Celebrate National Library Week at the Beach

Campus Community Update #225

April 11, 2008

Celebrate National Library Week at the Beach

You are cordially invited to join the 色中色 Library in celebrating National Library Week, April 14 - 18. Please stop by anytime during the week (up to the "Meet and Greet") and fill out a raffle ticket at the Reference Desk for a chance to win 色中色 Merchandise!

Stop by and meet your librarian at the "Meet and Greet" on April 17 from 12 - 3 p.m. Find out ways in which your librarian can help YOU with research. You can also win a BeachClub gift card, compliments of the library. Winners of the raffle will be announced at the end of the "Meet and Greet" event in front of the library on the 17th.

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