Payroll Schedule

Time cards must be delivered to the Foundation Office by 5 p.m. on the due date. Time Cards submitted after the due date may be processed on the following payroll. For additional information call Payroll Staff at 562.985.8486 or 562.985.8487.

2025 Payroll Calendar (PDF)

Calendar Year 2025
Pay Period DatesHolidaysTime Card Due DatePay DateHours Paid
12-16-24 - 12-31-2412-25-24 - 1-1-25 Winter Break2025-01-021-10-2025, Fri80
01-01-25 - 01-15-25 2025-01-151-24-2025, Fri88
01-16-25 - 01-31-251-20-25 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day2025-01-312-10-2025, Mon96
02-01-25 - 02-15-25 2025-02-172-25-2025, Tue80
02-16-25- 02-28-25 2025-02-283-10-2025, Mon80
03-01-25 - 03-15-25 2025-03-173-25-2025, Tue80
03-16-25 - 03-31-253-31-2025 Cesar Chavez Day2025-04-014-10-2025, Thu88
04-01-25 - 04-15-25 2025-04-164-25-2025, Fri88
04-16-25 - 04-30-25 2025-04-305-9-2025, Fri88
05-01-25 - 05-15-25 2025-05-155-23-2025, Fri88
05-16-25 - 05-31-255-26-25 Memorial Day2025-05-306-10-2025, Tue88
06-01-25 - 06-15-25 2025-06-136-25-2025, Wed80
06-16-25 - 06-30-256-19-25 Juneteenth2025-07-017-10-2025, Thu88
07-01-25 - 07-15-257-4-25 Independence Day2025-07-167-25-2025, Fri88
07-16-25 - 07-31-25 2025-07-318-8-2025, Fri96
08-01-25 - 08-15-25 2025-08-158-25-2025, Mon88
08-16-25 - 08-31-25 2025-08-299-10-2025, Wed80
09-01-25 - 09-15-259-1-25 Labor Day2025-09-169-25-2025, Thu88
09-16-25 - 09-30-25 2025-10-0110-10-2025, Fri88
10-01-25- 10-15-25 2025-10-1510-24-2025, Fri88
10-16-25 - 10-31-25 2025-10-3111-10-2025, Mon96
11-01-25 - 11-15-2511-11-25 Veteran's Day2025-11-1411-25-2025, Tue80
11-16-25 - 11-30-2511-27-25 Thanksgiving Day2025-12-0112-10-2025, Wed80
12-01-25-12-15-25 2025-12-1512-23-2025, Tue88
12-16-25 - 12-31-2512-25-25 - 1-1-26 Winter Break2026-01-021-9-2026, Fri96

Employment paperwork must be submitted to HR and individual cleared prior to starting work. Submit HR documents to and Payroll documents to for processing.        

ALL BENEFITED EMPLOYEES must use Vacation or OPA for the Friday after Thanksgiving on their Time Card. The Research Foundation is closed this day, but it is not a recognized, paid holiday.            
Time cards must be delivered to the Research Foundation Office by 5 p.m. on the timecard due date. Time Cards submitted after the due date may be processed on the following payroll. Checks are ready for pick-up between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on pay day. Checks not picked up or directed to be held will be mailed at 1 p.m. on pay day. For additional information, please contact the Payroll Staff at 562-985-8486 or 562-985-8487.
To pick up a pay check the employee must provide an identification card with a picture (such as a driver's license). Pay checks may be released to an individual other than the employee only if the employee signs a note authorizing a specific individual to pick up their pay check on a particular pay day and a valid ID is presented.

[Downloadable Version (PDF)]

This schedule applies only to salaried University employees who submit the monthly 色中色 Exempt Employee Reporting Form instead of the semi-monthly staff timecards for payment of additional employment/overload through the Research Foundation. Employment paperwork must be submitted to HR and individual cleared prior to starting work. Submit payroll documents to for processing.    

Calendar Year 2025
MonthPay Period DatesHolidaysTime Card Due DatePay Date
December12-1-24 - 12-31-2412-25-24 - 1-1-25 Winter Break2024-12-201-10-2025, Fri
January01-1-25 - 01-31-251-20-25 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day2025-01-242-10-2025, Mon
February02-1-25- 02-28-25 2025-02-213-10-2025, Mon
March03-1-25 - 03-31-253-31-2025 Cesar Chavez Day2025-03-214-10-2025, Thu
April04-1-25 - 04-30-25 2025-04-255-9-2025, Fri
May05-1-25 - 05-31-255-26-25 Memorial Day2025-05-236-10-2025, Tue
June06-1-25 - 06-30-256-19-25 Juneteenth2025-06-207-10-2025, Thu
July07-01-25 - 07-31-257-4-25 Independence Day2025-07-258-8-2025, Fri
August08-1-25 - 08-31-25 2025-08-229-10-2025, Wed
September09-01-25 - 09-30-259-1-25 Labor Day2025-09-1910-10-2025, Fri
October10-1-25 - 10-31-25 2025-10-2411-10-2025, Mon
November11-1-25 - 11-30-2511-11-25 Veteran's Day - 11-27-25 Thanksgiving Day2025-11-2112-10-2025, Wed
December12-1-25 - 12-31-2512-25-25 - 1-1-26 Winter Break2025-12-191-9-2026, Fri

[Downloadable Version (PDF)]