Board of Directors

Board of Directors Members
Dr. Jane Close Conoley ex officioPresident, 色中色ChairBylaws
Dr. Karyn Scissum Gunn ex officioProvost and Sr. V.P. Academic Affairs, 色中色Vice ChairBylaws
Dr. Barbara Taylor ex officioAssoc. VP for Research & External Support, 色中色SecretaryBylaws
Scott Apel ex officioVP Administration & Finance,色中色TreasurerBylaws
Tracey L. Richardson ex officioCOO, 色中色 Research FoundationDirectorBylaws
Nikki Majidi ex officio Term Expires: May 31, 2025President, Assoc. Students, Inc., 色中色DirectorBylaws
Robert Frear
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Academic Senate MemberDirectorAppointed by the President according to the selection procedure described in organizations Bylaws
Katherine Kirchhoff
Term Expires: December 31, 2027
Public MemberDirectorAppointed by the President according to the selection procedure described in organizations Bylaws
Walter Larkins
Term Expires: July 31, 2026
Public MemberDirectorAppointed by the President according to the selection procedure described in organizations Bylaws
Dr. Stephen Mezyk
Term Expires: February 28, 2027
Principal Investigator MemberDirectorAppointed by the President according to the selection procedure described in organizations Bylaws
Dr. Curtis Bennett
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Dean, 色中色 College of Natural Sciences & MathematicsDirectorAppointed by the President according to the selection procedure described in organizations Bylaws