Fall 2021 General Education Requirements

Fall 2021 General Education Requirements Grid

LD = Lower Division (100 and 200 level courses); UD = Upper Division (300 and 400 level courses)  Students under earlier G.E. plans or who need help with the above chart should contact their College Advising Center or the University Center for Undergraduate Advising.

Students who began continuous enrollment in Fall 2021 or later at a California Community College or other California State University may follow this pattern.

The following is an overview of the General Education requirements for the Fall 2021 pattern. Click the link in the "List of Approved Courses" column to see a list of courses approved for that requirement. Refer to the online schedule of classes to see which specific sections of courses are being offered for a specific term. You can also run your Academic Requirements Report to see your current status in completing General Education requirements.

  • The Foundation (A1, A2, A3 and B4 Courses)
  • Explorations (B2, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, and E - Lower Division Courses)
  • Upper Division Requirements (B, C, and D)

These courses will provide you with the basic essential skills of a college-educated person including written communication and oral communication in the English language, critical thinking, and mathematics/quantitative reasoning.

In these courses, you will develop and improve fundamental academic skills that are critical to success in college.

All GE Foundation Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better within the first 30 色中色 baccalaureate units.

The Foundation
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Oral Communication in EnglishA13A1 courses
Written Communication in EnglishA23A2 courses
Critical ThinkingA33A3 courses
Mathematics/Quantitative ReasoningB43B4 courses

These courses will provide you with opportunities to explore human knowledge in a variety of disciplines.

You will be able to select courses from all across the university, so the topics you can explore are nearly unlimited. You will also refine the skills you developed in the Foundation courses, and you will be expected to practice additional skills like ethical reasoning, solving complex problems, creativity, respect for different points of view, and understanding your part in a democratic society and global community.

Natural Sciences (Area B)
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Physical Sciences*B13B1 courses
Life Sciences*B23B2 courses
B31B3 courses

* In this category, either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences must include a lab component.

Arts and Humanities (Area C)
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Arts, Cinema, Dance, Design, Film, Music, TheatreC13C1 courses
Literature, Philosophy,
C23C2 courses  
C1 Arts or C2 Humanities
C33C3 courses
Social Science (Area D)
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
U.S. HistoryD13D1 courses
Constitution and American IdealsD23D2 courses
Social Sciences and CitizenshipD33D3 Courses
Lower Division (Area E)
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Lifelong Learning and Self DevelopmentE3E Lower Division courses

* In this category, six units of lower division are required. Students are required to take three units of U.S. History and three units of Constitution and American Ideals, which may be taken at lower division or upper division level. Lifelong Learning and Self-Development (Area E)

These courses will provide you with opportunities to explore ethnic studies in a variety of disciplines.

Ethnic Studies (Area F)
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Ethnic StudiesF-ES, UD D, D3, Human Diversity3Ethnic Studies

The Upper Division Requirements represent the culmination of the GE experience and are designed to reinforce knowledge and skills acquired from many areas. Students are required to take 3 Upper Division units in Category B, 3 Upper Division units in Category C, 3 Upper Division units in Category D. 

All Upper Division Requirement courses must reinforce advanced college skills, including writing, synthesis and application of knowledge, analysis, critique, and research.

Upper Division Requirements
Area of StudyGE CategoryUnits RequiredList of Approved Courses
Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative ReasoningB3Upper Division B Courses (300-400)
Art or HumanitiesC3Upper Division C Courses (300-400)
Social SciencesD3Upper Division D Courses (300-400)