Spring 2019 - Archived Newsletter

This online publication is produced each semester to recognize faculty and students and their ongoing work. More information can be accessed by clicking on the topics below.


Faculty Receiving External Awards
October 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019

Faculty Receiving External Awards October 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019

PI Name



Project Title

Becker, Matthew Department of Toxic Substances Control Geological Sciences Oversight and Research for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) groundwater characterization and cleanup planning effortsat Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL)
Becker, Matthew Department of Toxic Substances Control Geological Sciences Hydrogeology Support: Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Berquist, Emily The Huntington History Offer of a Long-Term Research Fellowship at The Huntington Library, 2019-20
Bhandari, Deepali National Institutes of Health NIGMS Chemistry & Biochemistry Novel Insights into Cancer Cell Survival During Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
Bird, Mara Good Samaritan Hospital Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training Focus Group Evaluation
Bird, Mara Unidos US Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training Comprando Rico y Sano Program Evaluation
Black, Margaret Arts Council for Long Beach University Art Museum Community Project Grant
Booth-Caro, Erin California Department of Rehabilitation Career Development Center Workability IV Program
Buonora, Paul & Brusslan, Judy National Institutes of Health Chemistry & Biochemistry 色中色 Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement 2015-2020
Chandra, Shailesh Calfornia Department of Transportation Civil Engineering & Contruction Engineering Management Quantifying Results of Key Transit Investments
Chandra, Shailesh Calfornia Department of Transportation Civil Engineering & Contruction Engineering Management Determining Factors for future design and construction of intercity passenger rail maintenance or layover facilities in California
Chang, Jen-Mei National Science Foundation Mathematics & Statistics Mentored Excellence toward Research and Industry Careers
Chesler, Josh Riverside County Office of Education Mathematics and Statistics Mathematical Reasoning With Connections (MRWC)
Costa, Christine Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development Nursing Telehealth Training for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners
D'Anna, Laura Community Partners Center for Health Equity Research Building Healthy Communities, Long Beach Learning and Evaluation Project
Eriksen, Shelley Cal OES-US DOJ  Human Development Campus Sexual Assault Program
Fraser, Deborah National Institutes of Health Biological Sciences Complement Protein C1q in Atherosclerosis
Golshani, Forouzan Boeing Company College of Engineering Administration Boeing Projects 2019
Golshani, Forouzan Southern California Gas Company College of Engineering Administration Energy and Environment R&D Projects
Golshani, Forouzan Boeing College of Engineering Administration Boeing Projects 2019
Grossman-Thompson, Barbara Queen Mary University London International Studies Visualizing gender-based violence in graphic awareness campaigns in Nepal
Herman, Martin Arts Council for Long Beach Music Arts Council for Long Beach Community Project: GardenMe
Jeannette-Parker, Cyrus Arts Council for Long Beach University Art Museum Spring 2019 Creative Long Beach Internship
Kalman, Joseph Office of Naval Research Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Development of Solid Propulsion Mix and Characterization Facility
Kelly, Kenneth CSU Chico Research Foundation  Student Affairs-Dean of Students 2019-2021 CalFresh Outreach Services
Kim, Mimi Community Partners Social Work Strengthening Social Network Responses to Domestic Violence
Kim, Mimi Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance dba Family Justice Center Social Work Strengthening Social Network Responses to Domestic Violence 
Kline Crockett, Megan California Arts Council Carpenter Performing Arts Center Arts Education Exposure
Krishnan, Sudha The University Corporation Northridge Accountancy The CSU 5+ VITA Initiative
Lowe, Chris Monterey Bay Aquarium Biological Sciences Juvenile White Shark Tagging Rapid Response Team (additional funds)
Maples, Tracy University of California, Office of the President College of Engineering Administration MEP Program 2017-2018
