Faculty Research Support from the Library: New Choices and Faster Service

Campus Community Update #250

November 24, 2009

Faculty Research Support from the Library: New Choices and Faster Service

As budget realities continue to hit home and the Library seeks ways to work smarter and more efficiently, the venerable 鈥淎SAP鈥 program is being displaced by a new range of services that are faster, less labor intensive, and more technology-driven. The Library has the tools and the services that today鈥檚 researchers need, and most of them can be delivered to their home or office desktop:

Research databases: discover the best sources of online information for a discipline, then search them to retrieve articles, reports, images, statistics, and government documents. The Library subscribes to over 11,000 full text e-journals. Get started at 

Citation manager: the Library鈥檚 subscription to RefWorks鈩 is integrated seamlessly with most of its databases, so each researcher can create, format, and save cited references in a personal folder

Article retrieval: When a journal reference can鈥檛 be provided directly by the library, try ArticleReach鈩. Complete an online form, and receive the scanned article sent directly to your desktop, often in less than a day 

Librarian consultation: Librarians are information retrieval experts, and each department/program has been assigned its own subject specialist librarian. Make an appointment to discuss your research needs and to get suggestions for the best sources of information at 

The Library regrets that it no longer has staff to provide some services formerly offered to ASAP enrollees: photocopying of articles from print journals in the library, courier delivery to faculty offices of books or photocopied articles, completion of forms required to obtain books or articles, completion of forms required to put books or articles on reserve.