
The purpose of the 色中色 vanpool program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, comply with our air quality mandate, and support sustainable transportation choices. 色中色 vanpools consist of 4 to 10 staff and/or faculty who, as a group, rent a van through  and share a commute to campus. 色中色 vanpool members save money on gas, vehicle maintenance, insurance, and the expense of a parking permit. Vanpools are eligible to receive the following benefits:

  •   A $600/month van rental subsidy
  •   A employee parking permit for the van
  •   A designated vanpool parking space
  •   Two subsidized per fiscal year

In addition, vanpooling allows riders to use time-saving carpool/HOV lanes and enjoy the health benefits of reduced stress. Vanpool passengers often use the time to relax, sleep, read, text, or catch up on emails. Part-time ridership options are also available.

Each Enterprise Rideshare van features luxury upholstery, sound system, cruise control, power locks and windows, and front and rear A/C, with additional upgrades upon request.

Join an existing vanpool or start a new one! Please call 562.985.7433 or email to learn more. We will help you start the process or connect you with an existing vanpool if one already exists in your area.

For additional information, please read the  or contact the Sustainable Transportation Coordinator at 562.985.RIDE.