Approved GWAR Portfolio Courses and WI (Writing Intensive) Courses

GWAR Pathways

GWAR Pathways
GPE Score of 7 or lowerENGL 301A  (C or better) + GWAR Portfolio Course + Writing Intensive (WI) Course*
GPE Score of 8, 9 or 10GWAR Porfolio Course + Writing Intensive (WI) Course
GPE Score of 11 or higher or GPE Waiver**Writing Intensive (WI) Course

*Writing Intensive (WI) Course required for É«ÖÐÉ« students admitted Fall 2016 or later (Undergraduates only)


About the GWAR

Students who receive a GPE score of 11 or higher, or a GPE Waiver, are eligible to take the required Writing Intensive (WI) course. Writing Intensive course is only applicable to Undergraduate students.

Students who receive a score of 8, 9 or 10 must successfully complete one of the GWAR portfolio courses listed below and submit a passing portfolio in addition to the Writing Intensive (WI) course. 

Students who receive 7 or lower must complete ENGL 301A with a grade of C or better before enrolling in a GWAR portfolio course and submitting a passing portfolio. Once students pass the GWAR portfolio course they are eligible to take a required Writing Intensive (WI) course (). Please note, ENGL 301A is typically offered during Fall and Spring semester sessions only.

Information about eligibility requirements and prerequisites is listed above each course description.  After the completion of the GPE, students can view their GWAR requirement and course options by selecting the Academic Requirements option from the drop-down menu on their MyÉ«ÖÐÉ« homepage.


List of Approved GWAR Portfolio Courses:


3 units
Letter grade or Credit/No Credit
Prerequisites: 8, 9 or 10 on the WPE/GPE or grade of C or better in ENGL 301A
Open to students in all majors
No permit required

English Proficiency (ENGL 301B) is an intermediate course in English usage with emphasis on building proficiency in oral and written language. ENGL 301B may be repeated for a maximum of 6 units credit. Credit for ENGL 301B is not applicable to any degree program of the Department of English.

Special sections of ENGL 301B are no longer offered for international students through CCPE because of CSU policy.  

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.

3 units
Credit/No Credit Only
Prerequisites: 8, 9 or 10 on the WPE/GPE or grade of C or better in ENGL 301A
Open only to students in College of Engineering
No permit required

Business Communications in Engineering Profession (ENGR 310) focuses on basic concepts for the understanding and practice of communication in the world of business for managers and professional engineers. Topics include language/conversation in business and its role in coordinating actions, resolving breakdowns in work, and customer satisfaction, as well as business writing formats; formal reports; business conversation; and international, technical, and linguistic developments in business communication.  Students should contact their major advisor more information about this course.

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.

3 units
Letter Grade or Credit/No Credit
Prerequisites: Completion of GE Foundation courses, ANTH 120 or SOC 100 or 142, and upper division standing, or instructor consent and for GWAR a 8, 9 or 10 on the WPE/GPE or grade of C or better in ENGL 301A
Open to students in all majors
No permit required

Cultural Perspectives of Dress is a well-established, writing-intensive course offered by the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.  It is an upper-division GE course that satisfies the Global Issues requirement.  Students should contact the course instructor or the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences for more information about this course.  Students who wish to submit a GWAR portfolio in this course MUST inform the instructor of their intent during the first week of instruction. 

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.

4 units
Letter grade only (A-F)
Prerequisite: 8, 9, or 10 on the WPE/GPE or a grade of C or better in ENGL 301A; successful completion of HIST 301
Required of all History majors. Must be taken in the semester immediately following successful completion of HIST 301.
No permit required

Introduction to history of historical profession, conceptual categories of historical inquiry, and the ways theory shapes historical research and writing. Focuses on case studies, significant historical works, major schools of historical interpretation and recent historiographic trends. Creation of student portfolio used in remaining upper-division courses in major and assessed in HIST 499. Students should contact their major advisor for more information about this course.

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.

3 units
Letter grade or Credit/No Credit
Prerequisites: 8, 9 or 10 on the WPE/GPE or grade of C or better in ENGL 301A

Open only to students in College of Business Administration
Permit required

Business Communications Laboratory (IS 301L) is a writing-intensive course emphasizing concepts and practice for development of writing skills for successful professional practice.  A permit from the COB Advising Center is required for registration. Students should contact their major advisor for more information about this course.

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.

3 units
Letter grade only (A-F)
Prerequisites: LING 170 or ANTH 170 or permission of instructor. Exclude freshmen.

Introduction to quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research in linguistics; basic statistics; writing a research report. May be used to fulfill the GWAR portfolio requirement. Upper Division course.

NOTE: This class is a GWAR Portfolio class, and does not count as a Writing Intensive course to satisfy the GWAR. For a list of approved Writing Intensive (WI) courses, please see below.


List of Approved Writing Intensive (WI) Courses:

If you are a student who wants to enroll in a course for your writing intensive (WI) course, it is necessary that you get in touch with your É«ÖÐÉ« major advisor first and obtain their approval. This process will help ensure that you are taking the appropriate course to fulfill the WI requirement for your degree.