Marcus, Richard University of California  International Studies Program California Subject Matter Project (CSMP)-Every student succeeds act 2018 (CSMP ESSA18)
Mark, Ron Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training Center for Criminal Justice Research & Training Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI)
Mark, Ron Commission on POST Center for Criminal Justice Research & Training POST Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) Facilitator Workshop
Marrujo, Carolina Los Angeles County Office of Education Education Equity Service Student Support Administration LACOE Intern Program 2018
Martin-Hansen, Lisa Claremont USD Science Education Professional Development Program
Meyer-Adams, Nancy Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development via UC Berkeley Social Work Educational Stipend Program - MSW
Meyer-Adams, Nancy The Regents of the University of California - Berkely (CalSWEC) Social Work Cal SWEC Title IV-E Foster Care
Meyer-Adams, Nancy UCCF UCLA/ DCFS Title IV-E Training Stipend Programs Social Work UCCF-UCLA/DCFS Title IV-E Training/Stipend Program 2018-2021 (Years 28-31)
Mezyk, Stephen The Regents of the University of California (Irvine) Chemistry & Biochemistry Effects of Alpha and Gamma Radiation on Complex and Metal Loaded Solvents for Advanced Extraction Processes
Miles, Jim University of Southern California - Metrans Psychology Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Technologies for their impact on traffic safety and traffic congestion
O' Brien, Thomas University of Southern California / Metrans Center for International Trade and Transportation National Center for Sustainable Transportation
O' Donnell, Julie YMCA Social Work YMCA - Full Service Community Schools Program
O'Brien, Thomas Intermodal Association of North America Center for International Trade and Transportation IANA's Scholarship Program
O'Brien, Thomas University of Southern California Center for International Trade and Transportation Metrans University Transportation Center
Pace, Douglas National Institutes of Health NIGMS Biological Sciences Deining the Role of Calcium-building Proteins in the Human Parasite Taxoplasma Gondii
Rahai, Hamid Edgewind Center for Energy & Environmental Research and Services CFD Investigation of a NASA High Lift Common Research Model with and with CVG's
Rahai, Hamid San Jose State University College of Engineering Administration Transportation Research & Training (TRANSPORT) SB2
Rahai, Hamid Edgewind Center for Energy & Environmental Research and Services CFD Investigations fo a NASA High Lift Commons Research Model (HL-CRM) with and without CVG's
Shaffer, Gwen Univeristy of Pennsylvania Journalism How mobile privacy violations contribute to digital inequalities for disadvantaged individuals
Shankar, Praveen Aerospace Corporation Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering AEROSEED: Payload Stabilization and pointing for an all-rotating aerial vehicle
Shankar, Praveen Edgewind Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Robotic System for Maintenance of Wind Turbine Blades - Phase II
Stevens, Lora University Enterprises, Inc. via CSU Chancellor's Office Geological Sciences CSU LSAMP 2018-2023
Stevens, Lora University Enterprises, Inc. via National Science Foundation Geological Sciences CSU LSAMP 2018-2023
Tian, Fangyuan American Chemical Society Chemistry Designing surface supportive zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for purifying natural gas
Vu, Kim San Jose State University Psychology Human Systems Integration:  Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve the Safety, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASAs Aeronautics and Space Missions
Whisler, Daniel SA Recycling Inc Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering New Impact-Resistant Loader Design
Whitcraft, Christine Orange County Water District Biology Burris Basin Fish Studies Management Recommendation
Yohannes-Reda, Saba ABC Unified School District Engineering Student Success Center Artesia High School MESA Schools Program
Yohannes-Reda, Saba Paramount Unified School District Engineering Student Success Center PUSD MESA Schools Program
Yoozbashizadeh, Mahdi National College Resources Foundation Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Rocket Laboratory
Young, Kelly National Institutes of Health NIGMS Biological Sciences Regulation of Folliculogenesis During Ovarian Recrudescence

