University Library News Archives
- New Critics' Choice Collection for Your Personal Device
- Prepare for Finals at the Library! We're Open 24/7!
- eBooks on Reserve: New Library Pilot Program
- Welcome New Tenure-track Librarians!
- The End is Near but Fear Not, the Library is Open for You - 2014
- New Digital Institutional Repository Shares 色中色 Research with the world
- 2 New Online Library Resources: Nature and Sage Research Methods
- Finish Papers and Study for Finals Anytime, 24/7
- Welcome Back to a More Welcoming Library!
- The Library鈥檚 Open When Students Need It Most: Finish Papers and Study Finals Anytime 24/7
- Renamed and Improved Database for 鈥淗ot Topics鈥
- Color Printing and Scanning Arrive, and COAST Goes Mobile
- A Rich and Varied Array of Resources for Research Across the Curriculum
- A New LMS Makes Its Debut: BeachBoard Transitioning to Desire2Learn
- Khue Duong, Science Librarian
- An Undiscovered Gem: AP Images
- State Budget Closure Days Force Temporary Reduction in Library Hours
- Email Notification Now Fully Implemented!
- January Updates to COAST Bring More Improvements
- A "Complete" Research Tool Makes Its Debut
- Introducing Email Notification
- Research Paper Clinics: Brought to you by the Writers Resource Lab and the University Library
- Faculty Research Support from the Library: New Choices and Faster Service
- Presidential Picks: The Library's Got Them All!
- Library Hosts C茅sar Ch谩vez Exhibit: 鈥淚n His Own Words: the Life and Work of C茅sar Ch谩vez鈥
- Playaway: the Next Generation of Audiobooks
- Now Available: Order Media from LINK+ Partner Libraries!
- Get Ready for Finals: The Library's Staying Open to Help
- Text Creation Partnership Boosts Functionality of EEBO
- COAST 2.0 Beta Test - It's Encore
- By Popular Request: The Library鈥檚 Open All Night During Finals!
- ArticleReachTM Revolutionizes Interlibrary Delivery of Journal Articles
- The Chronicle: it can always be @ your desktop, thanks to the Library
- Library and LBVA Healthcare System Partner to Deliver Library Resources to Hospitalized Vets
- The Library's Closed-Where Can I Go?
- It鈥檚 4 a.m. and the Library鈥檚 open; Keep the Coffee Coming!
- Early English Books Online: Nearly Every Work Printed in England or in English between 1473-1700
- System Upgrades Shut Down COAST January 2
- Renovation Over, But Momentum Continues
- Early Bird or Night Owl, the Library Has You Covered!
- Library Expands Collections in Support of Faculty and Student Research
- Library Hours Increase as Finals Loom Ahead
- Celebrate National Library Week at the Beach
The contains materials which chronicle the history of the Library, University and its surrounding community -- including:
- A complete set of back issues of the 色中色 student newspaper, the Daily Forty-Niner
- Minutes and official records of academic departments and campus governance organizations.
- Official papers of local political figures, such as Vincent Thomas and Mark Hannaford.
Certain documents in University Archives, notably pages from historical 色中色 Catalogs, Schedule of Classes, Yearbooks and course syllabi usually can be photocopied without harm to the original. Prease review our Photocopying Services Policy (pdf).