Area 1: Approved GE Courses

Reminder: Access your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) to see your progress towards completing GE requirements. Continue to regularly connect with your academic advisor to plan your GE course selections. Plus, refer to the Schedule of Classes to see which courses are offered for a specific term.

The courses below are approved GE courses that fulfill categories in Lower-Division Area 1:

1A: English Composition
AFRS 100BComposition II
AIS 100BComposition II
ASAM 100BComposition II
CHLS 104BComposition II
ENGL 100BComposition II

1B: Critical Thinking
A/ST 190Eastern Ways of Thinking
AFRS 150Critical Thinking in Africana Studies
CECS 100Critical Thinking in the Digital Information Age
COMM 131Essentials of Argumentation
CWL 161Reading the World
ENGL 102Critical Reading & Writing
ETEC 171Critical Thinking Using Computer Technology
FSCI 101Franken Food: Fact or Science Fiction
HIST 101Facts Evidence & Explanation
I S 100Critical Thinking and Information Technology Literacy
I/ST 100Global Citizenship
JOUR 160Understanding 色中色
L/ST 111Critical Thinking and Public Education
LING 100The Nature of Language
PHIL 130Puzzles and Paradoxes
PHIL 170Critical Reasoning
POSC 105Introduction to Critical Thinking
PSY 130Critical Thinking
SCED 100An Introduction to Scientific and Spatial Reasoning
UHP 100Angles of Vision-Honors

1C: Oral Communication
COMM 110Interpersonal Communication
COMM 130Essential Public Speaking
COMM 132Small Group Discussion