Elementary Science Learning Academy
The Science Education Department is excited to support elementary teachers' professional growth in science and STEM. Our Elementary Science Learning Academy (ESLA) is a two-week summer institute followed by academic year programming and support.
Participating teachers receive a stipend and science supplies for their classroom. In addition to the summer institute, it is expected that teachers participate in professional development during the academic year. For an additional fee, participants can earn upper division credit.
In an effort to increase the impact of the program, we are encouraging teams or partners of teachers from the same school site to participate. This will help you have another person on site who is excited about teaching science with you.
Who is Eligible
K through 5th grade teachers. Teachers interested in increasing their confidence and competence at teaching science. Preference will be given to pairs/teams of teachers from the same school and to teacher who work in high need schools.
When and Where
The program takes place at 色中色 typically in late June or early July.
Participating teachers will receive a $400 stipend for successful completion of the summer institute plus science materials for use in their classroom. An additional $100 stipend will be provided to teachers who complete the 15 hours of professional development during the academic year. Participants will have the opportunity to attend the California Science Education Conference.
How to Apply
Applications for the next summer institute are not yet available.
The Richard D. Green Elementary Science Learning Academy takes applications from K-5 elementary teachers and administrators for a cohort of educators just getting started with NGSS. The program consists of 2 days during summer and professional learning opportunities during the academic yea.
To remain active in the program participants must participate in at least 15 hours of science professional learning during the school year.
Review of applications begins mid-May and continues until the cohort is filled.