Faculty Receiving Mini-Grants (Fall 2019 to Spring 2020) and Summer Stipends (Summer 2019)

Faculty Receiving Mini-Grants (Fall 2019 to Spring 2020) and Summer Stipends (Summer 2019)

Award Type

Awardee (PI)

Proposal Title



Mini-Grant Holliday, Peter James Historical Commemorations in Art: A Global Perspective COTA School of Art
Mini-Grant Jenks, Andrew Los Rusos en Mexico: Russians and Revolutions in 20th Century Mexico CLA History
Mini-Grant Johnson, Darren Evaluating the effects of microplastic pollution on the feeding, growth, and survival of marine fish larvae CNSM Biological Sciences
Mini-Grant Morales Ponce, Oscar Robotic Warehouse COE Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Mini-Grant Pace, Douglas Determining the molecular mechanisms responsible for phenotypic plasticity in larvae of the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus CNSM Biological Sciences
Mini-Grant Sinchak, Kevin MAPK pathway mediates progesterone receptor-Src kinase-Dopamine receptor-type 1 signaling that rapidly facilitates lordosis behavior CNSM Biological Sciences
Mini-Grant Wagner, Luke The Cultural Ecology of Children鈥檚 Publishing Houses: Hindu Nationalism and Children鈥檚 Religious Literature in Nepal CLA Sociology and International Studies
Mini-Grant Whisler, Daniel A new way to validate flexible matrix composites COE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Award Type Awardee (PI) Proposal Title College Department
Summer Stipend Acevedo Rivera, Jeannette On Social Networks and Gendered Exchanges: The Nineteenth-Century Album and Twenty First-Century Technologies of Communication CLA Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures
Summer Stipend Argandona, Monica Range Riders and Wolves: Predator Mitigation Strategies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem CLA Environmental Science and Policy
Summer Stipend Asvapathanagul, Pitiporn Investigating of Microplastics and their Absorption of Organochlorinate Pesticides, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water associated with their Removals using Engineering Systems COE Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Managment
Summer Stipend Avants, Sophia The Generative Grammar Underlying Mishnah Yoma's Sacrificial Narrative CLA Religious Studies
Summer Stipend Benken, Babette Supporting Access and Student Success in Mathematics: Impact of a Re-envisioned Approach to Remediation CNSM Mathematics and Statistics
Summer Stipend Bolkan, San Stories in the classroom: The use of narrative and their influence on student learning experiences CLA Communication Studies
Summer Stipend Butler, Allison Positive Business Trajectory: Cultivating the Foundation COB Legal Studies in Business
Summer Stipend Cooper, Stephen THE CROSSING: STORIES CLA English
Summer Stipend Ede, Alison Proxy Efficacy in Exercise: Which Messages Matter? CHHS Kinesiology
Summer Stipend Grossman-Thompson, Barbara Women, Work, Violence: Gendered Lives in Contemporary Nepal CLA International Studies
Summer Stipend Haesly, Richard Revisiting Territorial Identities in Scotland and Wales CLA Political Science
Summer Stipend Hagedorn, Benjamin Refining the water budget in semi-arid watersheds through estimation of meteoric freshwater components in submarine groundwater discharge CNSM Geological Sciences
Summer Stipend Khoo, I-Hung Custom circuit for detecting gait parameters and asymmetry in stroke subjects COE Electrical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
Summer Stipend Kingsley-Wilson, Barbara Back to the Newsroom: Keeping Teaching and Advising Relevant in a Rapidly Changing Media Landscape CLA Journalism & Public Relations
Summer Stipend Mohr, William The Cartography of Daily Life: The Letters of Stuart Perkoff and Bruce Boyd CLA English
Summer Stipend Mosher, Chelsea Shallow Seas COTA Photography
Summer Stipend Pandya, Mihir Acid Wash: Toxic Waste Disposal and the Politics of Liability CLA Anthropology
Summer Stipend Rodr铆guez, Jos茅 I. Enhancing Inclusive Pedagogy by Using Sli.do Polling and the #MyTopCollege Campaign CLA Communication Studies
Summer Stipend Roos, Karen Job tasks according job setting among Athletic Trainers who participated in the Work-Related Risks of Certified Athletic Trainers (WRROCAT) study CHHS Kinesiology
Summer Stipend Sakai, Sachiko Archaeological Excavation in Mt. Trumbull Area, Arizona, Phase II CLA Anthropology
Summer Stipend Sanderson, Kelli Student Participation in IEP Meetings & Using a Teacher Advocacy Training to  Improve Student and Family Outcomes CED Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling
Summer Stipend Sheridan, David The Two Bs:  Beethoven and Britain, 1939-1945 CLA History
Summer Stipend Smith, Sean Gaming the Past: Video Games and Historical Literacy in the College Classroom CLA History
Summer Stipend Song, Youngjin Changing Lanes or Exiting? Experiences of College STEM Switchers CNSM Science Education
Summer Stipend Suarez, Daniela Re/Defining the Other and Re/Inventing the Self: The United States Seen by Mexican Intellectual Carlos Monsiv谩is CLA Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures
Summer Stipend Tavassol, Hadi Materials Science and Fundamentals of Electrochemical Reactions in Water CNSM Chemistry and Biochemistry
Summer Stipend Wax, Amy Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Differential Impacts of Hostile and Benevolent Sexism on Women鈥檚 Work Outcomes CLA Psychology
Summer Stipend Zitzer-Comfort, Carol Into No Man鈥檚 Land and Taking Fire to Turn the Tide: How Wonder Woman Rides the Waves of Feminism through Intersectional Lenses CLA English

