Cayuse: Internal Clearance and Electronic Proposal Submission
Important Notice: As of September 1, 2018, the Internal Clearance Process was modified with the upgrade to Cayuse SP. Step-by-step instructions on using Cayuse SP are provided below.
Recommended Browser: Cayuse works best and most reliably with Mozilla Firefox. Use of other browsers is not recommended. For Mac users download Mozilla Firefox and open a fresh browser window to begin.
Cayuse is a web-based software used for Internal Clearance and Submission of grant applications. Cayuse SP is used to streamline and execute the Internal Clearance Process. Cayuse 424 is used to prepare, validate and submit federal grant proposals. PIs must be a registered to access Cayuse. Please contact your Pre-Award Specialist to register.
Cayuse Provides:
- Internal Routing for Clearance
- Simultaneous proposal review
- Centralized proposal development
- Grant Submission
- Tracking
- Validating
- Archiving
Cayuse Access and Problem Solving
To request access or resolve problems, please contact our Pre-Award Personnel.
Cayuse Training - Who Should Receive Training?
Cayuse training is available for 色中色 faculty, administrators and staff involved in research administration, especially the pre-award application process. Please contact your college's assigned Pre-Award Specialist for training.
Cayuse SP Instructions for Principal Investigators:
For your reference the Cayuse SP- Internal Clearance and Submission Process Instructional Guide:
Cayuse SP Instructions for Approvers:
For your reference the Cayuse SP- Proposal Review and Approval Process Instructional Guide:
Frequently Asked Questions About Cayuse
Cayuse SP is the proposal and award administration module that will be used to compile internal information for proposals, electronically route for approval (no more NOI and Addendum), monitor proposal status, and release/manage the resulting awards. You will use SP for viewing your granting history, and initiating proposals in coordination with your PreAward and Compliance representative. All internal clearance set-up functions are in Cayuse SP.
Cayuse 424 is the module through which most federal grant proposals can be created, reviewed for adherence to sponsor requirements, and then electronically submitted by ORED. The 424 module is connected directly with, so applications travel quickly and smoothly to your specific Federal agency.