they can advance to candidacy. Registration may be prevented for students not complying with timely completion of the GWAR requirement by placing a GWAR Requirement hold on their registration. Graduate students may appeal to complete requirements concurrently if required for timely advancement to candidacy. Appeals will be reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies or designee.

Students must contact GWAR eAdvising by email at to have the GWAR Requirement hold lifted.

GWAR Course Sections for International & Returning Students

English 301B classes for international students through CCPE are no longer available because of CSU policy. 

GWAR Policies

The Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) Policy (PDF) was recommended by the Academic Senate on October 4, 2012 and approved by the president on December 20, 2012.