Faculty Receiving ORSP Multidisciplinary Internal Research Grants
July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Faculty Receiving ORSP MultiDisciplinary Internal Research Grants July 1, 2019n to June 30, 2020


Proposal Title

Perla Ayala, Biomedical Sciences, COE
Roger Lo, Chemical Engineering, COE
Micro-engineered 3D Vascularized Culture System (Organs-on-chips)
Virginia Gray, Family & Consumer Sciences, CHHS
Jyotsna Pattnaik, Teacher Education, CED
Nancy Dayne, Family & Consumer Sciences, CHHS
Youngok Jung, Family & Consumer Sciences, CHHS
Smart Snacking: Evaluation of a Snacking Intervention for Student-Parents to Reduce Childhood Obesity Risk
Nancy Hall, Linguistics, CLA
Lei Sun, Speech Language Pathology, CHHS
Development of liquid sounds in Spanish-English bilingual children: A basis for determining a speech difference or a speech disorder
Lily House Peters, Geography, CLA
Lauren Heidbrink, Human Development, CLA
Theresa Gregor, American Indian Studies, CLA
Environmental Justice and Resilience in Indigenous and Im/migrant Communities in Long Beach
Kimberly Kelly, Human Development, CLA
Betina Hsieh, Teacher Education, CED
Cathrine Maiorca, Teacher Education, CED
Aquarium, STEM and families literacies project
Yada Treesukosol, Psychology, CLA
Houng-Wei Tsai, Biological Sciences, CNSM
Deciphering the role of taste variability in alcohol intake in male and female rats
Suzie Weng, Social Work, CHHS
Kristina Lovato, Social Work, CHHS
Sara Nourazani, Healthcare Admin, CHHS
Addressing Homelessness in Long Beach with Systems Thinking

The 2019 National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Award recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.

色中色 Student Awardees:
Rhea-Comfort Akuah Addo
Life Sciences - Developmental Biology

Jordan Ngo
Life Sciences - Biochemistry

Patricia S. Pittman
Social Sciences - Human Development and Family Science


GRFP logo

Our students successfully competed at the 33rd Annual California State University Student Research Competition on April 26, 2019, held at CSU Fullerton. Of the 13 students competing from our campus, four of them ranked in the top two in their research categories. The system-wide competition showcases the innovative research and creative activities of CSU undergraduate and graduate students in the full range of academic programs offered by the CSU. Student participants make oral presentatons before juries of professional experts from major coporations, foundations, public agencies, college and universites of California. In order to compete at the state level, these students first had to compete at the institutional level to win a spot on the state team. Congratulations to our state competition representatives!


University Student Research Competition Image

Pictured are some of the student participants with staff at CSU Fullerton.
Jody Cormack (Vice Provost, Academic Programs), Subramaniam Seshadri, Keelin Dunn, Alexandra Mazza, 
Victoria Cimo, Phillippe Ly, and Bryan Rodriguez (Director, Graduate Studies Resource Center)

Competition Participants from 色中色




Keelin Dunn Behavioral and Social Sciences
Yohanna Brown (Awarded 1st Place) Behavioral and Social Sciences
Alyssa Clevenstine Biological and Agricultural Sciences
Kristen Way Business, Economics, and Public Administration
Jennifer Montepeque Diaz (Awarded 1st Place) Education
Subramaniam Seshadi Engineering and Computer Science 
Alexandra Mazza & Victoria Cimo Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences 
Avery Amerson (Awarded First Place) Humanities and Letters
Brenda Villafana, Alexandra Gutierrez, & Scott Lee Interdisciplinary 
Phillipe Ly (Awarded 2nd Place) Physical and Mathematical Sciences 


Biochemistry Graduate Advisor

College of Natural Science and Mathematics

What do Insects and Heart Disease have in Common?

The answer is plenty!

Lipoproteins are the vehicles in our blood that transport lipids, such as fat and cholesterol. They are formed in the intestine after a fatty meal, or synthesized by the liver and released into the blood stream. To make lipids soluble in blood, they are mixed with apolipoproteins, which act as detergents, forming lipoproteins.

Most people are familiar with the good cholesterol carrier called high density lipoproteins (HDL), and the 鈥渂ad guys鈥 known as low density lipoproteins (LDL). While cholesterol is essential for the viability of cells, high levels in the blood is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol leads to formation of plaques in our artery walls, restrict blood flow and supply of sufficient oxygen to the heart, eventually resulting in a heart attack.

And this is where we introduce the role of insects in research about heart disease.

Lipid (fat, cholesterol) transport in humans is a very complex process, with an alphabet soup of apolipoprotein factors (A, B, C, etc.) that work together to distribute lipids between various tissues and organs.

Insect lipid transport is, on the other hand, far less complicated.

Further, in insects that are long distance flyers, a small apolipoprotein (apoLp-III) helps in providing adequate energy supplies needed for prolonged flight. Specifically locusts and sphinx moths rely heavily on fat reserves stored in the fat body, which is the equivalent of liver and adipose tissue in humans.

With the help of apoLp-III, plenty of insect fat is mobilized to fuel the flight muscles of these long distance flyers, making them capable of flying hundreds of miles. 


Testing in the lab

Biochemistry graduate student Nauruti Patel (with Dr. Weers) is producing a new batch of apoLp-III using our bacterial expression system

Human and insect apolipoproteins look remarkably similar; they contain the same structural elements. Therefore, we use insect lipoproteins as a model system to better understand lipid transport in higher organisms.

The National Institutes of Health has funded my research program since I joined 色中色 15 years ago. We have developed a bacterial expression system to obtain large quantities of apoLp-III (no insects required!).

My students and I have a lot of fun tinkering with the protein structure by making changes at specific sites by protein engineering to understand its behavior at the molecular level.

Further, the protein recognizes the bacterial membrane and I am very interested in its role as an antimicrobial agent. Our recent adventure involves making designer chimera proteins with one part insect apoLp-III and the other part human apolipoprotein to obtain a better understanding of their function.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my research is the training of our undergraduate and MS graduate students. They are exposed to a wide array of protein biochemistry techniques, develop critical thinking skills, and learn to communicate their research to the scientific community.

Thanks to a small insect protein, we can advance our knowledge of lipoproteins in heart disease and train our future professionals. So next time you see a locust in your yard, remember its contribution to understand heart disease.

Lipoproteins have me fascinated since my time as a PhD student at the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, where I was trained in the biochemical physiology of insects. 
I then obtained a post-doctoral fellowship from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, where I specialized in the biochemistry of lipoproteins. This was a great learning environment, where many experts in the field of lipids and lipoproteins work together to understand their role in health and disease.

Images courtesy of Paul Weers


Jeff Bentley

Management/Human Resource Management
College of Business

The Convergence of Identities in the Workplace

Creative workers stand out from the crowd, but can they be tamed?

Creativity is quickly becoming one of the most important sources of competitive advantage in the world of work. Creative workers, however, are notorious for valuing their independence. Feeling smothered by rules and regulations, they often keep their distance. Yet what use is a creative worker if they don鈥檛 care enough about your company to stick around?

In this research, we explore creative workers鈥 sense of self at work. Does being creative simply reinforce one鈥檚 own creative identity? Or does the chance to create at work bond creative workers more strongly to their organization? We tested this premise over three studies. This research will be presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management.

Sample 1: Using a sample of 130 workers drawn from four industries (an industrial bakery, a competitive sailing team, a department of engineers, a corporate Human Resources department), we found that creative workers identified more with their organization if they believed their work environment was 鈥榩sychologically safe鈥. Psychologically safe environments are those in which risk taking and novel thinking are not mocked or rejected by colleagues.

Sample 2: In this next study, we measured not only creative identity and group identification, but identity integration as well. Among a sample of 384 students in teams over the course of a semester, students with stronger creative identities were more likely to identify with their team than those with weaker creative identities. They did so because they felt a merging of their creative and team identities. Statements like, 鈥淚 can express my creative self through my role as a member of my Project Team鈥 resonated strongly with such students. This only happened in psychologically safe teams.

Sample 3: Finally, using a sample 114 business students in teams over a semester, we found that identity merging only boosted team identification if the student believed that other member did indeed see them as creative in the team.



Research Results Chart

A colleague and I are collecting two more samples this semester from both students and working professionals. This work is part of a larger program of research I am developing that explores the interconnectedness of various work identities (e.g., self as an employee, self as a professional, self as a work friend, etc.). This is one piece of a larger research team exploring what I鈥檓 calling the 鈥渨ork-self-expansion鈥 process. I recently presented a poster at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.



Expanding Identities at Work Chart

Images courtesy of Jeff Bentley


Hamid Rahai

By Dr. Hamid Rahai
Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies

College of Engineering

Promising Research with the Potential to Improve People's Lives

The Center for Energy and Environmental Research and Services (CEERS) is conducting a wide array of promising research projects that have the potential to greatly improve not only people鈥檚 health and wellbeing but also the environment in general.

Two very exciting and challenging projects are researching 1) how to capture transient air from passing vehicles on freeways to generate electricity and 2) how to reduce emissions of natural gas engines to near zero emission.


CNG Engine with Humid Air System

CNG engine with the Humid Air System


Testing remote emission measurements from a moving vehicle

Testing remote emission measurements from a moving vehicle

For the former project, there have been many efforts in the past, but the challenge is to develop an innovative and efficient design that is worth commercialization and investment. We are doing both simulation and experiments with the hope of having an innovative design in the near future.


CT image of patient's head

CT image of a patient's head
(courtesy of Taherian, Rahai, Shin, and Lopez, 2018)

For the latter project, we are developing an adaptive humid air system to reduce Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions of natural gas engines. NOx is the main pollutant of gas engines and has been shown to be the source of major pulmonary diseases, especially in high risk population, young children and older adults. Our laboratory experiments have shown that we could reduce NOx by up to 60% with simply adding humidity to the air intake of the engine, using distilled water. We are working on a system to capture the heat of the engine (wasted heat) to generate the steam, and thus a humid air system for NOx reduction.

We conduct many other diverse projects and innovations. CEER has been a platform for many Engineering faculty and students to collaborate for advanced research and creativity. That research has focused on:

  • improving the efficiency and performance of the existing horizontal axis wind turbines and commercial aircrafts with specific conformal vortex generator tapes
  • developing a new generation of fuel injectors for liquid rocket engines with pulsatile injection which could also be used to improve design of inhalers for drug delivery
  • reducing drag of trucks with both active and passive means
  • continuing development of non-intrusive diagnostic systems for pulmonary diseases with current focus on identifying fundamental parameters for diagnosing sleep apnea and pulmonary hypertension

Images courtesy of Hamid Rahai


Nancy Hall

Undergraduate Advisor

Speaking of Surprises...

How do you pronounce the word 鈥榮urprise鈥? Do you say both of the r鈥檚? Or, like many speakers, do you omit the first r and pronounce it 鈥榮uprise鈥?

Many people associate r-dropping with the Boston, Southern or British dialects, where r鈥檚 drop systematically. But speakers from other dialects also tend to drop r鈥檚 in one special case: when there are multiple r鈥檚 in the same word.

Some words where this typically happens include 鈥榖e(r)serk鈥, 鈥榯emp(er)ature鈥, 鈥榖arbitu(r)ate鈥, and 鈥榯u(r)meric鈥. Linguists call this phenomenon 鈥榙issimilation鈥: avoidance of identical sounds within the same word.

The causes of dissimilation are somewhat mysterious. Linguists debate whether repeated sounds are difficult to say, difficult to mentally serialize, and/or difficult to perceive. And why are repeated r鈥檚, in particular, a problem? Why don鈥檛 people drop repeated t鈥檚?

In the 色中色 Phonetics Lab, we are running a series of experiments testing the idea that dissimilation results from perceptual errors. Undergraduates Bianca Godinez and Megan Walsh, both research trainees in the BUILD research training program, have been instrumental in carrying out this research.

We created pairs of fake English-sounding words, such as 鈥榤arnicular鈥 and 鈥榤arniculum鈥. Our goal was to test whether the r in 鈥榤ar鈥 would be better perceived before the continuation 鈥搉iculum (where there is no second r) versus 鈥搉icular (where there is a second r). To be sure that the syllable 鈥榤ar鈥 was pronounced exactly the same in both words, we spliced it from a third recording. We played these words to listeners in sentences such as 鈥減ass me the marnicular鈥, and asked them to type the unfamiliar word.

We found that listeners who heard 鈥榤arnicular鈥 sometimes wrote it without the first r, for example as 鈥榤onicular鈥. Listeners who heard 鈥榤arniculum鈥 never omitted the first r. This supports the idea that there is something difficult about perceiving repeated r鈥檚. We are currently planning and running other experiments to clarify what the difficulty is, and how it relates to the specific acoustic qualities of r.

We hope that this research will contribute to a broader understanding of how and why sound change occurs, which is one of the fundamental questions of historical linguistics.



Students are using spectrograms (as shown above) to study how the frequency content of sound changes over time

Images courtesy of Nancy Hall


Colleen Dunagan

By Professor Colleen Dunagan
Department of Dance
College of the Arts

Catapulting Brands into the Forefront of Our National Imagination through Dance

Our fascination with motion, music, and design makes itself apparent in photography and film鈥檚 immediate and ongoing engagement with dance. Since the 1890s and the first experimental forays into capturing human movement, dance has played a role in American media culture. Similarly, throughout the 20th Century, advertising has drawn on dance as a source of imagery, authenticity, and style. Irene Castle, well-known exhibition ballroom dancer and fashion icon, graced the pages of Ladies Home Journal, while Broadway ballerina Harriet Hoctor lent her fame to the likes of Lucky Strikes Cigarettes and Wonder Bread.


Consuming Dance book cover

As early as 1948 and the first ventures into television, commercials featured dance: one of the earliest examples is Lucky Strikes鈥 鈥淏arn Dance鈥, which used stop motion animation to feature cigarettes square dancing. While dance has not been consistently prominent within advertising over the decades, it has remained a steady presence and, at times, has been responsible for catapulting brands to the forefront of the national imagination. For example, Dr. Pepper鈥檚 鈥淏e a Pepper鈥 campaign in the 1970s featured David Naughton connecting people across the U.S. through dance and soda, and The Gap鈥檚 dance-based khakis series in the 1990s helped promote the revival of swing dancing as well as go-go, soul, and country line dancing.

Advertising鈥檚 fascination with dance reflects the art form鈥檚 ability to capture and convey human agency, affect, and identity. In my research, I examine how advertising uses dance to promote product and brand. However, I also reveal how ads promote an understanding of personal and social identity as performance and as fundamentally tied to the act of consumption. The power of dance and its presence in advertising form the basis for my recently published book, Consuming Dance: Choreography and Advertising (Oxford University Press, 2018).

My interest in dance in media extends beyond advertising to engage with the role of choreography in movies, music videos, and avant-garde filmic forms. In researching the history of film鈥檚 engagement with the dancing body, I hope to highlight how theatrical and social dance participate in constructing social identities and tap into the breadth of human feeling as a phenomenon of the body-mind.

Images courtesy of Colleen Dunagan


College of Health and Human Services

Radical Changes Needed in Our Response to Domestic Violence

Ask survivors of domestic violence 鈥 would you rather escape to shelter -- or stay at home free from violence?

Would you rather call the police -- or call upon friends and family to support care and safety? Many would choose the latter but are faced with options that point to shelter, law enforcement and separation as the safest and most viable options. In recent years, the anti-violence movement has begun to question the narrow remedies that it offers 鈥 and has asked itself what more community-based, collective and holistic responses might look like? Given the current attack on immigrants, this question has taken on greater urgency.

The terms community accountability, transformative justice and restorative justice are now concepts that have reached the public. However, the anti-violence movement has historically rejected these types of solutions 鈥 opting for more crisis-oriented, individualized direct service and criminal legal remedies.

My research has built upon my many years as an anti-violence advocate to join in what has been called a social movement 鈥減ivot鈥 鈥 a radical turn from direct service/pro-criminalization approaches to gender-based or interpersonal violence 鈥 towards new community-based approaches.

In some ways this is a turn back to community legacies of resilience 鈥 unearthing the strengths of everyday, culturally grounded responses to violence 鈥 and bringing them into 2019.

My dissertation research looked historically to better understand how the U.S. anti-violence movement moved from its grassroots, social justice origins to growing investments in crime control (see Social Problems, forthcoming). These findings caution against mistakes of the past to guide new strategies for the future.

In an overall research initiative called 鈥淪ocial Network Responses to Domestic Violence,鈥 I spearheaded a California-wide training series on alternative community-based approaches, based upon a pilot project I led from 2004-2010 through an organization, Creative Interventions.

These efforts have developed into another pilot project established in Contra Costa County, California. Launched in 2018, the countywide project, Community Restorative Justice Solutions, is adapting restorative justice circles and family group conferencing practices and applying it to situations of domestic violence. This remains one of the rare programs in the nation that is undertaking this call for change in the field of domestic violence. As an engaged scholar, the opportunity to bring applied research to innovations in the field is an exciting meeting of academia, the community and the public good.

The historical research will be featured in a forthcoming article in Social Problems entitled 鈥淭he carceral creep: Gender-based violence, race and the expansion of the punitive state, 1973-1983.鈥


Community Restorative Justice Solutions team

Community Restorative Justice Solutions Team in Contra Costa County, California

Images courtesy of Mimi Kim

College of Health and Human Services

Teaching Students to Think Globally about Healthcare


Henry O'Lawrence

considers himself an agent of change. He is dedicated to eradicating poverty globally by promoting the ideas of increasing community awareness, preventing unnecessary war, especially in third world countries, and educating people about accessing quality healthcare. Dr. O鈥橪awrence鈥檚 research focuses on the issues we face here in the United States and around the world regarding the health system, policy, health insurance, and the economics of financing healthcare as a whole.

A major underlying theme is that factors such as war, poverty, and access to quality healthcare are dependent on prevention strategies against these problems - a self-understanding of issues surrounding these factors and the knowledge we have on preventing poverty and living a healthy life.


The Effect of Poverty and War book cover

He says students today studying health care need to discuss issues surrounding global health policy, as well as understand the major steps taken in the fight against global poverty. Thus, he has published a new book to help students do just that. 

Entitled, The Effect of Poverty and War on Global Health: Systems, Policies, and Economics, his book stresses issues and trends and possible implications for the future of global health care. The material in the book is central to improving students鈥 skills and students鈥 ability to engage in discussion about global health issues including health care systems, policies, and economics.

The key feature of the book is the richness and different subject topics that have become major global health issues, which challenges students to think critically and outside the box with reflective and timely application of the information presented.

Therefore, healthcare students especially must be able to study, research, and understand standard practices of global health issues, policy, systems, and economics. He says this book will help students clarify their perceptions, increase their awareness on issues around global health, and perfect their skills in global health care subjects.

Images courtesy of Henry O'Lawrence

College of Health and Human Services

Effective Methods for Reducing the Risk of Falls in Vulnerable Populations

Falls are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults, with a third of those 65 and over and half of those 85 falling each year.


Vennila Krishnan

 is investigating the mechanisms responsible for falling, and is evaluating the effectiveness of specific interventions in reducing the risks of falling in older adults and in neurologically impaired population. Dr. Krishnan is personally passionate about working with community-dwelling older adults to reduce their fall risks, with a goal to improve their quality of life. 

Currently, she is part of an interdisciplinary team that include Dr. Young-Hee Cho (Psychology), Dr. Olfat Mohamed (Physical Therapy), and Dr. Barbara White (Gerontology, Director of Osher LifeLong Learning Institute 鈥 OLLI). With funding from SCAN Health, the team has been conducting a multi-component intervention program in 色中色鈥檚 LifeFit Center and at Leisure World in Seal Beach for the past 5 years.

Presently, the team has been investigating the effectiveness of a dual-task (i.e., cognitive and physical) intervention in older adults at the American Gold Star Manor in Long Beach. The goal is to reduce fall risks by not only improving balance and physical strength, but also the cognitive ability. This effort was funded by CHHS as a grant, 鈥淪ystematic Innovations in Serving the Need of Older Adults.鈥

As part of this effort, students have been actively involved in the research. Certified balance instructor and Kinesiology student Julia Callow has been conducting dual-task balance classes for a total of twenty-six older adults at the manor. Fifteen students from Physical Therapy, Kinesiology, Psychology, and Bioengineering are actively involved in assisting the class, as well as with the data collection and analysis.


Older adults reduce risk of falling

Training helps older adults reduce the risk of falling


Students help adults during training

Students help older adults during training

Psychology graduate student Zachary Tuttle describes the research as a rewarding learning experience. He has assisted with collecting gait data and cognitive data before and after each intervention. He says he enjoyed the complexity of working with a community of older adults, and he understands the importance of collaboration between the university and the community that result in helping older adults. Zachary says that the best part of the experience is being able to witness the remarkable progress that the older adults have been making in such a short time, and, even more so, the confidence that they have developed in performing the tasks that they initially thought would be difficult to perform.  


Fall Prevention @ the Beach Team

Fall Prevention @ the Beach Team

Professor Krishnan has been investigating the biomechanical factors responsible for falling in older adults and in neurologically impaired population since in 2009 as a post-doctoral researcher at UIC, Chicago. She joined 色中色 in 2013.

Images courtesy of Vennila Krishnan


Center for Energy & Environmental Research and Services